

High School Students English Vocabulary Learning Strategies

【作者】 刘芝花

【导师】 吴欣;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 英语作为一门全球性语言,是世界科技进步、国际经济发展与文化交流的载体,是每个人顺应时代和社会发展的必备工具。当前,中国传统英语教学的弊端导致多数高中学生词汇学习困难重重,词汇量成了英语学习的桎梏。探索并总结积极、有效的英语学习策略是减轻学生负担,全面提高学生素质,为学生终身学习打基础的重要途径。国内外众多研究者们已从不同角度对英语词汇学习策略进行了研究,但是,随着新颁高中《英语课程标准》对学生词汇量要求的提高,学习者如何有效地学习和掌握词汇仍是一个亟待研究的问题。能够改善词汇学习的学习策略很多,本论文使用观察、访谈和个案研究等形式重点研究元认知策略和记忆策略的培训对词汇学习的促进作用。元认知策略指学习过程中的监控、计划评价和反思等,元认知策略高于其它策略,是其它策略得以实施的前提(文秋芳,2003)。记忆策略的培训可以改变以往学生学习词汇中死记硬背,反复记,反复遗忘的现象。对以上两种策略培训一年后,结果表明: (1)学生元认知意识增强,可以在词汇学习以及英语学习的其它环节使用计划、监控、调节等手段。 (2)学生能正确评价所学材料的难易难度,反思策略使用效果。 (3)学习词汇时,学生能主动寻求诸如联想、搭配、分类等记忆策略加强记忆效果。 (4)词汇掌握得更牢固,减少了遗忘率。 (5)词汇学习从枯燥乏味的死记硬背变成了可以发挥学生主观能动性的充满乐趣的学习过程。 全文分四章,第一章阐述情感因素的重要性和存在的问题,指明从事本文写作研究的出发点。 第二章分述情感因素的内涵,如动机、态度、焦虑和性格等。 第三章着重分析情感因素对英语学习的功能,包括积极功能和消极功能。 第四章讨论教师在英语教学中如何激发和培养学生积极的情感因素。 最后一部分为结论,概括教师进行情感教育必须因材施教,并善于观察,捕捉反馈信息和自我反思。

【Abstract】 As a global language, English is the carrier and base of the development of international science, technique, economy and cross-cultural communication. English is also the necessary tool for everyone to cope with the development of times and society. But the traditional English teaching methods have led to inefficient language learning. Vocabulary learning is regarded as the barrier to further English learning. Exploring and reviewing positive and effective English vocabulary learning strategies is an important way to lessen the burden of students and to promote life-long and over-all education. Much research has focused on vocabulary learning strategies. However with the New Curriculum coming into use, senior high students are required to master far more words than before. There exist various strategies which can facilitate vocabulary learning, of which this thesis mainly deals with two: meta-cognitive strategy and memorizing strategy. Meta-cognitive strategy refers to monitoring, planning, evaluating and reflecting. Meta-cognitive which can help other strategies come true is above otherstrategies (Wen, 2003). Memorizing strategy can prevent forgetfulness. After one year’s training, the results show as follows:(1) Students’ sense of meta-cognitive is promoted. They can employ ways like planning and monitoring in vocabulary learning.(2) Students can properly evaluate learning materials and reflect on their use of strategies.(3) While learning vocabulary, students are able to seek for memorizing strategies, for example, association, sorting or matching to enhance memory.(4) Rate of vocabulary forgetfulness decreased.(5) Vocabulary learning becomes a creative and interesting task instead of a dull and boring drudgery.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】685

