

The Research on Rural Labor Force Flowing from Jiangsu to Pudong

【作者】 李岳峰

【导师】 董晓林;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业推广, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 劳动力就业是关系到国民经济持续稳定健康发展和社会稳定的重大问题,同时,劳动力过剩和隐形失业又主要集中在农村和农业中,解决这一问题的难点也在农村。而农业劳动力的转移问题,实际上就是农业劳动力资源的合理配置问题,解决好农业富余劳动力就业问题,实现农业富余劳动力的合理转移,不但可以避免农业劳动力的资源浪费,而且能够避免引发其他许多社会问题,农业富余劳动力转移是关系到我国国民经济和社会发展全局的战略问题。 江苏省作为一个人口大省、经济大省,但农村富余劳动力有1000多万。我省农村劳动力的转移正由自发流动向组织化流动转变;就业出现了“一降二平三增”梯度转移模式。浦东作为我国改革开放的前沿阵地,它以优秀的投资环境、生活工作条件和社会环境,吸引大批企业投资,也提供了农村劳动力的就业乐园。在劳动力转移上,上海为提高劳动力素质实施了政府财政支出政策,出台了劳动力市场管理的相关政策规定,推动了本市劳动力的就业,规范了劳动力市场体系。 本文从我省农村劳动力实际情况出发,运用发展经济学的相关理论,对江苏农村劳动力转移的原因、现状、障碍因素、对策进行了分析,分析显著影响江苏农村劳动力转移的因素有:江苏农村劳动力素质较低,转移层次不高、固化的二元结构、制度的制约、传统观念等障碍,影响了转移。提出要搞好开发劳动力资源,提高劳动力素质,构建统一开放的劳动力市场,恢复迁徙自由权、完善社会保障制度、完善劳务输出合同、探索农村土地使用改革、大力开辟劳动力就业渠道的建议。 本文分为五个部分:一是引言;二是农村劳动力转移的理论分析;三是江苏农村劳动力转移的情况分析;四是江苏农村劳动力向上海浦东转移的影响因素分析;五是进一步推进江苏农村劳动力转移的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 Labor force employment is a big problem that concerns whether economy can maintain continuous, stable and healthy development. At the same time, labor surplus and the invisible unemployment mainly stay in the rural areas. The difficulty also lies there. The shift of rural labor force is in fact, how to allocate it .The resolution of rural labor surplus, and the realization of legitimate move of rural labor force will not only avoid the waste of resource but also evade the arouse of many society problems. The transimition of rural labor surplus is a strategic problem which is in connection with development of national economy and the whole society.Jiangsu is a province sharing a large population and strong economy, but surplus labor force reaches 10,000,000. The shift of rural labor force in this province is changing from an irregular one to a regular one. Pudong is regarded as the frontier of our coutry’s open-door policy. It has attracted many investors. Thanks to its qualified investment environment, living, working and social environment. It also provides an employment paradise for rural labor force. In no more than thirteen years, the urban environment and economical scale have had a great chaing. In the shift of labor force, Shanghai has developed its own employment system, according to which the government takes responsibility purchasing the outcome of training, enforces a plan to buy vacancy, makes a policy of labor force market management, promotes the employment of its own labor force and standardizes labor force market system.This paper applies development economies’ correlative thories to analyse the reason ,tale quale rate, block factor, countermeasure of the shift of Jiangsu rural labor force in fact situation. The analysis demonstrate The problem lying in the shift of labor force can be listed as follows: the low quality of labor force, the low-effcicent system, the bondage of regulation, living and traditional thoughts. We must exploit the resource of labor force, raise the the quality of labor force, set up an open and united labor force market, recover the freedom to migrate make social assurance policy perfect, and clea the channel of employment.This paper divides five parts: the first is the introduction; the second is the reasons and meanings of the shift of rural labor force; the third is the situation analysis of the shift of Jiangsu rural labor force; the forth is the problem lying in the shift of labor force; the fifth is the countermeasures and advises of the further advanced the shift of labor force.

【关键词】 农村劳动力转移就业研究
【Key words】 rurallabor force shiftemploystrategyresearch
  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

