

Microbial Bioremediation in Breed Aquatics Pond

【作者】 张显久

【导师】 黄为一;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 微生物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目前高密度、集约化养殖已给养殖池塘生态环境造成了严重的养殖污染,每年给水产业造成了巨大的损失。本论文试图通过使用微生物修复技术来解决养殖池塘生态环境的污染问题。 本论文初步将供试菌株A3、A32、B5、B23、B28分别鉴定为芽胞杆菌科,芽胞杆菌属的地衣芽胞杆菌、短小芽胞杆菌、蜡状芽胞杆菌、假蕈状芽胞杆菌、魏登施泰藤芽胞杆菌。通过单因子及正交试验,在供试菌株A3、A32、B5、B23、B28的最适生长条件下通过测定培养液中的含菌量得出了供试菌株的最佳培养基:A3菌株最佳培养基为:淀粉1.0%,硝酸铵0.1%,黄豆粉0.5%,酵母膏0.15%,pH7.0;A32菌株最佳培养基为:蔗糖1.0%,硝酸铵0.1%,黄豆粉0.5%,酵母膏0.05%,pH7.0;B5菌株最佳培养基为:淀粉1.3%,硝酸钠0.3%,黄豆粉0.5%,酵母膏0.05%,pH7.0;B23菌株最佳培养基为:蔗糖0.7%,硫酸铵0.3%,黄豆粉0.5%,酵母膏0.15%,pH7.0;B28菌株最佳培养基为:蔗糖1.0%,硝酸铵0.1%,黄豆粉0.3%,酵母膏0.05%,pH7.0。 供试菌株无论在养鱼缸内还是在养殖池塘内均能明显地降低养殖期间水体中的氨态氮、亚硝态氮、硝态氮及有机污染物的浓度。 本论文的创新点是将养殖池塘微生物修复供试菌株对氮素的去除能力作为评价其修复能力的一个标准和提出了利用微生物和养殖动物饵料藻类共同修复养殖池塘生态环境的方法,即微生物将养殖池塘生态环境中的有机污染物分解为小分子物质,利用小分子物质培育养殖池塘生态环境中的饵料藻类,饵料藻供养殖动物所食用。研究了微生物修复供试菌株与水产养殖中常见的饵料藻类-栅藻S2及水华藻类-铜绿微囊藻W3之间的生态关系,研究发现B23菌株在BG培养液中添加蔗糖和蛋白胨的条件下能够明显地抑制铜绿微囊藻W3的生长,能够使铜绿微囊藻W3培养液的颜色变为黄色。并且B23菌株的发酵产物中含有能够明显地抑制铜绿微囊藻W3生长的物质,但在养鱼缸内B23、B28菌株却能够明显地促进铜绿微囊藻W3的生长;研究发现供试菌株A3、A32、B5在HB-4培养液中添加蔗糖和蛋白胨时能够明显地促进栅藻S2的生长,但在养鱼缸内对栅藻S2的生长影响不大,利用菌藻共同修复养殖池塘生态环境的方法还有待于进一步研究。 通过对动植物感染试验没有发现供试菌株A3、A32、B5、B23、B28对鲫鱼、小麦、水稻有致病性。

【Abstract】 Now centralized and high-disenty breed aquatics have brought about severe pollution, which led to large loss in fishery. Some kinds of methods were used to get rid of the pollution. In the paper the microble bioremediation was tried to solve the problem in the breed aquatics pond.In the paper, The strain of A3, A32, B5. B23. B28 were identified as Bacillus, B. licheni formis, B. pumilus^ B. cereus. B. pscudomycoudes, B. weihenstephanenses respectively.By the single factor and orthorital experiment, the suitable culture medium of A3 was:1% starch; 0. 1% NH1NO4 ; 0.5% soja powder; 0.15%yeast cream; pH7. 0;the suitable culture medium of A32 was: 1% sucrose: 0. 1% NH4NO3 ; 0.5% soja powder; 0.05%yeast cream; pH7.O; the suitable culture medium of B5 was: 1.3% starch; 0.3% NaNO3 ; 0.5% so ja powder; 0.05% yeast cream; pH7. 0; the suitable culture medium of B23 was: 0.7% sucrose; 0.3% (NH4)2S4 ; 0.5% soja powder; 0. 15%yeast cream; pH7. 0; the suitable culture medium of B28 was: 1% sucrose; 0.1% NH4NO3: 0.3% soja powder; 0.05% yeast cream; pH7. 0.The experimental strains can remove th>: ammoniac nitrogen, the nitrite initial-ni trogeru the nitrate-ni trogen and the carbohydrate pollution not only in the aquaria but also in the breed aquaties pond.The innovation in the paper is that the remove of nitrogen was regarded as a standard for the microbiological bieremediation in the breed aquatics pond and that the microbes and the algae thai can be eat.en by the breed aquatics animals bioremediation in the breed aquatics pond was put forward, that is , the microbes decomposed the organic pollution into low molecular weight substance ,and the algae utilize the small molecular weight substance to grow , and the breed aquatics animals eat these algae. The relation of the strains and the algae SnedesomusyS2 microcystis aeruginosaW3 was researched .It was found that, the strains B23 can res: rain the growth of microcystis aerugmosaW3 in the BG reagent with sucrose or peptone and microcystis aeruginosaW3 was grown yellow and that the ferment liquid of B23 can restrain microcystis aeruginosaW3 to grow, but the strains B23 and B28 can not promote the growth of microcystis acruginosaW3 in the aquaria;and that the strains A3 A32 B5 can promote the SnedesoinusyS2 to grow in the HB-4 reagent with sucrose or peptone,but their influence was a little in the aquaria. It need more research in the strains and the algae bioremediation in the breed aquatics pond together.Their pathogenic effect on the animals such as crucian and the crops such as wheat and rice was not found.

  • 【分类号】S949
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1104

