

The Research on Structure Analysis Based on the Finite Element and Visualization

【作者】 杨超

【导师】 胥泽银; 卢玉蓉;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 有限元是工程科学、计算方法和计算机技术相结合的产物,已成为结构分析的一种非常有效的方法。可视化技术在结构分析中起着十分重要的作用,它不仅可以帮助工程技术人员通过直观的视觉工具快速而有效地从繁杂的结构计算数据中提取出有意义的特征和结果,而且能够通过视算一体化的途径改进和发展更有效的计算方法和计算策略。 本文阐述了结构分析的数学理论,研究和改进工程结构的静力、动力分析算法,并对有限元结构分析的前后处理进行了可视化建模;采用面向对象的设计思想指导有限元结构分析软件的设计与开发,阐述了在前处理、后处理和计算三大模块设计中怎样将这一思想运用于结构分析编程。在前后处理当中,本文着重运用计算机图形学的知识讨论了怎样将图形交互技术运用于结构分析程序的编制,在结构分析计算中则运用面向对象思想对结构分析程序的计算任务进行了分类,并指出了其中的层次关系,进行了类的设计,还针对不断发展的结构分析方法,提出了建立结构分析类库的思想。 取得的主要研究成果: 1 从实际工程问题出发,研究了结构分析的数学原理、过程并改进和提出结构分析的算法,既便于工程人员理解结构分析的原理,又便于应用数学工作者开展理论研究; 2 用面向对象思想指导结构分析的软件设计; 3 对结构分析的前后处理进行了可视化研究。

【Abstract】 The Finite Element (abbr FE) is the production combinated among engineering science, calculation method and computer technology and has already become an effective structure analysis. The visualization techniques play a very important role in structure analysis. Not only does it reveal to engineers and technicians the significant characteristics of the complicated computing results by visual tools, but also improves and develops efficient computing methods and new strategy based on steering computing.This paper discusses the mathematics theory of structure analysis, researches and improves arithmetic of it. Object-Oriented Programming (abbr OOP) has been applied to the field of structure analysis programming. This paper discussed the complexity of the program developing of the structure analysis and pointed out the inherent contradictions of the traditional program language. It discusses how to applying the concept of OOP in developing the programs of structure analysis when designing the three modules: preprocessor, postprocessor and calculator. On concerning with the problems of the preprocessing and the postprocessing, it briefly introduces the theories of the computer graphics and discusses how to apply the interactive graphic technology in developing the structure analysis. On concern with the computing, it classifies thecomputing tasks of structure analysis programs with the concepts of OOP and points out the hierarchy of the tasks. It also presents the ideas of constructing the structure analysis storehouse.The main work and the originality of the thesis is listed as follows:1. The mathematics theory of structure analysis is discussed and the arithmetic is researched and improved.2. OOP has been applied to the field of structure analysis programming.3. On concerning with the problems of the preprocessing and the postprocessing, it briefly introduces the theories of the computer graphics and discusses how to apply the interactive graphic technology in developing the structure analysis.

  • 【分类号】O241.82
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】328

