

A New Nematicide "NJ-1" Against Root-Knot Nematode on Cucumber and Baseline Sensitivity of Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides and C.capsica from Capsium to Azoxystrobiin

【作者】 刘照云

【导师】 周明国;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 植物病理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 新型杀线虫剂“NJ-1”是有机硫代氰酸酯类化合物。本文研究了4.0%NJ-1乳油及其与阿维菌素复配对南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的毒力。室内结果表明4.0%NJ-1 EC对二龄线虫有强烈的杀死作用,LD50为4.6269μg a.i./mL,LD90为5.7437μg a.i./mL。16μg a.i./mL和8μg a.i./mL NJ-1处理卵囊48h后的相对孵化抑制率都达99%以上。5.3、4、2.3、2μg a.i./mL处理卵囊48h的相对孵化抑制率也在92%以上,且大部分初孵线虫死亡。说明NJ-1 EC对卵的孵化也有强烈的抑制作用,少数卵即使能够孵化,孵化出的二龄线虫也难以存活。NJ-1和阿维菌素按40:1,40:2和40:3的比例复配,共毒系数分别为117.2、129.8和161.0,随着阿维菌素含量的增加,增效作用增强。 在温室内研究了4.0%NJ-1 EC对黄瓜、番茄和辣椒三叶期幼苗的安全性。结果表明,3叶期的黄瓜移栽前3d用50、40、26.7μg a.i./mL(50mL/盆)处理盆钵土壤和定植后40、20、13.3、10μg a.i./mL灌根处理(30mL/盆)对黄瓜幼苗没有明显药害。以上所有的剂量对辣椒和番茄的生长均有不同程度的药害。在日光温室里,通过移栽前NJ-1的土壤处理和移栽后根部浇灌处理防治黄瓜根结线虫病,观察了药剂对黄瓜的整个生育期有无不利的影响。移栽前7d用50、40、26.67μga.i/mL药液(6.25L/m2)浇灌土壤,或移栽时用20μg a.i./mL的药液(2.5 L/m2)浇灌处理均没有药害发生。因此,在移栽前7d用50μga.i/mL的NJ-1药液处理土壤,或在生长期用20μg a.i./mL以下浓度浇灌处理对黄瓜生长安全。 在日光温室内,通过移栽前NJ-1的不同浓度处理土壤和移栽后不同浓度根部浇灌处理防治黄瓜根结线虫病,确定最佳的田间施药方法、用药时间和用药剂量。移栽前7d用50、40、26.67μg a.i./mL药液处理土壤(6.25L/m2)。在处理3、4和7个月后,防治效果分别达50.0%、74.0%和61.0%。移栽时用20μg a.i./mL药液浇灌处理(2.5L药液/m2),在3个月时,对黄瓜根结线虫病的防治效果也可以达到50%以上,比对照药剂阿维菌素40.0%的防效高。结果表明移栽前7d用50μg a.i./mL药液处理土壤(6.25L/m.2)对黄瓜根结线虫病的防治效果优越。 根据各地不同的栽培技术,2003年度进一步优化了NJ-1防治黄瓜根结线虫的用药技术,结果表明通过移栽前直接起垄,在垄上进行土壤处理的方法,比上年的用药新型杀线虫剂“NJ一l”防治黄瓜根结线虫病的研究及辣椒炭疽病菌对喷菌酸的敏感性基线量减少4.0%,但是防治效果相当.在前期土壤处理的基础上,移栽三个月后再用16雌a.i./mL的NJ一4浇灌处理一次(300mL/株),对根结线虫病的控制效果更加明显。比仅仅移栽前用7.sga:i/mz剂量的NJ一1和NJ一4处理的防效分别提高了18.42和25.42个百分点.并且NJ一1及其复配剂NJ一4土壤处理对黄瓜有显著的增产作用,分别增产1 1 .37%和13.39%。 从没有Qi和Qo抑制剂用药历史的海南崖城、海口、澄边,江苏淮阴、南京等地区采集的辣椒炭疽病病叶、病果,带回实验室,经单袍分离获得菌株41个,根据袍子形态鉴定其病原菌为胶袍炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosPorioide:)和辣椒炭疽菌(c叫夕夕ica),其中以C.gloeosPortotde,为主,占总菌株数的58.54%。经几种不同的袍子萌发实验方法的比较,最终选择采用经典载玻片上的袍子萌发方法测定每个菌株对啥菌醋的敏感性。通过袍子萌发法测定心菌醋对两种病原菌41个菌株的ECS。值在0.00028一24.957林g/mL之间。其中24个e.gloeo印orioi介s菌株和17个C,e叩sica菌株的平均ECS。值分别为5 .2336og/mL和2.9655林岁mL。说明C.e叩sica比C.910“口sPorioide,对喀菌醋更为敏感

【Abstract】 Activities of 4.0% NJ-1 EC, which is a kind of sulfocynate chemicals, and its mixture with avermectin were studied. Results showed that both NJ-1 and its mixture with avermectin had a strong lethal effect on J2 of Meloidogyne incognita. NJ-1 killed J2 with a LD50 4.6269 g/mL and LD90 5.7437 g/mL. Rate of hatch of eggs was reduced 99% while treated with NJ-1 dilution of 16ug a.i./mL and 8ug a.i./mL for 48h. Dilution of 5.3,4, 2.3, 2 g a.i./mL also inhibited over 92 percent of hatching 48h later. At the same time majority of J2 were dead. 4.0% NJ-1 EC was mixtured with avermectin at the proportion of 40:1, 40:2 and 40:3, and CTC was 117.2, 129.8 and 161.0. While the proportion of avermectin was increased, synergism was raised.Phytoxicity of 4.0% NJ-1 on vegetable growth was tested for transplanting seedlings of cucumber, potato and capsium. These vegetables were transplanted to soils pre-treated with NJ-1, or were treated by root-pouring after transplanting in greenhouse. Also cucumber was tested in field by the same way. Neither soil treatments on the seventh day before transplant with 50, 40 and 26.7 g a.i./mL dilution, 50mL per pot, nor root-pouring seedling planted with 40, 20, 13.3 and 10 g a.i./mL dilution, 30mL per pot in greenhouse, it was no harm to cucumber. But all the above dosage tested of NJ-1 were harmful to tomato and capsicum. In field, soil was treated at 6.25L/m2 of dilution with 50,40, 26.67 g a.i./mL on the seventh day before, or root-pouring at 2.5 L/m2 of dilution with 20ug a.i./mL just after transplanting. None damage was found on cucumber during all the breeding season. So, NJ-1 is safe to cucumber.Optimal treatment method, opportunity and dosage were determined. NJ-1 was used to control cucumber root-knot nematode by two ways. One was soil treatments before transplant, another was root-pouring treatments when seedlings transplanted at different concentrations. The control efficacy was copared. Results suggested the further was better than the later. Control efficacy was 50.0%, 74.0% and 61.0% for three, four and seven months respectively, while soil treatment at the dosage of 6.25L/m2 of 50 ga.i/mL dilution. It was better than that of avermectin. Root-pouring treatment while seedlings transplanted also expressed satisfied control efficiency until three months later.According to the different cultivation system, the treatment method was further optimised. Compared with the last year, this method reduced forty percent of NJ-1 with corresponding control efficiency, and the yield was obviously accelerated. On the basis of soil treatments before transplant, control efficiency was raised by one more application by root-pouring treatment during the breeding with NJ-4 diluents of 2500 folds.Forty-one single-spore isolates causing Capsium Anthracnose collected from Jiangsu and Hainan Provinces were identified into Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum capsica according to conidial morphology. Of these isolates, 58.54% was C. gloeosporioides. Sensitivities of C. gloeosporioides and C capsica isolates from capsium to azoxystrobin were determined by spore germination test oh slide. EC50 values of azoxystrobin inhibiting spore growth of these tested isolates ranged from 0.00028 g/mL to 24.987 g/mL .The mean EC50 values for 24 isolates of C. gloeosporioides and 17 isolates of C. capsica isolates were 5.2336 g/mL and 2.9655 g/mL respectively. Result showed that C. capsica was sensitiver to azoxystrobin than C. Gloeosporioides.

  • 【分类号】S481
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