

Analysis and Control of the Animal and Plant Diseases Carried by Ships Entering to NanJing Port from Abroad in the Recent Three Years

【作者】 罗朝科

【导师】 陆承平;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 兽医, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 为防止动植物病虫害通过国际航行船舶传入,保护我国农牧生产安全和人们身体健康,对南京港近年来进境船舶进行了调查分析,南京港出入境船舶逐年增长,2000年1月至2003年6月入港的国际航行船舶共3908艘,其中集装箱班轮716艘,占18.45%,其它船舶3182艘,占81.55%。 2001年1月至2003年6月到达南京港的国际航行船舶直接来自40个国家/地区,频率较高的是韩国(29.32%)、中国长江的下游港口(24.49%)、日本(24.05%)、香港(4.86%)、澳大利亚(2.05%)、俄罗斯(1.87%)、印度(1.5%)、新加坡(1.5%)、泰国(1.39%)、美国(1.46%)、印尼(1.26%)等。 建立疫情数据库,分析往来国家/地区五年来动物疫病发生情况表明,世界疫情复杂,如口蹄疫在54个国家/地区发生,包括与南京港有频繁船舶来往的日本、韩国、俄罗斯、马来西亚、印度、菲律宾、台湾、香港、土耳其、巴西、荷兰、英国、法国、南非及蒙古等周边地区,危险性的有害生物随时可通过国际航行船舶传入南京。 对2003年1-6月进入南京港的船舶(共676艘)船用物品调查表明,这些船用食品来自45个国家/地区,共有动植物性食品500812公斤,其中70.6%的肉类、78.3%的禽类、70.2%的鱼类均来自境外动植物疫区。 船用动植物产品来源复杂,在购买国未经严格检疫,也没有产地和注册厂家限制,大多船舶的船用物品是船员自行采购,其质量和疫情没有保证。 在2000年1月—2003年6月到达南京港的3908艘船中,截获动植物疫情940批,疫情截获率为24.1%,截获疫情种类为118种,许多是我国没有分布或有较大危害性的,其中国家规定禁止入境的一类危险性有害生物20批、二类危险性有害生物115批。在进境船舶中截获病媒生物627批,占入境船舶总数的16%。调查还显示,不同类型、不同国家、不同来源的船舶传入疫情的风险存在差异。 对进境船舶进行了细菌学抽样调查,船上鱼、牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉等动物产品细菌种类和含量较多,生活垃圾、泔水等动植物废弃及其容器、存放地及生活仓甲板等细菌污染严重,条件致病菌较多。 调查发现,南京港对进境船舶检疫的设施、模式、方法须进一步改进。 国际航行船舶动植物疫情复杂,传播动植物疫情的风险较高,有可能通过南京港传入我国,南京港须进一步加强防范和采取降低风险的措施,建议采取的对策为:“制定应急预案、开展风险评估、完善港口检疫设施、加强进境船舶检疫管理”等四个方面。

【Abstract】 To prevent the transmission of animal and plant diseases into our country and pretect the animal husbandry and human health, the datum analysis on diseases carried by ships entering to Nanjing Port from abroad has been made.3908 ships, including 716 container-ships from more than 40 contries or areas arrived at Nanjing Port from Jan. 2000 to Jun.2003. Most" of them were directly from other Chinese ports,Korea,Japan,HongKong,Australia,Russia,India,Singapore, Thailand,United states and Indonesia.The datum analysis on animal diseases in the last five years revealed that the diseases existed in many countries and It was possible that dangerous pathogens were imported to Nanjing by ships at any time .The investigation on the animal and plant products carried by the ships(676) entering to Nanjing Port during first six months of 2003 showed that 500812 kilograms of animal and plant products,including 70.6 percent of meat,78.3 percent of poultry and 70.2 percent of fish from more than 45 countries/areas arrived in Nanjing from the lands where animal or plant diseases were epidemic.The background of the products without strict inspection or control measure when they were bought by the ship staff were complicated.118 different diseases had been found in 940 of 3908 ships .The detectable rate reached 24.1%. 20 of them were listed in the dangerous pathogens A and 115 in B . Rodents or insect vectors had been found in 627 of 3908 ships and the detectable rate was 16%. The risks from different countries and origins of ships exhibited diversities.The bacteriological examinations demonstrated that bacterial contamination was serious in several animal products carried by ships.It suggested that the facility for preventing diseases and the inspection ways for ships should be improved in Nanjing Port.The background of animal and plant diseases carried by ships were complicated and the risks being transmitted to China from the port by ships were high.The more strict control measures must be given at four topics.

  • 【分类号】S851.3
  • 【下载频次】69

