

【作者】 周菊芳

【导师】 叶险明;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 实施西部大开发战略,是中国政府面对国际、国内新形势所做出的重大决策,其目的是为了实现社会主义现代化,实现人的全面发展和社会的全面进步,因此,对西部大开发的研究不可避免的涉及到人的问题。人作为实践主体,它是理性与非理性的统一。一方面,人是理性存在物,人类社会的发展主要归功于理性的发展;另一方面,人又是非理性存在物,本能欲求、天然情感等非理性因素构成人类个体生产和再生产的基础。本课题以社会存在为前提、以社会实践为基础,通过分析西部大开发中非理性需要的作用,以期为西部地区社会现代化提供新的思路。 本文分三部分对西部大开发中非理性需要的作用进行了具体论述。 第一部分,从三个方面分析了研究西部大开发中非理性问题的背景。第一,国内学术界关于西部大开发中非理性的研究状况;第二,研究西部大开发中非理性问题的必要性;第三正确研究西部大开发中非理性问题的前提条件。 第二部分,从三个方面分析了影响西部大开发的非理性因素。第一,非理性概念辨析;第二,影响西部大开发的非理性因素及其结构;第三,西部大开发中理性非理性的辩证关系。 第三部分,从四个方面分析了西部大开发中非理性需要的作用及其调整。第一,非理性需要是西部大开发的内在动因之一;第二,非理性需要对西部大开发的促进作用;第三,正确认识西部大开发中非理性需要等非理性因素的负面效应;第四,对西部大开发中非理性需要的引导

【Abstract】 The fulfillment of development strategy in western area is a great policy decision which been made by government that facing nation or state of affairs .The aim is realization of the social modernization and of human and social development comprehensively, so the study of development strategy in western area include the human .The man were seen been the subject of practice which include rational knowledge and irrational knowledge. In the one aspect human is the rational of object .The development of social are ascribe all the credit .In the other aspect human is the irrational of object .The rational acts of appetite. Sentiment etc been made into the foundation of the individualism produce .The thesis premise the object of social and base on the practice of social which in order to produce the new idea of social modernization in western area through the analysis the irrational necessaries in western area.The thesis is divided into three parts:In the first part. Analyzed the historical background of the study the irrational problem of development strategy in western area. Firstly, the study condition of the irrational of national educational circle in western area .Secondly, the inevitable need of study the irrational problem of development strategy in western area. Thirdly. Efficiency studies the irrational problem of the premise factor in western area development strategy.In the second part. Summarized the irrational factors, which affects the development strategy in western area. Firstly. Distinguished the irrational conception. Secondly. The irrational factors and the composition, which affect the development strategy of the western area. Thirdly. The dialectical relationship about the rational and the irrational of the development strategy in western area.In the third part. The significance and compromising of the irrational needs of the development strategy in western area. Firstly. The irrational need is the one internal motivity in the development strategy of western area. Secondly. The irrational needs motivate the development strategy of western area. Thirdly. Correctly realizedthe negative effect the irrational factor of the development strategy in western area. Finally. Leading the irrational needs of the development strategy in western area.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】53

