

【作者】 张丽平

【导师】 贾绍凤; 申玉铭;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 世界城市化快速发展,城市成为人类最主要的生存空间,但是城市中存在大量的“城市问题”,其中水资源短缺已经成为影响城市乃至整个人类可持续发展的障碍。今后如何协调城市化加速发展与水资源短缺的矛盾,是实现人类可持续发展的关键所在。北京市作为我国首都,在城市化发展过程中也面临同样的问题,水资源短缺已经成为北京城市发展的重要瓶颈。因此,探讨城市化与城市用水的内在发展规律及其互动关系,并据此来设计未来北京城市化与城市用水的发展思路与政策举措,对实现北京市城市化与城市用水协调发展具有重要的现实意义。 本文结合北京市城市化(非农业人口占城市总人口比重)发展阶段和发展模式,围绕城市化发展的两个主要方面,即人口非农化过程和经济结构转型,开展讨论城市化对城市用水的影响。城市化对城市用水影响包括对城市用水总量的影响、城市用水部门结构的影响和城市用水空间结构的影响。人口非农化过程对城市用水的影响更侧重对城市用水总量和城市用水空间布局的影响;经济结构转型对城市用水的影响是多方面的,除了对用水总量影响以外,更多的是体现在产业结构升级导致城市用水部门的变化和空间布局的改变。 根据逻辑斯谛曲线,北京的城市化水平从建国以来一直处于加速发展阶段,到1996年才进入城市化后期阶段,发展开始缓慢。长期以来北京市的城市化水平超过工业化水平。近几年北京市不断调整经济结构,提高经济发展水平。在过去的20年中北京达到了经济以两位数字快速增长和用水零增长的双赢结果,这一结果产生的原因与北京市经济结构调整有着直接的联系。从空间来看,北京城近郊区和10个远郊区县的经济结构调整不同,因此对城市用水的影响差别也很大。一般处于工业化中后期的区县,其工业用水呈现下降趋势;而工业化水平较低的区县工业用水近几年仍有一定的增长,但增长幅度不大。这说明经济结构升级对城市节水起到很重要的作用。 伴随北京市城市化水平的提高,非农业人口比重不断增加,生态用水比重上升,北京市城市生活用水无论是城近郊区还是10个远郊区县在近十年以及未来的几年内都有快速增长的趋势,但受城市化发展速度影响,不同区县增长幅度并不一致,使得北京市城市生活用水在空间上呈现出一定的分布特征。 结合上述分析,本文预测了2010年北京市各项需水量,并针对北京城市化过程中出现的用水问题,提出相应的对策,为实现北京市水资源可持续发展奠定基础。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of urbanization, city becomes the most important space for people to live. But there are many city questions including shortage of water, which has been an obstacle for the city and the whole human being to realize the sustainable development. For the future, how to harmonize the conflict between the rapid development of urbanization and the shortage of water is the crux to realize the sustainable development. Beijing as the capital of China also has the same question during its development, now the shortage of water is the choke point for Beijing to develop. So it is very important to discuss the inherent development law of water use and the relationship between urbanization and the use of water, which can be the foundation to plan the developmental path and policy for Beijing. All of these can advance the sustainable development for Beijing.Combining the development phase and mode of Beijing urbanization (the proportion of non-agricultural population), the whole thesis encircles two main aspects including the process of population non-agriculturalization and economic structure to discuss the effect caused by urbanization on water use. The effect refers to not only total water use, but also the sector structure and spatial structure of water use. The process of non-agricultural population growth has strong effect on total water use and spatial structure of water use, while the adjustment of economic structure also can influence the sector structure of water use.According to the logistic curve, Beijing urbanization stepped into anaphase after 1996, before which it had been in the accelerating phase since 1949. During these years the urbanization level of Beijing exceeds industrialization level all the time. Recently Beijing adjusts the economic structure to promote economic development, and the last twenties years Beijing has received two good results, one of which is the economic rapid development, the other is the steadiness of water use. The results have direct relation with the adjustment of economic structure. From the space viewpoint, different district has different adjustment of economic structure, so its effect on water use is unlikeness. Commonly the industrial water use of district in mid-industrialization or post- industrialization is in decline, and in steady-going if the district is in pre- industrialization. All these have proved that the upgraded economic structure is very important for saving water.With the urbanization advancing, the non-agricultural population increasing, andthe effect of beautifying environment, the living water use for Beijing will be going up not only in town but also in suburbs, and different district has different urbanization, so the living water use in spatial distribution will be of new character.At last, the thesis forecasts the different water use for Beijing in 2010, and proposes countermeasures which can solve the questions existed in Beijing urbanization, to build the foundation of advancing the sustainable development for Beijing.

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】822

