

A Study on Undergraduates’ Stress Disorder and Coping Strategies After Serious Society Life Events-Taking SARS for Example

【作者】 孙远

【导师】 张大均;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 大学生处在生理、心理发展的特殊时期,处在人生观、世界观形成的关键期,一旦出现社会生活应激情境,他们往往因不知如何应对而导致心理障碍的发生。已有研究表明,大学生的心理问题主要表现在应激生活事件及应对特点上,负性生活事件、重大的挫折、无效的应对是其产生心理问题的主要原因。“非典”事件发生后,大学生中也出现了种种心理问题,如何采取有效的应对措施,将灾难后造成的心理问题的消极影响减少到最低限度,是高校心理健康教育迫切需要解决的问题,也是提高大学生社会适应能力和自我发展能力的需要。本研究通过系统研究重大社会生活事件——“非典”后大学生应激障碍、应对策略及其影响因素,为提高大学生的心理素质和心理健康水平提供科学的理论依据,丰富大学生心理健康教育理论。 本研究在文献分析和开放式问卷调查的基础上,借鉴国内外的有关量表,主要采用因素分析方法,编制了“重大社会生活事件后大学生的应激障碍及应对策略问卷”。同时运用已有的人格问卷、社会支持量表、心理控制感量表对不同疫区的大学生进行测量,探讨其应激障碍、应对策略的特点及各个影响因素作用的情况。研究结果得出了如下的结论: 1.自编的“重大社会生活事件后大学生的应激障碍问卷”有较好的信度、效度。通过因素分析得到了五个因素:生理异常、行为过度、抑郁、敏感恐惧、轻信。 2.自编的“重大社会生活事件后大学生的应对策略问卷”有较好的信度、效度。通过因素分析得到了五个因素:抱怨幻想、积极行动、独自承受、等待、转移.分为三个维度:卷人性应对、维持性应对、摆脱性应对.3.应激障碍方面,较重疫区与其他疫区有显著的学校疫区、家庭疫区差异,在专业类型、性别上没有显著的差异,在痛苦经历、健康状况上有显著的差异.4.应对策略方面,较重疫区与严重疫区有显著的学校疫区、家庭疫区差异,理工科与文科、医学类有显著的差异,在隔离状况、痛苦经历方面有显著的差异,而在性别、健康状况方面没有显著的差异.5.人格特征对应激障碍有影响,其中神经质的解释率最大,精神质次之,内外向最小.6.人格特征各维度对应对策略的影响是不同的,卷人性应对策略主要是受精神质、内外向维度的影响,其中精神质的解释量最大。摆脱性应对主要受神经质一个维度的影响。内外向、神经质、精神质三个维度对维持性应对都有影响,其中神经质的解释量最大,内外向次之,精神质的解释量最小.7.社会支持特别是来自朋友的支持作为缓冲器能降低应激障碍,社会支持的多少也影响应对策略的选择.8.应对策略、社会支持、人格特征、心理控制感、情境因素对应激障碍有直接效应.应对策略、社会支持、人格特征、心理控制感互为中介对应激障碍有间接效应。

【Abstract】 Undergraduates are in the period of physical and mental development, also they are forming philosophy of life and world views, so they often don’t know how to cope with society life stress events and result in mental disorder. Some investigated data show that undergraduates’ mental problems are mainly revealed in stress life events and coping characteristics. Negative life events, important frustration and ineffective coping result in mental problems. Many kinds of mental problems appear among undergraduates after S ARS event, so it is an urgent thing for college mental health education how to use effective coping strategies to decrease the negative influence after traumas into the lowest degree, and it is a need to improve undergraduates’ abilities of adaptability and development. We make systematic studies on undergraduates’ stress disorder, coping strategies and their influence factors after SARS event in order to provide scientifical theory bases to improve undergraduates’ mental quality and mental health level, and enrich the theory of college mental health education.Based on document analysis and open questionnaire investigation, and consulting relative scales at home and abroad, we compile the Undergraduates’ Stress Disorder and Coping Strategies Qestionnaires after Serious Society Life Events mainly by factor-analysis approach. We also measure undergraduates in different epidemic areas using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale and Spheres of Control in order to explore the characteristics of undergraduates’ stress disorder, coping strategies and the influence of all factors. The concisions show that:1. The self-compiled Undergraduates’ Stress Disorder Questionnaire after Serious Society Life Events has satisfying reliability and validity. By factor analysis, we get five factors: physical abnormality, behavioral excess, depression, sensitivity and phobia, and credulity.2. The self-compiled Undergraduates’ Coping Strategies Qestionnaire after Serious Society Life Events has satisfying reliability and validity. By factor analysis, we obtain five factors: complain and fancy, positive action, endure for oneself, wait, and transfer. The five factors are divided into three dimensionalities: joined coping, maintained coping, avoided coping.3. With respect to stress disorder, there is significant difference of school epidemic areas and family epidemic areas between more serious epidemic areas and other areas. Significant difference also exists between male and female, among the types of major. There is no significant difference between different painful experience, and among different health.4. With respect to coping strategies, there is significant difference of school epidemic areas and family epidemic areas between more serious epidemic areas and the most serious epidemic areas. There is also significant difference between science, engineering and arts, medicine, between different separate states, and different painful experience. But there is no significant difference between male and female, and among different health.5. Personality characteristics have effect on stress disorder. The interpretative ratio in order is: neuroticism, psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion.6. Three dimensionalities of personality characteristics have different effect on coping strategies. Joined coping strategies are mainly affected by psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion, and the highest interpretative ratio is psychoticism. Avoided coping strategies are mainly affected by neuroticism. Maintained coping strategies are affected by neuroticism, psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion. And the interpretative ratio in order is: neuroticism, intraversion-extraversion, psychoticism.7. As a buffer, social support especially from friends can decrease stress disorder. The amount of social support also affects choosing coping strategies.8. Coping strategies, social support, personality characteristics, the sense of control and situational factors have direct effect on str

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】661

