

The Research on Yan Fu’s Education Thoughts

【作者】 廖芹

【导师】 吴洪成; 么家利;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 严复是我国近代资产阶级启蒙思想家、哲学家、翻译家和教育家,他学贯中西,气象博大,思想内容极为丰富,又极为复杂,主要表现在他的思想中既有传统思想的深刻烙印,同时又深受西方资产阶级启蒙思想的影响。严复在英国留学两年的特殊经历使他在中西文化冲突下对中国传统教育与洋务教育进行反思、批判,对西方文化教育进行研究和传播,形成他的新教育思想,并将其教育思想付诸于实践。严复不仅对近代教育思想的发展与教育实践的变革产生过深刻的影响,其教育思想对当代教育仍有重要的借鉴意义。因此,笔者撰写论文试图从严复教育思想来源的分析和他在对旧教育进行反思的基础上对新教育的提倡,探讨他的教育思想特色,在中国近代教育史上的地位和作用,以及对当代教育的启示。 全文分四部分: 第一部分,分析严复教育思想的来源,包括其个人的教育经历与实践和西方学说对严复的启示。 第二部分,探讨严复对旧教育的反思,包括他对封建旧教育和洋务教育的批判。 第三部分,阐述严复对新教育的提倡,①对教育的新认识;②对新国民素质的追求;③对科学教育的新主张。 第四部分,历史反思和总结,从以下几方面进行论述:①严复教育思想的特色;②严复教育思想在中国近代史上的地位和作用;③严复教育思想对当代教育的启示。

【Abstract】 Yan Fu was the first thinker of modern capitalist thoughts ,a philosopher, a translator and an educator in China. He had abundant knowledge about China and foreign countries. His thoughts were very rich and sophisticated. This mainly appeared that his thoughts were not only traditional but also deeply enlightened by the first western capitalist thoughts. Yan Fu had ever studied in Britain for two years, so this special career made him anti think and criticize the differences between the traditional Chinese education and the education in western countries. Meanwhile, he studied the western culture and spread it. At last , he formed his new thoughts on education. Also he put them into practice. Yan Fu has not only produced deep influence on the development of the thoughts on modern education and the change of the education practice, at the same time his thoughts which have been drawn lesson from still have important meaning for the contemporary education. Therefore, the writer who has composed the thesis tries to analyze the source of Yan Fu’s thoughts on education and his advocate of new education based on the anti think to the old education. Thus the writer inquires into the special features of his education thoughts, the position and effect during China’s modern history as well as the enlightenment for the modern education.Four parts of the whole thesis:The first part, analyses on the source of Yan Fu’s thoughts on education, including his personal education career and practice with western theory’s enlightenment to him.The second part, inquiry into Yan Fu’s anti think to the old education including hiscriticism of the old education in feudalism and the judgment of education on foreign advanced technology.The third part, expounding his advocate of new education, (1)the understanding to new education;(2)the pursuing for the characters of new citizens;(3)the new ideas about scientific education.The fourth part, history anti think and summary, comments from the following several aspects :(1)the special features of Yan Fu’s thoughts on education; (2)the position and effect of Yan Fu’s thoughts on education during China’s modern hi story ;(3)the enlightenment of Yan Fu’s thoughts on education for the contemporary education.

【关键词】 严复教育思想旧教育新教育
【Key words】 Yan Futhoughts on educationold educationnew education
  • 【分类号】G40-092
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】912

