

Teachers’ Nonverbal Behavior in Oral English Course of College English Major Classes

【作者】 南波

【导师】 吴欣;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 在经过几次教学理论研究的变迁后,人们普遍认为语言教学的目的是为了培养学习者的交际能力。因而针对非英语国家学习者的英语口语教学的目的是使他们能熟练的运用目的语进行交流,并能自如的应对各种交际情景,如打招呼,道歉,或提供信息等等。从上个世纪七十年代初起,交际教学法因其提倡让学生学会用外语从容自然的交流而越来越受到外语教学界的认可。同时口语课堂是一个师生面对面交流互动频繁发生的场所,这就需要口语教师掌握相应的课堂交际技能以提高课堂交际的效率。因为口语课堂相较于其他类型课堂的特殊性,教师在口语课堂上的言行举动无不影响着教学是否成功的展开。而他们的非言语行为更成为其中的一个重要因素。基于此,本文从教师的信念与实践这个视角来研究教师在口语课堂中的非言语行为。作者所进行的这一定性研究不仅有助于我们对该领域的教师的现状有更清楚的了解,而且对教师的职业发展和反思性学习提供有益的参考。 在已知的三种交际渠道里,言语知识在教学过程中占据了主导地位,而非言语交际的教与学在外语教学大纲中被大大的忽视了。事实上,当人们在谈话过程中输入信息时,言语和非言语行为同是交流理解的重要工具。人们常常发现人与人之间交流时仅仅只靠声音、语法和词汇的知识不一定就能成功的交际。在很多场合,非言语交际在帮助我们了解对方的真实意图方面起着重要的作用。另外,文化冲突和误解也往往产生于交流中的非言语交际。因此语言教师需要在教学过程中不仅传授目的语的语言知识,也要补充非言语交际的内容。 在各种对人类非言语交际行为的分类法中,本文综合参考了K滋aPp(1997)和毕继万(1999)的分类,将教师在英语口语课堂中的非言语行为分成三类:身体语言,客体语言和环境语言。其中教师最常用到的是三类范畴中的手势、身势、面部表情、眼神、触碰、以及与之教学相关的辅助物,如教室陈设、教学设备、甚至教师本身的衣着打扮等等。这些常用的非语言交际比如手势,不管是与言语相关的手势还是独立表意的手势,在教学过程中起着重要的辅助甚至是点睛的作用。有时候非言语交际的合理运用更能帮助教师实现其教学意图。 此项研究借助了教师的信念和实践这一视角来进行调查。信念是内隐于心而实践则是外显于行的。二者的结合能让人们更全面的了解教师的信念、看法和他们课堂实际行为之间的潜在联系。这一研究趋势自上个世纪七十年代以来逐步受到教育界的重视。教师信念可以定义为教师对待教学、学生以及教师本身的作用与责任的态度。而这种信念虽然不能直接记录或测量,但可以通过教师的所说、所想、及所做之间的关联进行推理判断。信念与行为之间的关系是一个从一致到不一致的连续体。当信念直接影响行为时,教师的教学就呈现信念和实践的一致状态,而在研究手段或环境的影响下,教师的信念和行为就有可能出现不一致的状态。 基于对众多文献的综合分析,本文针对教师的信念、教师的课堂行为以及教师信念与行为的关系进行了研究。研究选取了重庆师范大学外国语学院的三位专业英语口语教师作为研究对象进行了个案研究,研究采用了课堂观察个课后访谈的研究手段。在本质上这一研究属于自然主义,即研究过程中重描述性和不干预个案行为的特点。在研究方法上可归属于材料性研究范畴中的定性分析类型。对于每一个个案的课堂观摩,本文都做了详细的影象录制和课后访谈分析。最后的结论表明,三位教师在教学实践中都能有效利用非言语交际这一教学手段,但因为她们的信念在某些方面不尽相同,因而导致其课堂的效果产生差异。 本文最后指出口语教师的课堂非言语交际是复杂多变的.由于这种非言语行为受到诸多限制,不可能有某种固定的或最好的方法,所以此项研究的目的并非是要总结一种合理的课堂非言语教学的模式,而是希望以此来改进完善口语教学质量,促进教师自身发展。一方面,作为教师的雇佣者,学校应不断提供教师理论进修的机会,学习本领域最新的发展成果;另一方面,教师本身应学会对自己的教学进行反思性学习,以发现信念与行为不一致的原因并加以调整。这样才能不断提高自己的业务能力。

【Abstract】 After several innovations of teaching approaches, it is well accepted that the purpose of language teaching is to cultivate one’s communicative competence. And as a skill that enables us to produce utterances, speaking is purpose-driven. In other words, we want to communicate something to achieve a particular goal. Therefore, the intention of teaching Oral English to non-native speakers is that learners should be able to produce meaningful utterances in the target language, to deal with general interactions such as greeting, apologizing, and to present personal needs for information, such as asking for something or giving directions, etc. Since the early 1970s, communicative approach, in which students are taught to communicate freely in the target language, has become more and more popular. This requires teachers of Oral English should have proficient classroom communication techniques, so that they can improve the efficiency of communication process in an Oral English classroom where face to face interactions occur at times. Teachers’ classroom behavior, especially nonverbal behavior can be one of the decisive factors in teaching success. This dissertation then is to study teachers’ nonverbalbehavior in Oral English classroom from the point of view of the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and practices. This qualitative study would not only reveal further information of the status quo of the teaching practice but also provide valuable explorations into teacher education and development programs.Of all three communicative channels, linguistic content occupied large part of the teaching syllabus while the knowledge of NVC only appears subject to the main dominance of verbal language teaching and learning. In fact, while one is imparting information in the course of conversation, verbal behavior and nonverbal ones function as a pair of instruments for the shared understanding. As a matter of fact, people who get involved in interpersonal communication can find that even knowledge of the sounds, the grammar, and the vocabulary cannot necessarily come about the successful communication. On a lot of occasions, nonverbal communication is of importance because we learn about other persons’ affective or emotional states by inferring from their actions. Thus, it is essential for language teachers to make all three communicative channels clear to their students and make up the ignorance of nonverbal communication deficiency in language teaching and learning.Among the different classifications on nonverbal communication in human interaction, the dissertation combines the categories classified by Knapp (1997) and Bi Jiwan (1999) to exemplify the employment and functions of teacher’s nonverbal behaviors in an Oral English classroom. Of all the categories, body language which includes gesture, posture, facial expression, eye behavior and touching, object language, environment language and paralanguage are described in this paper since they are the most commonly used nonverbal means for teachers. Additionally, the sound use of body language, along with appropriate environment, may well speak louder than verbal instruction.In this qualitative research, teachers’ nonverbal behavior in Oral English classroom is studied from the perspective of teacher’s beliefs and practices. The combination of implicit beliefs and explicit behaviors would enable us to thoroughly understand the relation between teachers’ beliefs and their classroom behaviors. Teachers’ beliefs are their attitudes about their work, their students, their subject matter, and their roles and responsibilities (Nespor, 1987). The relationship between teachers’ beliefs and pedagogical behaviors varies from consistent to inconsistent. Teachers’ beliefs maydirectly influence their behavior in classroom, which lead to the consistent thesis whereas the inconsistency occurs when the study is affected by the research measures or contextual factors.Based on the review of the above discussion, this dissertation addresses the following aspects concerning teachers

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】506

