

Construction and Exploration of Techniques Tranining Program in the Major of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary MEdicine in High Vocational Education

【作者】 于淼

【导师】 姜平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 兽医, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代畜牧业的迅猛发展及科技含量的增加,对畜牧兽医从业人员提出了较高的要求,越来越多的用人单位将直接使用技术娴熟的人才作为自己的首选,尤其是需要“一专多能”的高级复合型人才。社会对人才需求的变化对畜牧兽医教学提出了新的要求,对学生的培养目标要进行重新定位,要以岗位需求为培养目标,以就业为导向,提高学生技能操作水平,因此高等职业教育应运而生。 高等职业教育是属于高等层次的职业教育,其目标是培养生产、管理、服务第一线、具备综合职业能力和全面素质的高级实用人才。其职业性的特点要求突出实践教学,增加专业技能的操作训练,强调的是岗位能力的培养。目前国内探索的高职教学模式大概有:“五阶段循环高职教学模式(简称五阶段职教模式)”、“产学研结合模式”、“产教结合模式”以及“三段式”教学模式。许多发达国家职业技能训练的方法也是值得我们借鉴的。如:德国“双元制”教学;澳大利亚南悉尼学院实行的“工业回炉”,美国的CBE模式等。 职业教育教学要根据各地域、各学校的实际情况,针对高职教育教学中普遍存在的问题,探索适合自身的办学模式。 本研究以山东畜牧兽医职业学院为基地,在充分进行市场调研的基础上,以社会需求为准绳,对畜牧兽医专业的教学进行了大胆的改革、尝试和研究,先后选出两个班级进行教学改革试点,即①借助美国的CBE理论,实施“模块”式教学;②充分利用校内实习牧场,采用“产学结合”模式教学。 两种教学模式都制定了相应可行的实施性教学计划,实施过程中投入了大量的人力、物力、财力,对教学效果进行了及时的总结和评价,并对两种教学方式的教学效果进行了对比。研究结果显示: 1.CBE教学模式:注重学生动手能力的培养,教学目标明确,针对性强;课程内容以职业分析为基础,将专业知识系统化,使理论知识和实践技能训练有机结合;注重学生的自我学习和自我评价,能发挥学生的主观能动性。但该教学模式开发成本太高,缺乏对模块课程各项知识技能的整合,课程设计难度较大。南京农业大学硕十论文 2.产学结合教学模式:学生边学习边上岗参与生产,边学边干,使理论和实践有机的结合起来,强化了实践技能在生产中的应用,提高了学生解决实际生产问题的能力,强化了竞争和合作意识;《实践技能训练和考核标准》的实施又增强了学习的针对性和可操作性,严格的技能考核从很大程度上提高了学生学习的主动性和积极性.该模式对实习基地有较高的要求. 3.两种教学模式相比:两种教学模式都提高了学生的动手能力,对教学实习条件都有较高的要求,都要求教师有较强的实践教学能力和水平。二者相比而言,CBE模式涉及的环节较多,操作起来比产学结合模式复杂、繁琐;CBE模式强调学生的自我学习,考试考核缺乏有力的制约,所以学生学习的积极性及学习效果不如产学结合模式显著;CBE教学模式中对模块课程的各项知识和技能缺少整合,忽视了学生的融汇贯通能力,学生对单项技能知识掌握熟练,但综合运用能力稍差,参与技术服务和推广的能力较弱。产学结合模式理论知识掌握更扎实,对知识的运用及融汇贯通能力要好,技术服务和推广能力强。 ‘因受实习场所的制约,这两种方式都不能全面推行,尤其是CBE教学模式,更是有待于进一步的探讨。但教学中的某些做法是可以在全校班级中应用的:如《实践技能训练与考核标准》的实施;让学生参与实验操作,改变实验方法等。 作者认为,不论那一种教学方式,加强实践教学,突出能力培养,必须具备高质素的“双师型”师资队伍,充足的教学实训基地,在此基J出上,改革教学方法,严格考试考核制度,严把教学质量关,才能培养出高质量的社会所需的综合性人才.

【Abstract】 More and more requirements are needed for the technicians with the rapid development of animal husbandry and medicine science. They are required not only technical knowledge but also practical operation . At present , a lot of production units need this kind of students , especially those with more technics the students’. Practical operation ability seems more important . Therefore , the teaching program should be reset or modified. However , the general advanced education , stresses the perfection of subject system and training of the putative reseaching workers , paying more attention to the knowledge and less to practice . As the development of society secondary technical school is shrieving . The goal of this vocational education is to train students with both knowledge and practice operation.The vocational education belongs to high level education , by charactered professionlism, aiming at the ability teaching and practical operation . Now there is no normal requirement to vocational education in China . There is no standard to evaluate the students . Every college is searching its way according to their conditions . At present , there are several styles of vocational teaching ie. "Five - Period - Vocational - Teaching Style" , "Production and Learning Teaching Combination Style", "Production and Research Combination Style" , and "There - step Teaching Style" . Many developed countries persist in the way of "Production and Learning Combination" , paying much attention to the combination of practice and teaching . There is much in their method that we can use . For example : "Double - Ring System Teaching Style" in Germany , "Return to the University Style" in South Sydney Institute in Australia and "CBE Teaching Style" in U.S.A.Although there are a lot of valuable styles and experience in the vocational education research , every college takes different ways according to their owe conditions . We should combine our own practice to search for the suitable teaching style.ShanDong Animal husbandry and Veterinary Vocational College is a specific college in Animal science and Veterinary science where a resolute reformation based on the full market investigation has been made to meet the need of social requirement . Two classes are selected for the experiment teaching as following:1. Taking "Specific model"teaching according to drawing support from American CBE theory2. Taking the "Production and Learning Combination" teaching style to make full use of the practice farm .Appropriate and feasible teaching schedule was set up According to these two teaching styles. A large quantity of person, material and money was used in the course of operation , summerization and appraisal of the teaching effect was done in time and comparison between the two styles was also made .1 . Common Points in both styles(1) Not only the students’ practice ability have been improved but also their operating level is much higher than that of other students .(2) Higher requirements are made for teachers , making them study constantly , especially the practice ability.(3) Plenty of practice field, material and equipment are needed .2 . Different points between the two styles(1) Comparison of Operating:There are still some unscientific and unreasonable parts in the development and teaching progress in CBE . It will take more time and work than "Production and Learning Combination" style in operation.(2) Comparison of Effect and InitiativeThe students with "Production and Learning Combination" style can take part in the production directly and combin theory with practice well , These students shown higher initiative ability through the strict examination for production and learning . However , CBE strengthens the combination of self- learning and self-examination ,so the learning initiative seems poorer . There seems a little difference in both styles in operating effect. As far as the theory learning is concerned , the "Production and Learning CombinationStyle" has relatively solid

  • 【分类号】S81-4
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