

Research on the Fore-scientific Concept in Senior Middle School Chemistry Teaching

【作者】 詹忠贤

【导师】 李远蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会的进步,心理学、教育学研究的深入,促使教育观念发生着深刻的变革。科教兴国、人才强国战略呼唤科学教育,强调基础教育对于提高未来国民科学素养的重要性,而科学概念的掌握是科学素养形成和提高的基础。研究表明,科学概念的掌握在很大程度上受制于人们头脑中已有的观念即前科学概念。本文在尝试对前科学概念进行首创性的分类的前提下,结合自己长期的教学实践,对高中化学教学中可能存在的前科学概念首次进行了统计分析。对高中学生化学前科学概念的形成原因,前科学概念对高中化学概念形成的影响,进行了科学的分析。在此基础上,提出了克服前科学概念对高中化学概念形成的消极影响以及避免产生新的化学前科学概念的一般策略。并从自己对前科学概念的分类这一角度,对策略的应用进行了较为详细的分析说明。但是,由于时间的关系,本研究还未能对自己的观点进行综合的实验研究,因此,本实验还有待进一步进行下去。

【Abstract】 The development of society and the profound research in psychology and pedagogy bring the great reform in education ideas. The strategy of strengthening the country by science and the talented demands scientific education, and emphasizes the importance of elementary education in nurturing future citizen’s science-accomplishment. It is believed that the control of scientific concepts is the foundation both in forming and elevating people’s science-accomplishment. However, the control of scientific concepts is to a large extent restricted by people’s fore-science concepts (those which exist in the mind before touching the scientific concepts ), so this paper first tries classifying the fore-science concepts in senior middle school chemistry teaching, then counts and analyses them according to many years’ teaching experience. It analyzes the reason why some teachers and students have the fore-science concepts, points out the influence of them on forming scientific concepts. On this basis, this paper brings up and analyzes in detail the strategy on how to overcome the negative influence and how to avoid fore-science concepts. Because time is limited, this paper fails to experiment the ideas ,the work should go on .

【关键词】 前科学概念化学教学
【Key words】 fore-science conceptChemistry teaching
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】590

