

The Research and Realization of Economical and Practical E-Government Solution

【作者】 卢强

【导师】 苗放;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用数学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化的进行,世界各国都在进行政府办公的电子化即电子政务(E-Government)。我国在推行电子政务的过程中因为信息化和经济发展的地域不平衡,在信息化和经济发展比较落后的地区就遇到了电子政务推行成本过高的问题。例如在我国西部边远地区最需要由信息技术带来经济和社会效益,但那里又最没有条件开展电子政务。本论文的目的就是提出一个经济实用的电子政务解决方案来解决电子政务成本过高问题。 一个完整的电子政务解决方案需要解决的问题主要包括:(1)合理划分电子政务网络、有效集成各种硬件设备、正确调试各种网络设备建立一个实用的公共信息平台。(2)软件是应用的灵魂,仅仅有硬件信息平台是不够的,必须有适合中国国情的电子政务软件。(3)在电子政务网络中电子政务外网和公众网是逻辑隔离的,电子政务外网与公众网之间必须可以进行及时、安全的数据交换。 本论文本着经济实用的思想,利用成都市现有的电子政务网络进行合理划分、设计,合理选型国产NC网络计算机(Network Computer)、国产Linux操作系统来搭建经济、够用的基础信息平台:利用开源的Java工具开发适合中国国情简洁、有效的电子政务协同办公软件,可满足政府日常公文流转、信息沟通、会议管理等需求:根据电子政务外网与公网逻辑隔离的特点,开发基于XML和邮件的数据交换引擎实现电子政务外网中办公软件和公众网中政府门户网站的安全数据交换。

【Abstract】 With the process of informatization, various countries are carrying on the program of Electronic Government (E-Government). During the process of promoting the Electronic Government program, due to the uneven development between regions, our country faces the problem of high cost in the backward regions with slow development of informatization. For example, in the outlying area of Western China, it bitterly needs the economic and social efficiency caused by the Information Technology, but there is a total lack of the conditions that Economic Government requires. The purpose of this paper is to propose an economical and practical Electronic Government solution, solving the problem of high cost.A whole Electronic Government solution mainly needs to solve the questions below:(1) Dividing the network reasonably, integrating all kinds of hardware equipment, testing and debugging the network equipment correctly to build a practical public information platform. (2) Software is the soul of application. It is insufficient to merely have the hardware information platform, so there must be Electronic Government software tallying with China national conditions. (3)The Electronic Government network and the Internet must be logically separated and the data exchange between the two parts must be opportune.Through analyzing the present Chengdu Electronic Government network with the economical and practical thought, the paper propose a solution that selects domestic NC (Network Computer), domestic servers, and domestic Linux OS to build up a economical and adequate foundation information platform; that uses open source Java tools to develop essential and effective Electronic Government cooperation office software corresponding with our national conditions, addressing the demand of daily archives transfer, information communication and conference management ; that develops the data exchange engine based on XML and MAIL to apply safe data exchange between the office software in the Electronic Government network and the government portal in the Internet, according to the logic separation of the Electronic Government network and Internet.

【关键词】 电子政务NCLINUXXML数据交换
【Key words】 Electronic GovernmentNCLINUXXMLData Exchange
  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】210

