

The Study on Ovum Pick-Up, in Vitro Fertilization, Oestrus Synchronization and Embryo Transfer of the Meat Goat

【作者】 季尚娟

【导师】 刘铁铮;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 实验一,分别用CIDR(处理1)、CIDR+PG(处理2)、CIDR+PG+PMSG(处理3)处理徐淮山羊比较同期发情的效果。每组处理均以36-48h的发情率最高;0-24h的发情率(34.3%、15.7%、7.1%)以及持续发情或返情羊的数量(18.6%、3.9%、2.9%)三组之间的差异显著,以CIDR+PG+PMSG处理最高;而同期率、总的发情率、受体山羊移植后妊娠率各处理间的差异均不显著;胚胎移植中实际可利用羊数量三组之间差异显著(62.3%>60.8%>35.7%),以阴道栓法最高;未排卵受体山羊三组之间差异不显著(9.375%、0、4%);一侧黄体数目3个或者三个以上的受体山羊,差异显著(32%、11.76%、9.375%),以CIDR+PG+PMSG最高。 实验二,对10只不孕不育波尔山羊采用超数排卵、活体采卵、卵母细胞体外成熟培养以及体外受精等技术方法,探讨其是否能正常繁育后代。试验中6只供体经超数排卵处理后,在发情前利用特制的采卵装置进行活体采卵,共采集到30枚形态学正常的卵母细胞。经过体外成熟培养,有21枚成熟卵母细胞进行了体外受精处理和培养,获得16枚2-细胞胚胎,移植到4只同期发情的当地山羊受体输卵管内,经3个月妊娠检验判定,有两只受体受孕,其中1只受体产出正常羔羊2只。该技术经进一步改进完善后可望作为不孕不育波尔山羊繁殖后代的辅助生育技术。

【Abstract】 The first experiment: it is separately dealed with CIDR (treatment 1), CIDR + PG (treatment 2) and (treatment 3) to compare the oestrus synchronization effect. It is the highest oestrus rates among three treatments in 36 - 48 hr. The estrus rates within 24 hr after treatment is significantly different (P<0.05), it is higher while dealed with CIDR + PG + PMSG; the oestrus synchronization rate, the oestrus rate and the pregnancy rate is not significantly different among three treatmeants; the number of xvhuai goats while can use to be the receptor of embryo transferr is significantly different (62.3%>60.8%>35.7%) ; the rate of goats haven’t ovulated is not different.The second experiment: Ten sterile female boer goat (donors) were tested in this research, which were approached to breed normal offsprings by the techniques of superovulation, ovum pick up, maturation culture in vitro and fertilization in vitro of the maturated oocytes etc. In this experiment the donors treated by superovulation were operated to collected follicular oocytes by a special ovum pick up equipment before their oestrus. Thirty oocytes were recovered form 10 ovaries of six donors. 21 oocytes after maturation in vitro were curried out fertilization in vitro and cultured in vitro. Sixty Survived 2-cell embryos were transfer into oviducts of four local female goats which were treated by oestrus synchronization.Two recipients from four have been pregnant during two months. Two normal offsprings were birth from one of the pregnant recipients. This technique would be expected to improve further as an alternative assisted reproductive method for the sterile female boer goats.

  • 【分类号】S827
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】203

