

Present Situation Study and Countermeasure of Staff Training in Huge State Enterprises

【作者】 何春华

【导师】 周谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 国有企业是我国国民经济的支柱。职工队伍整体素质的全面提升,是企业发展和振兴的关键。加强职工培训,造就高素质的劳动者,是企业增强市场竞争能力的重要举措。 建峰厂属国有大型企业。职工队伍整体业务素质不强,造成该厂全员劳动生产率不高,经济运行质量差。要振兴企业,应加大人才培养力度。建峰厂职工培训伴随企业军工建设、军转民和第三次创业的开展得到了一定的发展,但也面临企业改制、经济结构调整、科技进步及就业岗位变动的强大压力,存在诸如管理体制落后;企业对培训工作重视不够;培训制度、培训机制有待进一步完善;职工培训外部环境差和师资力量薄弱等问题。分析其原因,主要有:企业管理水平较低;职工培训观念滞后;培训计划缺乏需求分析;“普教模式”的障碍;员工参加学习的障碍。针对以上问题,建峰厂应从提高对职工培训重要性的认识入手,正确定位企业职工培训;理顺职工培训管理体制;加强培训计划的需求分析;强化职工培训运行机制;建立适当的员工培训激励机制;改革企业职工培训培训方式;建立科学有效的绩效评价体系,使职工培训朝着健康、科学、规范的方向发展,为企业培养高素质的职工队伍服务。

【Abstract】 State enterprises are the mainstay of the national economy of our country. Generally speaking, the workers’ quality is being enhanced, which is the key to developing enterprises vigorously. Strengthening workers’ education and bringing up the labors with high quality are important ways of strengthening the ability of the market competition.Jianfeng Chemical General Plant is one of huge state enterprises. Workers’ vocational quality is lower than needed, which leads to its lower productivity and its worse quality of economy running. It should strengthen the qualified workers’ training in order to develop it vigorously. Although the workers’ education is being developed along with its war production and for civil use and the developing of the third undertaking, it is still facing many problems, such as reforming its system, regulating economic structure, scientific and technological progress, the pressure of the changing employment posts, the backward management system and soon. Workers pay no attention to the training work. The rules and systems of training should be perfected. The outer education conditions are not good, and the shortage of teachers is also a problem. There are many reasons: the level of its management was lower; sense of education lagged behind reality; the training plan lacked the analysis of requirements; there were some obstacles to the model of basic education and workers’ training. To counter these problems, the enterprise should attach greatimportance to the workers’ training; fix the position of the workers’ education properly; unblock and heighten the systems of their education conformity; give more effective analysis of requirements to the workers’ training plans; set up the proper encouraging system of their training; reform the training ways; form the scientific and effective efficacy-appraising systems, which makes it healthy, scientific and standard to develop the workers’ education. It would have trained a high-qualified workgroup to serve the enterprise.

【关键词】 企业教育历史问题改革
【Key words】 enterprise educationhistoryproblemreform
  • 【分类号】G726
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1045

