

A Study on Eco-Agriculture Industrialization in Three Gorges Reservior Area-A Case Study of Three Gorges Reservior Area in Hubei Province

【作者】 邹凤琼

【导师】 申玉铭;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国农业在其发展过程中面临着诸多问题,中国生态农业为中国农业指明了一条持续发展的道路,为农业问题的解决起了重要作用。中国生态农业在发展过程中也出现了诸如农民分散经营与大市场之间的矛盾、农民盲目跟从市场等问题。为了更好地解决这些问题,进行生态农业产业化是有必要的,这也将是中国农业发展的一个新趋势。 三峡库区是一个特殊区域,在中国具有特殊的战略地位,其农业的持续发展不仅关系到三峡库区社会经济的稳定和发展,还关系到三峡水库的成败。本文以湖北省三峡库区(以下简称“库区”)为研究对象进行生态农业产业化研究。首先,本文对库区农业发展现状及存在问题、库区农业发展限制性因子进行了深入分析,分析结果表明库区进行生态农业产业化具有重要的现实意义。其次,本文从库区自然资源(主要包括气候资源、土地资源以及生物资源)条件、库区农产品市场、农业产业化基础、国家政策几个方面对库区生态农业发展条件进行分析,分析结果表明:库区气候资源、生物资源具有明显的优势,而土地资源则限制了生态农业产业化发展,因此在实施生态农业产业化时,要扬长避短,发挥气候、生物资源优势;农业产业化基础为生态农业产业化的实施创造了良好的条件。再次,理论联系实际,对库区生态农业产业化进行初步构架。根据库区复杂的地形地貌,将库区生态农业从低山、中山、高山进行布局;依据资源优势、农产品市场分析以及AHP层次法进行的权重确定,确定库区农业主导产业:柑桔产业、优质茶叶产业、蔬菜产业、猪牛羊(禽)草畜产业、中药材产业以及水产养殖产业;因地制宜地进行生态农业模式选择以及生态农业产业化组织形式选择。最后,本文就库区进行生态农业产业化的实施提出若干建议措施。

【Abstract】 There are many problems in the development process of Chinese agriculture. Chinese eco-agriculture leads a bright way to sustainable development of agriculture, and also takes a very important role in agriculture. In the process of Chinese eco-agriculture development such problems as the contradiction between peasants’ respective economic actions and the whole market, peasants following the vibration of market without accurate information, etc. are in the way to more development. In order to resolve these problems it is very necessary to make Chinese eco-agriculture industrialized.The Three Gorges area takes a special role in China. The sustainable development of the Three Gorges area agriculture is not only related to the stabilization and the development of the Three Gorges area, but also to the success of the Three Gorges reservoir. The paper focuses on the industrialization of eco-agriculture in the Three Gorges area of Hubei province. Firstly, the paper analyzes the status in quo of agricultural economy, the problems and the restrictive factors of agriculture in the Three Gorges area of Hubei province. The results show that it is very important to put industrialization of the Three Gorges area eco-agriculture to practice. Secondly, by analyzing the natural resources, the market potential of farm products, foundation of agriculture industrialization and the national polices, we find there are advantages for climate and biological resources, and disadvantages for soil resource. And the foundation of agriculture industrialization provides a good condition. Thirdly, taking the theory and practice as a whole, the paper makes the design of the industrialization of the Three Gorges area. According to the complex terrain, overall arrangement of eco-agriculture is done in three areas:low-mountains area, mid-mountains area and alp area; according to the advantages of resources, analysis of farm products market, and the result of agriculture industries’ weights analyzed by the AHP method, the agro-industries are chosen: orange industry, high quality tea industry, greenstuff’s industry, stockbreeding industry, Chinese medicinal materials industry and aquiculture industry; according to respective conditions, the patterns of eco-agriculture and agro-industrialization are chosen. And at last, the paper provides several advices about how to put the eco-agriculture industrialization in practice.

  • 【分类号】F323.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】477

