

A Study on Over-Seeding Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne L.) to Several Warm-Season Turf Stands in Nanjing

【作者】 刘南清

【导师】 沈益新;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 以草坪型多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)为追播材料,在已成坪的沟叶结缕草(Zoysia matrella Merr.)、杂交狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon × Cynodon transvaalensis)和钝叶草(Stenotuphrum secundatum(Walt.)Kuntze.)三种不同的基础草坪上进行秋季追播,研究了播种量、播种期和追播前基础草坪修剪高度、返青演替阶段追播草坪修剪高度等处理对多年生黑麦草苗期生长、追播草坪成坪速度、黑麦草越冬率、黑麦草死亡速度、基础草坪草返青速度以及追播草坪质量的影响,并对比研究了沟叶结缕草、杂交狗牙根和钝叶草三种不同草坪上追播黑麦草的苗期生长情况、成坪速度、基础草坪草返青速度和草坪质量等方面存在的差异。试验结果表明: 1.南京地区沟叶结缕革、杂交狗牙根和钝叶草三种基础草坪上秋季追播草坪型多年生黑麦草能延长草坪的绿色期。 2.追播播种量是影响追播草坪冬前成坪的关键因素。黑麦草播种量越大,追播草坪的密度越大,成坪速度越快,绿色期衔接速度越快,但增加播种量使得黑麦草的苗期分蘖减少,植株细弱。 3.提早播期和降低基础草坪的修剪高度,黑麦草的苗期生长更旺盛,追播草坪的成坪更快。追播黑麦草的成坪速度为基础草坪修剪高度2cm>3cm>5cm。 4.基础草坪草返青阶段,黑麦草的修剪高度越低,基础草坪草的演替速度越快。基础草坪草返青速度在黑麦草修剪高度2cm的草坪上极显著大于3cm的草坪。 5.在不同的基础草坪上,黑麦草苗期生长情况、成坪速度、与基础草坪绿色期衔接速度等受不同基础草坪的影响程度明显不同。钝叶草草坪对黑麦草苗期的影响最大,生物量最小,分蘖最少,成坪速度和绿色期衔接速度也最慢;沟叶结缕草草坪对黑麦草苗期生长的影响大于杂交狗牙根草坪,无论是苗期生长情况还是成坪速度、绿色期衔接速度等有极显著差异。 6.基础草坪返青阶段,追播黑麦草明显延迟了三种不同的基础草坪草的返青,但是影响程度不同。钝叶草草坪上的黑麦草死亡速度最快、对钝叶草的返青速度影响最小;杂交狗牙根草坪土的黑麦草死亡速度显著快于沟叶结缕草草坪,但黑麦草对沟叶结缕草和杂交狗牙根的返青的影响差异不显著。 7.在冬前成坪阶段和春季返青演替阶段,以追播黑麦草为主体的草坪质量在不同基础草坪上存在差异,钝叶草追播草坪的质量最差,沟叶结缕草和杂交狗牙根追播草坪的质量无显著差异。8.南京地区暖季型草坪10月追播,基础草坪秋季修剪高度Zcm或3cm、多年生黑麦草追播播种量2 09/m,或309/m,可以使沟叶结缕草草坪、杂交狗牙根草坪保持四季常青;黑麦草追播播种量加大至3 09/m,可以使钝叶草草坪保持四季常青。

【Abstract】 A turf-type perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne L cv. Pinnacle) was used for overseeding into Matrella grass(Zoysia matrella Mem), hybrid Bermuda grass(Cynodon dactylon X Cynodon transvaalensis) and St. Augustine grass(Stenotuphrum secundatum(Walt.) Kuntze.) turf in autumn in Nanjing, China. The effect of sowing rate, sowing date and cutting height of warm-season turf grasses on the growth of perennial ryegrass before winter, turf establishment rate, perennial ryegrass over-wintering rate and the turf quality were studied. When the warm-season turf grass returning green in spring, the effect of cutting height of ryegrass on the death rate of perennial ryegrass and the warm-season turf grass green returning rate were studied too. Meanwhile, the differences of three warm-season overseeding turfs were also studied in this experiment.The resulteds showed that overseeding perennial ryegrass into the Matrella grass(Zoysia matrella Merr.), hybrid Bermuda grass(Cynodon dactylon X Cynodon transvaalensis) and St.Augustine grass(Stenotuphrum secundatum(Walt.) Kuntze.) turf in autumn in Nanjing prolonged the green period of the warm-season turfs.Overseeding rate is the key factor that affected the turf establishment rate before winter. Higher sowing rate resulted in higher plant density, faster turf establishment rate and green period linkage rate, but leaded to less tillers and thinner plant of the perennial ryegrass.Earlier sowing date and lower cutting height of warm-season turf grasses resulted in more tillers, stronger plant, better growth situation and faster turf establishment rate of the perennial ryegrass. The establishment rate of overseeding turf cut by 2cm was faster than that cut by 3cm of warm-season turf grasses, and the establishment rate cut by 3cm was faster than by 5cm.In warm-season grass green returning stage, lower spring cutting height of the perennial ryegrass resulted in faster species changing rate of the overseeding turf. The warm-season grasses green returning rate in the turf with 2cm cutting height was significantly faster than that with 3cm.The effects of different warm-season turf on the ryegrass growth situation, the turf establishment rate, and the green period linkage rate of the overseeding turf were significantly different. The effects of Augustine grass turf on the ryegrass growing in the seedling stage were the greatest, its fresh biomass weight above ground and tillers was the least, and the turf establishment rate and green period linkage rate were slow; The effects of Matrella grass turf on the ryegrass ever more than that of hybridBermuda grass turf, the growing situation of the ryegrass in the seedling stage, turf establishment rate and turf green period linkage rate had significant difference from other two turfs.In warm-season grasses green returning stage, ryegrass delayed the green returning date of three different warm-season turfs, but the effect was different. In Augustine grass overseeding turf, the death rate of ryegrass was most quickly, and the ryegrass had the least effect on the green returning of Augustine grass; in the hybrid Bermuda grass overseeding turf, the ryegrass death rate was significantly greater than that in the Matrella grass overseeding turf, but there is no significant difference on the grass green returning rate between Matrella grass and hybrid Bermuda grass.In the turf establishment stage before winter and in the warm-season turf grasses green returning stage after spring, the turf quality of different overseeding turf was different, the Augustine grass overseeding turf was worst, but the Matrella grass overseeding turf and the hybrid Bermuda grass overseeding turf showed no significant difference.Overseeding warm-season turfs with cutting height of 2cm or 3cm and with sowing rate of 20g/m2 or 30g/m2 in October in Nanjing, the Matrella grass turf and hybrid Bermuda grass turf prolonged its green period to a whole year. When sowing rate reached to higher level of 30g/m2, the Augustine grass turf prolonged its green period to

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】304

