

【作者】 张宁

【导师】 王洪辉; 邓礼正;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 油田的勘探开发过程是一个不断认识油藏的过程,目前认识、评价油藏的技术方法很多,但对于地下情况极其复杂的塔河油田,用常规方法来指导油藏开发是非常困难的,随着油田的逐步勘探开发,要实现油藏的高产稳产就必须充分认识油藏的复杂性,论证油藏合理采速和单井合理产能,确保单井和油藏生产能力的充分发挥,提高油藏开发效果和经济效益。 本论文在总结塔河油田4、6区基本地质特征的基础上,利用动态资料分析了目前开发状态下单井和油藏的合理产能范围,为油藏的开发调整提供依据。研究的主要内容如下: 充分利用静态资料,认识塔河油田奥陶系油藏的复杂性,强调油藏在纵横向上的严重非均质性是造成单井产能差异的主要原因; 分析现有的单井生产历史数据,总结单井产能变化、含水上升、以及产量递减规律,重点研究了采油指数、储量丰度、构造位置、生产压差等与产能和递减的关系; 根据实际产能分布进行了区块的初步划分,通过对比、公式计算和数学模型模拟等方法研究单井合理产量和不同区块、不同井网下的油藏合理采速; 根据目前的经济技术状况,初步进行了建议的合理产量和合理采速下的经济评价,初步认为建议采速经济可行。

【Abstract】 The exploratory development process of Oil Field is a ceaseless process to know a reservoir. Though there has been lots of methods and techniques to know and evaluate a reservoir at present, it is still very difficult to evaluate the Tahe Oil field, which is too complicated to be known clearly with those current techniques. We have to face the complexity of it and study the productability of a well and the best production rate of the reservoir to keep a long-term high and stable rate. In the development of the Tahe Oilfield, it has a great impact on gaining as much as possible from the wells and developing the field more economically .This paper gives some advice on the ranges of reasonable well productability and the best production rate of the reservoir basing on summarizing the geological characteristics and performing analysis to make the development adjustment of the reservoir more available. It includes:It emphasises on the anisotropism of the reservoir both on portrait and landscape orientations which cause the difference of productabilities of wells to show the complexity of the Tahe Oilfield.We study the relations among the production index, reservoir richness, tectonic location, flowing pressures, productabilities and decline rates and summarize the trends of production, water cut and decline rate basing on the perform data we’ve got now.We give a rough plot of the blocks according the productabilities and study the best production rate of wells and the reservoir in different blocks and under diferent well numbers by the means of contrast, formula caculation, and simulations.The economy evaluation is also been done to make sure that the suggested production rate is available at current economic condition.

  • 【分类号】TE323
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】726

