

【作者】 冯立香

【导师】 王云峰;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 基础教育改革的基本目标就是培养具有创新精神和创造能力的学生,而传统课堂教学中的师生互动方式大大压抑了学生主体性的成长,因此创设师生积极互动的课堂教学环境成为课堂教学改革的重中之重。课堂师生互动的方式取决于教师的角色定位,而教师的教育观念决定了教师的行为角色,因此转变教师的观念是关键所在。由于观念是诞生在旧有实践的土壤中的,必须在新的实践中得以转变,本研究采用合作行动研究的方法,与合作教师共同诊断与分析班级的环境状况,共同制定行动计划展开行动研究。通过行动中不断的反思与调整逐渐改变班内的课堂学习环境,解放了学生的创造力。同时合作教师也在实践的调整与改进的过程中,重新思考以往的教学实践,实现了教育观念的初步改变和教学行为角色的不断调整。本论文是一篇关于教师角色转变与语文课堂教学环境建构的合作行动研究报告。 全文包括七部分: 前言:基础教育课程改革需要教师角色的转变;教师角色的转变必须通过教师的反思与实践;行动研究是通向反思与实践的必由之路。 第一章:课堂教学环境、师生互动和行动研究——相关文献综述。包括:课堂教学环境研究综述、师生互动研究综述、行动研究文献综述。 第二章:我为什么选择行动研究以及如何做行动研究——相关研究背景。包括:研究方法的选择、合作对象的选择、合作学校和班级背景简介、研究者身份的定位、研究过程简介。 第三章:合作行动研究报告。包括:诊断和确定研究问题、研究计划的制定、行动(行动——观察——反思——调整后的行动)、评价与反思(学生对于这一段行动研究的集中反馈,以及教师与研究者对于这一段行动研究的反思)。 第四章:对教师角色转变与语文课堂教学环境建构的探讨。 第五章:期望与困惑。研究者视角的反思,主要探讨两个问题:一、教师角色转变对于教师的意义。二、教师成为研究者的现实可能性。 附录:访谈实录选编、课堂实录选编、田野日记选编、学生周记集锦、合作学习学生反馈

【Abstract】 The basic target of the basic education reform is to educate the student to have the frontier spirit and creates ability, but the teacher-student interaction method in traditional classroom suppressed the individuality growth in student consumedly, therefore establishing a positive classroom environment which have active teacher-student interactive become very important. The interactive way between teacher and students in classroom are decided by the teacher’s role positions, but the teacher’s education idea comes to a decision the teacher’s behavior role, therefore changing the teacher’s idea is a key place. Because the idea is come into being from the old teaching practice, so it must be changed in new teaching practice, this research adoption the cooperation action research method. We cooperate the common diagnosis in teacher and analyze the environment condition of the class, common establishment activity plan launch the action research. Pass the activity the teacher changed a lot and study environment in the class have being changed gradually. The ameliorative classroom relieved the student’s creative power biggest, the teacher at the same time too. The adjustment in practice and the process of the improvement, considers afresh the former teaching practice, realizing the notional first step in education changes to adjust with teaching behavior role continuously. This thesis is a cooperation action research concerning teacher role change and language classroom environment construction.The full text includes seven parts:Foreword: The foundation education course reforms to need the change of teacher’s role; The change of teacher’s role must pass the teacher’s anti think with practice; Activity the research is to leads to anti think with practice necessarily from it road.Chapter 1: overview. Include: the classroom environment studies overview; teachers - students interaction research overview; action research overview.Chapter 2: Related research background. Include: the choice of the research method; the choice of the cooperator; brief introduction of the school and the class in which my cooperator works; brief introduction of the study process.Chapter 3: Cooperation action research papers.Chapter 4: some experiment and lesson.Chapter 5: Expectation and perplexity.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】798

