

【作者】 郭艳芬

【导师】 赵亚夫;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代意义上的公民教育是社会近代化的产物。社会科课程是公民教育发展到一定阶段的结果。许多国家都把小学社会科视为基础教育阶段最重要的公民教育课程。目前我国在小学也开设了社会课程,不过对于社会课程与公民教育的研究还处于初级阶段,存在大量的理论和实践问题。 有鉴于此,本文意在全面论述国外小学社会科课程的公民教育理念,明确小学社会科的课程目标就是培养现代社会的合格公民;并在此基础上,对我国小学社会课程的建设提出一些自己的看法。 第一章“公民与公民教育”,从现代公民教育产生和发展的历史背景,说明社会科课程是公民教育发展到一定阶段的结果。之后选取美国、日本和中国三国社会科课程的开设与发展情况,具体说明各国的社会科课程随着社会的发展多有变化,但适应社会变革、培养合格的公民素质始终是社会科教育的核心任务。 第二章“国外小学社会科课程的定位”,主要运用美国、日本、加拿大和英国的社会科课程标准,集中阐释小学社会科课程的核心理念就是培养社会的合格公民。培养学生具有全球意识,热爱国家和民族的历史与文化,成为有文化、负责任、有行动能力的公民,是各国小学社会科课程的共同追求。 第三章“小学社会科课程的设计与公民教育的有效性”,从小学社会科的课程目标、教科书内容和学习指导方式这三个方面,全方位地论述社会科课程如何有效地进行公民教育,培养合格的公民素质。研究国外小学社会科课程的这些成熟经验,可以为我国小学社会课程的建设提供有益的思路。 第四章“我国小学社会课程的定位”,在阐明国外小学社会科是公民教育课程的基础上,说明我国小学社会课程也应该围绕公民教育的目标,为培养我国合格的公民服务。历史上我国小学社会课程已经积累了一些公民教育的有益经验,不过现在要切实有效地推进公民教育也面临着许多困惑。如何围绕公民教育目标健全我国小学的社会课程体系,值得认真研究。

【Abstract】 Modern citizenship education is the result of social modernization. Social Studies results form the development of citizenship education. Social Studies in the elementary education has become a core curriculum, which is parallel to Language, Mathematics, Foreign language and Science in many countries. Now China also established Social Studies, but there are many problems as to Social Studies and citizenship education in theory and in practice.In view of the above-mentioned situations, this thesis intends to dissertate that the aim of Social Studies in the elementary education abroad is to develop citizenship, and puts forward some ideas on Social Studies in the elementary education in China.Chapter one is citizen and citizenship education. By examining the origin and evolution of modern citizenship education, it shows that Social Studies results form the development of citizenship education. Then taking Social Studies in America, Japan and China for example, it specifies that Social Studies in many countries changed a lot with the progress of society, but its core task remains to accommodate with social transformation and develop excellent citizenship.Chapter two is the aim of Social Studies in the elementary education overseas. Centralizing on Social Studies Curriculum Standard of America, Japan, Canada and England, it clarifies that the core purpose of Social Studies in the elementary education is to develop citizenship. To develop citizen who has global idea, love national history and culture, own knowledge and responsibility and action ability, is the common pursuit for Social Studies in the elementary education in each country.Chapter three is the curriculum design of Social Studies in the elementary education and the validity of citizenship education. From curriculum aim, textbook content and study method of Social Studies in the elementary education, it thoroughly demonstrates that Social Studies can promote citizenship education effectually. Studying these mature experiences can bring some beneficial clues to Social Studies in the elementary education in China.Chapter four is the orientation of Social Studies in the elementary education in China. After illustrating Social Studies in the elementary education abroad is the most important citizenship education curriculum, it suggested that Social Studies in the elementary education in China also should center on citizenship education and serves citizen development. Our Social Studies in the elementary education has accumulating some available experiences in history, but nowadays its development faces many perplexities. How to perfect Social Studies in the elementary education in China is worth researching carefully.

  • 【分类号】G629.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】795

