

On History Learning Strategies in Middle School under New Course Concepts

【作者】 李家智

【导师】 卢华语;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,学习策略研究已成为教育学、心理学领域研究的热点问题。教会学生学习,传授有效的学习策略,已被当前教育界视为提高学习效率的有效途径及减轻学生负担、大面积提高教学质量的有效措施。与具体学科相结合的学科学习策略研究正成为学习策略应用研究的热点,本研究选择了中学历史学习策略作为课题,试图通过调查、了解中学生历史学习策略运用现状,在理论和实践相结合的基础上,构建新课程理念下中学历史学习策略体系。 本文认为历史学习策略是指学习者在历史学习活动中,进行有效学习的学习方法、技巧、步骤及其整个学习活动中的心理调控过程,它既体现为外显的学习方法、技巧,更主要体现为内在心智活动过程。它具有三个显著的特点即内隐性、稳定性和独特性。 本文根据已有的研究成果,通过访谈和征求专家意见,结合历史学科特点编制成调查表。通过对重庆市七所学校五个年级10个班450名学生的调查及结果分析,得出如下结论:(1)中学生历史学习策略运用总体水平比较好,平均在中等偏上,但在计划策略、组织策略、思维策略和情感策略等运用方面偏低;(2)学习策略运用呈现年级差异,学生策略运用水平从初中到高中随年级增长有下降的趋势;(3)学习策略运用呈现性别差异,女生在态度、动机、预习、复习、计划、监控、学习辅助和自我测试等策略的运用方面明显高于男生,而男生的信息精加工策略运用水平高于女生;(4)历史学习成绩优秀生与中下、差生在学习策略运用水平上存在显著差异,优秀生的策略运用水平显著高于差生;(5)重庆市主城区学生与边远地区学生历史学习策略水平总体上不存在明显差异,但主城区学生在合作交流、课外信息获取、探究历史问题等策略运用方面高于边远地区学生。 本文在调查结论的基础上,通过分析新课程的基本理念,构建了中学历史学习策略体系,其中包括四个一级策略即历史元认知策略、历史认知策略、历史资源管理利用策略和历史情感策略,并对历史认知策略的六个二级策略即历史概念掌握策略、历史知识体系策略、历史技能训练策略、历史规律学习策略、历史知识运用策略和历史问题探究策略进行了重点阐述。 本文最后结合调查分析结果,提出在新课程理念下要加强学科学习策略的研究,重视对学生学科学习策略的教学,提高教师的策略教学意识,加强策略教学的针对性,培养和强化学生学习策略运用意识,主动积极地进行学习。

【Abstract】 In recent years, research on learning strategies has become a hot issue in the filed of pedagogy and psychology. In educational circle, teaching students how to learn and imparting them effective learning strategies have been regarded as effective methods to ease their burden and greatly enhance teaching quality. Therefore, disciplinary learning strategies integrated with a concrete subject has been a focus of the research on the application of learning strategies. Through empirical study of the application of history learning strategies in middle schools, the thesis attempts to construct history learning strategy systems under new course concepts.In this thesis, history learning strategies refer to effective learning methods, techniques, procedures and the entire mental monitoring process, which are used by learners in the course of history learning. Learning strategies are reflected as explicit learning methods, learning techniques as well as implicit mental process. They are characterized by implicitness, stability and uniqueness.In light of previous research results, questionnaires with unique features of the discipline of history were designed by interviewing and consulting experts. By investigating 450 students in 10 classes in five grades from 7 middle schools in Chongqing and analyzing the corresponding results, the study draws the following conclusions:(1) The middle-school students’ overall abilities of utilizing history learning strategies are good, and are above the average, but their abilities to utilize planning strategy, organization strategy, and mental strategy and emotion strategy are somewhat poor (2) The ability of utilizing history learning strategy varies among students from different grades: junior and senior middle-school students’ abilities to utilize learning strategy declines with the growth of their grades.(3) Theability of utilizing history learning strategies varies among students of different sexes: female students are better at using learning strategies related to attitude, motivation, previewing, reviewing, planning, monitoring, assistance and self-test than male students, while male students are better at using the strategy of precise processing of information. (4) The ability of utilizing history learning strategies differs markedly among students with outstanding academic records and students with poor academic records: outstanding students have a better ability of using learning strategies. (5) The overall ability of utilizing history learning strategy doesn’t differ remarkably among students from Chongqing city proper and students from remote areas, but the former have better abilities of utilizing strategies related to cooperation, information exchange, information acquisition outside class, inquiry into historical issues than the latter.On the basis of research results and by analyzing fundamental new course concepts, this thesis constructs a history learning strategy system in middle schools, which is composed of four strategies: history meta-cognitive strategy, history cognitive strategy, history resources management and utilization strategy and history emotion strategy. The study also elaborates on six sub-strategies of history cognitive strategy, namely, history concepts mastery strategy, history knowledge system strategy, history skill training strategy, history rules learning strategy, history knowledge utilization strategy and historical issues study strategy.In the end based on the research results this study proposes that research on disciplinary learning strategy under new course concepts should be strengthened and more stress should be placed on teaching students disciplinary learning strategies and raising teachers’ consciousness of strategy’s teaching. Thus, strategy’s teaching will be more pertinent to students and students’ awareness of using learning strategy will be cultivated and cemented so that they are more active in their studies.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】595

