

A Study on Indian IT Vocational Education

【作者】 付瑛

【导师】 周谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 21世纪是知识经济的时代,科技竞争成为当今以经济为核心的综合国力竞争的焦点,而科技竞争的实质又是人的素质的竞争。因此,世界上发达国家、新兴工业国家、发展中国家和地区都确定了有助于经济增长和国家安全的重点发展科技领域,以增强本国的国际竞争力。信息技术(IT)产业就是其中的一个重要领域,一个对本国的发展有着举足轻重意义的朝阳行业。所以,IT产业及其人才培养,不仅是世界各国政府和产业界人士所关注的领域,更应该成为当代教育、经济等行业的学者们的重要研究目标。 西方经济学家认为,第三世界国家要发展高科技是很困难的,而今天西方工业大国却要依赖印度来发展自己的信息技术。就是这个几乎人口的1/2都是文盲的国家,却创造了软件业神话,生产出了令比尔·盖茨吃惊的软件。印度IT人才的成功开发是其成功的重要原因之一。尤其是产业化的IT职业教育,为印度的软件业培养了大批高质量低成本的软件基础人才,构筑了合理人才结构——“金字塔”结构的坚实底座。我国与印度有着诸多相似,而软件业的发展却落后于印度。所以,这一规模化的人才教育模式对我国有着极其重要的借鉴意义。 本文运用文献法和比较法,分析了印度IT职业教育发展的历史背景条件和之所以成功的影响因素。因素包括:1.政策支持、民间投资为印度IT职业教育的发展提供了市场和保证;2.印度重视计算机教育普及,狠抓中小学的信息技术教育,为IT职业教育的开展打下了坚实的基础;3.历史文化背景和教育传统为印度IT职业教育的开展提供了优势;4.准确的职业教育定位及成功运作。同时,指出了我国软件人才培养中存在的问题。最后,针对印度IT职业教育的成功影响因素,本文指出了印度IT职业教育给我国教育带来的相关启示,包括:1.拓宽人才培养渠道,重视职业教育职能:2.打破传统的教育观念,借鉴先进的教学模式;3.关注产业发展,重视教材和课程的及时更新;4.密切与企业的合作,构建“产学合作”教育模式;5.以能力为本位,注重培养“复合型”实用人才;6.加强我国中小学阶段的基础教育。

【Abstract】 The 21st century is an era of knowledge economy. In this century, the competiUon of science and technology becomes the focus of the competition of each country’s comprehensive national power, and the essential of the competition of science and technology is the competition of workforce’s quality. Therefore, to be more competent, developed countries and new industrialized countries have confirmed the key developing fields of science and technology that are helpful to economy growth and country’s safety. Information Technology (IT) industry is one of the fields which is a very important and promising industry. Therefore, IT industry is not only the attention of the government and the industry, but also should be one of the important study fields of education and economy domain.Western economists consider that it is very difficult for the countries in the third w,orld to develop their high-tech, however, the western industrialized countries rely on India to develop their IT. It is India with the illiteracy of one-second of its population that becomes the ijumber two in software industry among the countries in the world. The successful training of talents in Indian IT industry is one of the important reasons. The industrialized vocational education in Indian IT industry especially trained many "blue collars" with high quality and low cost in software industry, which build the stable basis of a reasonable structure of talents. China is similar to India in many aspects but far behind India in software industry. Therefore, thetraining mode of Indian IT vocational education is of great significance in use for reference for China.In this paper, the author analyzes the historical background and the impacting factors on the success of Indian IT vocational training. The impacting factors include: a) policies of Indian government and folk investment; b) Indian government attach importance to the prevalence of computer education; c) historical background and education tradition of India; d) successful running of Indian IT vocational education. In this paper, the author also pointed out the problems in China’s IT education. At last, the author pointed out the enlightenment for China’s education that includes: a) increase training channels of talents and attach importance to the function of vocational education; b) change conventional education idea and borrow the advanced teaching modes from other countries or fields; c) pay attention to the renewal of courses and textbooks with the development of the industry; d) tie up with enterprises, form an education mode of combination of production and study; e) ability-focused, pay attention to the training of compound and utility talents, f) strengthen the education in elementary and high schools of our country.

  • 【分类号】G719.351
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】687

