

【作者】 邹冰玉

【导师】 韩光煦;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 干栏建筑形态源于曾广泛流行于古代中国大地的两大住居形制之一的巢居。其历史悠久,至今仍然广泛存在于我国长江流域及其以南地区。虽历经发展与演变,却不曾消失,保持着强大的生命力。在贵州少数民族民居中,不仅大量存在着干栏这种建筑形式,而且由于各民族间生活习俗、传统文化的差异使得其建筑形式呈现出丰富多彩、各具特色的形态风貌,于共性中显示出鲜明的个性特征。 作为一种世代相传的传统建筑形制,贵州干栏尽管与现代生活方式之间存在着矛盾,但其从结合地形、节约用地、适应气候条件、节约能源、运用地方材料以及注重环境生态等各方面体现出与自然的和谐共生。其所拥有的诸多优势特征昭示了它顽强的生命力。从分析干栏建筑的形态特征以及对于现代建筑的启示可以导出它的现代发展前景。 本文首先从历史考证的角度分析干栏建筑的起源与演变,进而围绕建筑产生的环境——村寨聚落的形成来讨论村寨的社会组织关系和建寨的特点;从平面布局分析干栏建筑的普遍性特征,讨论单体建筑的共有元素——火塘及对特殊的“长屋”形制研究,以具有代表性的侗族鼓楼与风雨桥为重点讨论村寨的公共建筑,进而用类比的研究方法对贵州不同民族的居住建筑作横向的比较分析以获得对其特殊性特征的总结;从建造、装饰及屋顶形式的归纳论述中进一步获得对贵州干栏建筑的整体认识。 最后,文化的传承性决定了我们在展望贵州干栏建筑的发展同时不能忽视对其加以保护,也只有在妥善保护的基础上才能更好地借鉴与发展。而这也正是我们研究贵州干栏建筑形制的根本目的。

【Abstract】 "Pile-Dwelling" structure, one of two main inhabitation forms in China once had a great popularity around the country with a long history. Nowadays, there are still lots of this kind structures can be found in the surrounding areas of the south of "Chang Jiang" river, showing their strong vitality after long-term development and evolvement. In Guizhou Province, most of the minority houses take the form of "Pile Dwelling" with various, vivid styles which reflect the difference of custom and traditional culture among different nations.As a traditional fabric with long history, "Pile-Dwelling" conflicts more or less with the modern living styles. But it is more compatible with the nature in fitting the landform, saving space, adjusting to the weather, saving energy, using local material, and environment protection. All these indicate its bright future and the revelatory role in modern architecture.In this article, the origin and evolvement of "Pile Dwelling" was firstly analyzed from the view of historical textual research. Then the social structural relationship and characteristics of village were also discussed by focusing on the circumstance of the formation of village tribe. The general characteristic of "Pile Dwelling" in plane layout, the particular element such as "fire stove" and special "long room", were also discussed here. As the typical example of Chinese public village, the "drum-tower" and "wind and rain bridges" of Dong were studied next. Furthermore, different kinds of houses were compared transversely using analogy method to summarize their specialty. Lastly, according to the sum-up of the construction, decoration and roof styles, the overall understanding to "Pile Dwelling" in Guizhou Province was elucidated.In conclusion, due to its role on culture carrying, there is no reason to ignore the protection of "Pile-Dwelling" during its development. As matter of fact, better protection is the only way for better improvement and development, which is right the prime aim of our "Pile-Dwelling" study.

  • 【分类号】TU-86
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】704

