

Inheritance and Identification of Dormancy at Harvest (Resistance to Pre-Harvest Sprouting) and Application in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Breeding

【作者】 赵明

【导师】 陆作楣;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 首先对已经育成的和常用的32个保持系和40个恢复系进行收获时休眠性鉴定筛选;研究了从IRRI引进的四个强休眠水稻品种的基本性状;从筛选出的材料中选不同休眠性品种与这四个强休眠水稻品种杂交配组并研究了杂种F2收获时休眠性的遗传表现;用这些材料还研究了颖壳对发芽的影响;用6个不同休眠性的品种按6×6完全双列杂交,分析了收获时休眠性的主位点组数及其加性、显性效应;用生产上经常穗上发芽的常用不育系冈46A、Ⅱ-32A及其相应保持系冈46B、Ⅱ-32B与四个IRRI水稻品种杂交配组,分析了后代收获时休眠性的遗传特性并按育种程序对其后代进行发芽筛选.结果如下: 1.三种收获期,只有抽穗后40天和30天的籽粒发芽率差异显著;整穗发芽法和籽粒发芽法的发芽率在第35天时的相关系数最大。经过24h浸泡和30℃恒温箱3d发芽的方法,很容易就区分出弱休眠与强休眠品种。 2.32个保持系中没有强休眠性的材料,生产中常用的保持系发芽率都很高;40个恢复系也大多休眠性很弱,但也筛选出少量强休眠材料;从总体上分析,不育系和保持系的休眠性无明显差异。 3.强休眠×强休眠组合中F2休眠性偏向较强休眠亲本;中等休眠×强休眠组合中F2休眠性偏向较弱休眠亲本;而弱休眠×强休眠F2的休眠性有的偏向强休眠亲本,有的偏向弱休眠亲本。从后代表现推断,F1收获时休眠性的显隐性关系因材料、组合不同而不同。 4.不同材料不同组合中,收获时休眠性的遗传方式表现不一致。冈46B、Ⅱ-32B与四个IRRI水稻品种杂交后代,F3和BC1F2的频率分布表明,收获时休眠性以微效多基因控制的数量遗传为主要特征,但在Ⅱ-32B/IR112组合中却有主基因作用。 5.然而不同休眠性材料的双列杂交分析表明,收获时休眠性受2个主位点组和微位点组共同控制,主位点组解释了主要遗传变异。 6.近等基因系和双列杂交F2的发芽结果表明,收获时休眠性不存在细胞质效应。 7.总体而言,Ⅱ32B/IR112这个组合的抗穗发芽育种潜力最大。当前已经获得了不含恢复基因的抗穗发芽中间材料。

【Abstract】 Dormancy at harvest (DAH) of 33 maintained lines and 40 restorer lines successfully chosen or often used in practice were identified and screened; The basic characters of 4 rice varieties with heavy dormancy introduced from IRRI were researched; Materials with different dormancy screened from the maintained lines and restorer lines crossed with the 4 heavy dormancy rice varieties, and the expression of dormancy at harvest (DAH) in seed F2 population were researched; Effect of hull on seed germination were also researched in these materials;6 rice varieties with different DAH were completely diallel crossed as 6X6, the additive and dominant effects of major loci groups in DAH trait were analyzed ;Gang46A, II-32A and their corresponding maintained lines Gang46B, II-32B, crossed with the 4 rice varieties from IRRI, the inheritance of DAH in segregation population were analyzed and progenies were screened in breeding procedure. Results were as follows:1. Significant difference in seed germination percentage was only seen at 40d and 30d after heading; The correlation coefficient of seed germination percentage between complete ear method and kernel method was max at 35d. It was easy to discriminate weak and heavy dormant varieties after soaked 24h and germinate in incubator at 30 C for 3 days.2. No heavy dormant materials were found in 33 maintained lines; and few heavy dormant materials was selected although most of the restorer lines had no or weak dormancy. Generally analysis, no significant difference at DAH between MS lines and restorer lines.3. The dormancy in FI population was secund to the heavy dormant parents in"heavy dormancy X heavy dormancy " combinations, while, it was secund to the weak dormant parents in "medium dormancy X heavy dormancy " combinations, in "weak dormancy X heavy dormancy " combinations, some were secund to the heavy dormant parents and some were secund to the weak dormant parents. It wasdeduced that the dominance/recessive of DAH trait in F| population was different according to materials and combinations.4. The inheritance of DAH was not the same in different materials and combinations. The distribution frequency of F3 and BC|F2 came from Gang46B, II-32B crossed with the 4 rice varieties from IRRI demonstrated that, in most cases, DAH was mainly inherited as a quantitative trait controlled by micro-effect multi-genes, while major gene effects were also observed in II-32B /IR112 combinations.5. But the diallel cross results showed that DAH trait was controlled by two major loci groups (MLGs) and minor loci groups. The genetic variation was mainly explained by major loci groups,.6. Germination of F2 populations in 9 NILs of 9311 varieties and 2 NILs in jonpanic rice and 15 pairs of mutant crosses was identified, the results showed no cytoplasm effect was found in DAH trait in rice.7. In general, great potential of breeding for resistance to pre-harvest spouting (PHS) was found in II-32B /IR112 combination. Now the transient materials with higher resistance to PHS but without restorer genes were obtained.

  • 【分类号】S511
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】246

