

A Study on Exploitation of the Tourism Resources in Dalian

【作者】 王辉

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 专门史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从进一步发展大连旅游业角度着眼,对大连旅游资源、旅游客源市场进行了较为全面考察,分析了旅游业开发现状及存在问题,进而力图提炼出大连的旅游总体形象与发展布局,并以此为中心,建议开发出相应的系列旅游产品。 全文分前言、正文两大部分。 前言部分:简述了大连市旅游发展态势,并整理、回顾近年有关大连旅游资源开发方面的理论研究进展及阐述撰写本文的原由。 正文分七部分阐述以下问题: 一、大连的区域概况及旅游资源分析。阐明目前大连区域概况(区位、自然条件、经济状况、历史沿革等)及旅游资源类型与特征。 二、大连旅游业发展的优劣势分析。运用SWOT分析模型,力图梳理、阐析出大连旅游发展中现存的优势、劣势、机会与威胁。 三、大连旅游客源市场分析。主要从国内、国际两个客源市场分析入手,分析了大连旅游客源市场的自身状况,包括旅游者数量、客源类别构成、旅游动机和消费结构等,在此基础上,进一步确定了大连客源市场的开发目标层次。 四、大连旅游总体形象分析。依据上述分析,提出了以现代都市形象、滨海形象作为两个旅游地域分形象支持系统,共同有力支撑“浪漫之都”——大连的旅游总体形象,以及对这一总体形象的旅游文化内涵做了进一步的阐释。 五、旅游发展总体布局。围绕总体形象,以旅游资源特色及空间分布为基点,提出“彗星式”的旅游业发展总体布局,将大连划分出三大特色功能区,即现代都市旅游区、蓝色滨海旅游区和旅游发展延伸区。 六、旅游产品的开发重点。结合大连旅游形象,以大连特色旅游资源为基础,以旅游客源市场为导向,以“浪漫”作为主调,主要从六大方面拓展旅游产品的开发思路。 七、旅游资源开发中的一些建议。

【Abstract】 From the angle of the further development of Dalian’ s tourism ,this dissertation firstly makes a full-scale investigation of the field of Dalian’ s tourist resources and tourist market, analyses the present situation and problems of the development of tourism, probes into Dalian’ s tourist image, the strategic thinking and the opening up of tourist products.This dissertation consists two sections: the preface and the main body.In the preface, the author gives a simple account of Dalian’ s tourism, reviews the recent study of Dalian’ s tourism, and then explains the original intention for the dissertation.In the main body, seven topics are discussed.1.The present tourism condition and assessment of tourist recources. This section mainly summarizes Dalian’ s urban survey, including the geographical position ,history, culture and the situation of social economic development, and types and characteristics of tourist resources, etc.2.The superior and inferior analyses in Dalian’ s tourism. With the SWOT analysis, this section analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Dalian’ s tourist development.3.The analysis of tourist source market. This section analyses the overall situation of the tourist quantity, the tourist source classification composition and the traveling motives and consumption structure and so on, then defines its target layers exploited.4.On the positioning of Dalian’ s tourism image and overall planning. This section, after analyzing support and effect factors of image positioning, points out urban image, based on the cultural features and market positioning. By investigating Dalian’ s urban image, the author offers the thinking of giving prominence to a modern urban and seaside tourism image.5.The total plan of tourist development. Based on the tourism image positioning and features of the tourist resources, this section points out the "comet-style" layout of tourist development, including three large functional districts.6.The opening up of tourist products. According to the support system of Dalian’ s tourism image, the development of metropolis and marine tourist products should be conducted.7.Some suggestions on the exploitation of Dalian’ s tourist resources.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】941

