

Study on the High-Resolution Sequence of Luminescence Dating in the Loess of West Mountain of Peking Area

【作者】 张玉华

【导师】 魏明建; 李虎侯;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 对于各种环境演化过程和环境演化事件,只有将其置于时间标尺之上才有确切的意义,也才能从中找出规律性的东西。通过精确定年的高分辨率环境演化序列,对于揭示黄土地区千年尺度的环境演化规律具有关键意义,也是预测未来环境演化趋势的重要基础。目前仅有的一些年龄序列,存在测年数据少,且年龄数据集中在沉积物发生物性转变的层段等一系列问题,不适合用来建立高分辨率的环境演化序列。 北京西山是世界著名的野外地质、地貌博物馆,是世界著名的清白口系和马兰黄土的命名地,也是中国末次冰期旋回风成黄土与古气候研究的经典地区。本论文以东斋堂砖厂剖面为主剖面,研究建立马兰黄土的年龄序列。针对如何才能减少测年误差、提高测年精度问题,做了大量基础工作并进行了方法上的探索。实验建立的黄土释光年龄序列初步结果表明:L1和S1的分界年龄约为74ka,S0和L1的界限大概在10ka,与实际地层年龄吻合,其年龄值也可与深海氧同位素曲线年龄相比。 此外,对光断代实验室的辐照系统进行了系统标定,计算出了实验室辐照源的辐照剂量率;对于大剂量短期辐照与小剂量长期累积辐照对于地质样品的影响问题,辅助做了部分探索性工作。

【Abstract】 Only on the time scale will various processes and affairs of environmental evolvement have their own exact meanings, which can bring us some laws at present. Making sure of the layers’ age, and obtaining the high-resolution sequence (HRS) of the environmental evolvement, are the key to reveal the changes on kilo-scale in the loess areas. And it is also important for us to forecast the trend of these changes. However, there are a series of problems, the few aging datum, the limitation of the data source and so on, existed in the foundation of the HRS.West Mountain of Peking is well known as a geology and physiognomy museum in the world. And it is named for the Malan Loess’ typical region where scientists research the Chinese loess of last glacial gyration and ancient weather. This paper aims to establish the age sequence of Malan Loess in the eastern Zhaitang brickyard section. For the purpose of reducing the dating error, and improving the accuracy of the dating, we do some researchful work in the dating method. Then the age sequence we have established indicates that the dividing age between L1 and S1 approximately occurred in 74ka B.P. And the dividing age between S0 and L1 is about 10ka B.P., which coincides with the actual geologic age. The dating age, compared with the recordation of oxygen isotope curve of deep sea, is significateative.Moreover, we calibrate the Irradiated system of Optical Luminescence Dating Laboratory systemically and calculate the rate of the irradiation dose. Aiming at the influence of the long-term accumulation of low dose rate source and the short-term accumulation of high dose rate source irradiation on the geologic sample, we also do some integrant work during all the researchful process.

【关键词】 北京西山释光黄土测年
【Key words】 West Mountain of PekingLuminescenceLoessDating
  • 【分类号】P597
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】214

