

On the U.S.-Iran Relationship After the Cold War

【作者】 蔺焕萍

【导师】 王孝询;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 世界史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 冷战后的美国伊朗关系既是一个历史问题,更是一个现实问题;既属于世界当代史的研究范畴,又属于国际政治的研究范畴;既是美国伊朗之间的双边问题,又是涉及到欧盟、俄罗斯、中国、日本和中东各国的一个多边问题。本篇论文在借鉴国内外专家学者研究成果的基础上,运用历史学的纵向比较方法和国际政治学的地缘政治与地缘经济理论,回顾了冷战前的美国伊朗关系的演变历程,分析了冷战结束以后美国伊朗关系的阶段性特征,对美国伊朗关系的前景做了初步预测,归纳了美国伊朗关系中表现出的一系列特征。 在冷战时期的两极格局下,美国极为重视石油储量丰富、开采条件优越的伊朗,与巴列维王朝时期的伊朗关系极为友好,支持巴列维王朝颠覆摩萨台政府,把伊朗培植为海湾警察,使其成为美国控制中东地区的支柱之一。伊朗则借助美国势力摆脱了国家被苏联和英国分裂的命运,称霸于海湾地区,促进了本国的经济现代化和军事现代化。 然而伊斯兰革命后的伊朗敌视美国,两国关系紧张,两国之间偶尔相互利用。冷战结束后,美国国家利益的改变使得美国的外交战略发生了巨大的变化,美国对地区强国的防范显得尤为重要,因此对伊朗采取越来越严厉的制裁措施,但是由于遭到许多国家的反对和抵制,制裁并没有达到预期的效果。在美国政府的眼里,伊朗是一个“无赖国家”,它支持国际恐怖主义,反对阿以和平进程,输出伊斯兰革命,扩充军备以控制海湾地区,谋求获取大规模杀伤性武器,对美国的国家利益和民主政治在中东的推行构成威胁。美国对伊朗进行经济封锁、政治孤立、军事威慑。伊朗总统哈塔米于1997年当选后,两国都陆续表示要改善关系并采取了一定的措施,但是小布什政府仍称伊朗为“邪恶轴心国家”,并在伊拉克战争结束后屡屡攻击伊朗,并试图采用除军事手段外一切手段推翻伊朗政府,美国对伊朗的政策是“以遏制为主,以接触为辅”。虽然美国在2003年12月26日的伊朗巴姆城地震后给予了积极的援助,两国官员“十分罕见地”进行了直接接触,但美国派遣政治家访问伊朗的企图遭到了伊朗的坚决拒绝,两国关系依然坚冰难破。

【Abstract】 The U.S.-Iran relationship after the Cold War is not only a historical issue, but also a realistic one. It not only belongs to the category of contemporary world history, but also belongs to that of international politics. It is not only a bilateral issue between America and Iran, but also a multilateral one involving European Union, Russia, China, Japan and countries of the Middle East. Based. On the consulting of the research achievements of specialists and scholars at home and abroad, and applying the longitudinally/vertically comparing approach of historical science and the theory of geopolitics and geoeconomics of international political science, this thesis reviews the evolution of the U.S.-Iran relationship during the Cold War, analyses the characteristics of the U.S.-Iran relationship in different phases after the Cold War, makes a preliminary forecast of the future of the U.S.-Iran relationship, and sums up a series of characteristics displayed in the U.S.-Iran relationship.Under the structure of two-polar system, America paid much attention to Iran, which abounds in oil deposits and has favorable exploiting conditions, got on well with Iran under the Dynasty of Pahlavi, supported Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi in his overturning/subverting the government of Mohamad Mosadegh, fostered Iran into the police of the Persian Gulf, and made it one of the two pillars of America in its control of the Middle East. And with the help of American power, Iran extricated itself from its fete of being split by Soviet Union and England, attempted to dominate the Gulf region, and promoted the economic and military modernization of Iran.But America and Iran were hostile to each other after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Although both of them often took advantage of each other, generally speaking, relations between the two countries are strained. After the Cold War ended, the change of American national interests resulted in great changes of American diplomatic strategies and policies, and it is especially important for America to keep restraining regional power. Therefore, America applied more and more stern sanctions against Iran, which were objected to and resisted by many countries and didn’t achieve the desired results. American government considered Iran as a "rogue nation" which sponsored international terrorism, opposed Arab-Israel peace process, exported Islamic revolution, expanded its weapons to control the Gulf region, sought weapons of mass destruction, and threatened American national interests and the practice of American democracy in the Middle East. The United Statesblockaded Iran in economy, isolated it in politics, and deterred it with military force. After Iranian President Mohammad Khatami was elected in 1997, both of the two countries expressed their desires of improving the relations between them, and had taken some measures to do so. However, the George W. Bush administration still included Iran in the so-called "axis of evil", continually attacked Iran after the Iraq War, and attempted to take all measures except military one to overturn Iranian government. Overall, American foreign policy to Iran has been "mainly containment while making contact subsidiary ". Although the United States gave Iran much aid immediately after a destructive earthquake happened in the city of Bam in December 26, 2003 and the officials of the two countries "very exceptionally " made contact with each other directly, Iran resolutely refused America’s attempt to dispatch a delegation led by a senator to visit Iran. The relationship between America and Iran is still hard to improve.

【关键词】 冷战后美国伊朗美国伊朗关系
【Key words】 after the Cold WarAmericaIranthe U.S.-Iran relationship
  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】564

