

The Significance of Research on the Phenomenological Pedagogy

【作者】 钟亚妮

【导师】 宁虹;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自德国哲学家胡塞尔(Edmund Husserl,1859-1938)创立现象学以来,现象学“回到实事本身”的研究态度以及对现象学方法的共同理解将众多成员联合在一起,形成了欧洲大陆二十世纪最重要的哲学思想运动之一——现象学运动。诸多专业实践者将现象学运用于各自领域中并产生了应用现象学,对包括教育学在内的许多学科的问题提出和方法操作产生了广泛影响。在现象学的教育研究视域中,“现象学教育学”(Phenomenological Pedagogy)自20世纪初至今在欧洲大陆和北美等国家一直得到不断发展。与国外教育界丰富的现象学实践相比,国内对此进行的系统研究并不多见。本研究把现象学应用于教育领域的实践与理论统称为“现象学教育学”,以哲学现象学的基本理念和研究方法为基础,主要运用文献分析法、扎根理论、个案研究等方法对其进行分析,主要研究目的在于:1) 介绍现象学教育学的历史演进和当前发展状况;2) 分析现象学教育学的重要理念并对之进行评价;3) 提出现象学教育学研究对基础教育和教师教育的启示意义。全文主体部分共分为四章: 第一章概要介绍现象学及现象学运动的发展状况,对先验现象学、存在主义现象学、解释现象学等阶段进行划分,并重点介绍了应用现象学在不同专业领域的发展,认为现象学教育学就是把现象学理念和方法应用于教育的实践;随后对现象学的重要概念、现象学研究及其架构与方法进行解释和分析。 第二章和第三章对现象学教育学思想进行介绍和评析。论文第二章总结和归纳了现象学教育学在德国、荷兰、美国、加拿大和韩国等国家的发展和现状,概要介绍了兰格威尔德、派纳和格鲁梅特、范梅南的教育思想。第三章对现象学教育学进行分析与评价,主要从以下三个方面展开论述:1) 现象学教育学的理论基础:欧洲大陆胡塞尔、狄尔泰、海德格尔、梅洛-庞蒂、伽达默尔等深厚的哲学思想以及北美的人种志、民族方法学、符号论、后结构主义等社会科学的思想都影响了其发展;2) 现象学教育学的重要特征与基本教育理念:具有规范、伦理性的现象学教育学关注教育生活世界中的体验并通过写作生动的现象学文本对其进行反思,并在教育和教育学、实践与反思、课程与教学、知识观与教育目的等方面提出了重要观点;3) 现象学应用于教育学的局限:现象学注重对具体、独特的个体体验进行研究,因而不能形成高度概括、完整和系统的理论。现象学为我们提供的是进入教育的生活世界,进入儿童、教师等具有教育关系的人的生活体验并对之进行反思的一种途径和方法。 论文第四章从四个方面探讨了现象学教育学研究的启示意义:1) 现象学“回到实事本身”的研究态度让我们直接面对教育最源初的真实生活、关注教育生活世界中学生和教师丰富的生活体验;2) 现象学交互主体性的思想有助于我们克服仅仅以主-客关系解释教育现象时所遇到的种种困境,学生和教师之间形成的个体之间的具有意向性的教育关系是有效教育的中心;3) 现象学教育学探讨的教学机智能让教师在复杂、微妙的情境中做出的行动保持迅速、确定、自信和合适,这种非认知、非推论性的、充满自信的实践知识为我们探讨教师教育的知识基础提供了新的思路;4) 现象学描述为反思呈现详细、具体的经验,现象学写作本身即是一种反思形式;因此,现象学研究及其方法为我们提供了一种批判反思的方式和手段,有助于教师关注课堂内外的教学实践进而促进教师专业发展和教育变革。

【Abstract】 Since phenomenology had been founded by Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), a distinguished philosopher in Germany, some generations, with the research attitude of "go back to things themselves" and the common understanding of phenomenological methodology, have formed the Phenomenology Movements which have greatly influenced several disciplines. Phenomenological Pedagogy, the practice and theory applying the phenomenological methodology into the field of education, which belongs to one of the practical phenomenology orientations, has developed in some countries of the European Continent and North America since 1910.Compared to the rich practice and theory of the Phenomenological Pedagogy aboard, there is no systematical study on it in China up to now. Based on the phenomenological methodology and notion, this thesis analyzes the texts of the Phenomenological Pedagogy using the methods of documentary analysis, grounded theory, case study etc. And the aims to be achieved in the study are as follows: 1) to inquire into the evolution and development of the Phenomenological Pedagogy abroad; 2) to clarify and analyze the main points of view of the Phenomenological Pedagogy; 3) to investigate its significance for basic education and teacher education. The body of the thesis is divided into the following four chapters:The main issues to be analyzed in Chapter One are concerned with: 1) the orientations and traditions of phenomenology and the phenomenology movement, and the development of practice phenomenology; 2) identification of some important concepts of phenomenology; 3) phenomenology research and its framework and methodology.The next two chapters focus on the basic notions of the Phenomenological Pedagogy and the analyses and assessment on its practice and theory. After systematically introducing the development of the Phenomenological Pedagogy in Germany, the Netherlands, the United States, Canada and Korea and the ideas of some vital representatives (Langeveld, Pinar & Grumet, Max Van Manen), its theoretical foundations, crucial viewpoints and the limitations of applying phenomenology into education are also discussed.Finally, this thesis concludes the research in Chapter Four by offering the significance of investigation into the Phenomenological Pedagogy: 1) The research attitude of "go back to things themselves" leads us to pay close attention to the student’s and the teacher’s lived experiences in the pedagogical lifeworld; 2) Based on the idea of inter-subjectivity, the interpersonal, intentional pedagogical relation formed between the student and the teacher is at the heart of effective teaching; 3) The tact of teaching, a kind of noncognitive, nondiscursive, confident practice knowledge, provides us with a new perspective on the knowledge base of teacher education; 4) Phenomenology research and its methodology (phenomenological description and writing) offer us a way and approach to critical reflection, which is helpful for teachers to focus their attention on pedagogical practice, professional development and educational change.

  • 【分类号】B089
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】1723

