

A Study on Development the Quality of Ideological and Political Education’s Subject

【作者】 卢景昆

【导师】 罗洪铁;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 思想政治教育过程,是一个充满着矛盾运动与矛盾转化的过程。在整个思想政治教育实践活动中,主体始终起着主导性作用,占支配地位,是整个思想政治教育实践活动的组织者和引导者。思想政治教育主体的素质如何,将直接关系到思想政治教育价值的实现程度。在全球化和知识经济时代,深刻变化的国际国内形势对思想政治教育主体的素质有了更高、更新的要求。通过开发思想政治教育主体素质,造就出一大批高素质思想政治教育主体,已成为思想政治教育价值实现的关键。基于此,我们有必要在诸多学者们的研究成果之上,多角度深入探讨,如何提高思想政治教育主体人员的素质,从而更好地发挥思想政治教育主体的作用,提高思想政治教育的实效性。《思想政治教育主体素质开发论》正是一次大胆的尝试。本文尝试将人才学与思想政治教育学结合起来,进行跨学科的探索。对思想政治教育主体素质开发的内涵、意义、现状、存在的问题以及对策等几方面进行初步的系统的研究,旨在完善思想政治教育学学科的基础理论,促进思想政治教育实践的发展。全文由四部分构成: 第一部分:思想政治教育主体素质开发理论概述。在对已有的思想政治教育主体素质开发理论进行述评的基础之上,详细地阐述思想政治教育主体素质开发的含义、类型及研究的理论和实践意义,为后文的深入研究作出基础理论准备。 第二部分:思想政教育主体素质开发的内容。这一部分根据时代特点、社会发展要求对思想政治教育主体素质的要求,从政治思想道德素质、智能素质、身心素质三个相辅相成、有机联系的方面具体地构建了新时期思想政治教育主体素质开发的基本内容和要求。 第三部分:思想政治教育主体素质开发的依据、有利条件及不利因素分析。首先,对开发思想政治教育主体素质的依据、有利条件进行了详细的阐述;其次,客观地分析了开发思想政治教育主体素质的现状、存在问题;最后对存在问题的原因进行了初步探讨和辩证分析。 第四部分:思想政治教育主体素质开发的对策研究。这是全文的归宿和重点,也是重在突破创新之处。通过运用人才学的有关知识和原理,结合思想政治主体素质开发的实践,创造性地提出了开发思想政治教育主体素质的三大对策:一是培养性开发;二是使用性开发;三是政策性开发。

【Abstract】 The process of ideological and political education (IPE) is full of contradictions and their transformation. With his dominating position and role in the process, the subject of IPE acts as an organizer and guide in the practice of IPE. Therefore, the subject’s quality is related directly to the degree of realization of IPE’s axiology. In the period of globalization and intellectual economy, both the international and domestic situation which have been changing deeply request higher and new quality of subject of IPE. It has become a key to the realization of IPE’s axiology to cultivate a sufficient number of high-qualified subjects through developing their qualities. So, in order to enable subject to play his their role better therefore improve IPE’s actual effect, it is necessary to study further how to improve the subject’quality from different sides basing on the research of many scholar. This paper is just a bold try. The author tries to do an interdisciplinary research combinig the study of IPE with the study of talent. Through systematically and introductorily studying the definition,the sorts, the present situation and the countermeasure of development the Quality Of IPE’s Subject,this paper aims at consummating the fundamental theory of IPE , and promoting the development of practice of IPE . This paper consists of four parts:Part I : account of the theories of development the quality of IPE’s Subject . On the basis of the commentary on previous researches, the author expounds the implication , sorts and theoretical and practical value of such kind of study, which paves the theoretical basis for further study in the next part.Part II: Contents of this development. According to the characteristic and requirement of social development, the author puts forwards the basic quality in the new century of IPE’s subject is such aspects as morality, intelligence and physique. These quality supplement and complement each other to constitute an organic whole.PartIII: analysis of the scientific bases, advantageous conditions and disadvantageousfactors about the development the quality of IPE’s subject. First comes an indepth account of the scientific bases and advantageous conditions. Second is the analysis of the present situation and problem. Last is the trial probe into and scientific analysis of the causes to the problem.PartIV: Countermeasures. This part is as well the end-result and focal point as the innovation of this paper. Using concerned knowledge of the study of talent and practical experience of developing the quality of IPE’s subject ,the author puts forward three innovative countermeasure: fostering development, utilization development and policy development.

  • 【分类号】D64
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】419

