

Design of the Education of Career Planning of Secondary Vocational School Students

【作者】 姚贵平

【导师】 余林;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中等职业学校开展学生职业生涯设计教育,是社会经济变革和中等职业教育本质任务的迫切要求。当前中职生大多是学习基础较差、成功体验较少的初中毕业生,他们的自我认同水平、自信心偏弱,同时缺乏设计自我职业生涯的意识、能力与实践,这是其在激烈的人才竞争中难以获得成功的重要原因,这迫切要求中职学校开展学生职业生涯设计教育。目前中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育的实践主要集中于北京、上海、江苏等少数省市的少数试点中职学校,整个研究也处于起步阶段。中职生职业生涯设计教育体系研究是中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育实践的前提和基础,目前尽管少数中职学校进行着学生职业生涯设计教育的实践探索,但普遍缺乏对系统的教育体系的思考与研究,开展中职生职业生涯设计教育体系研究在理论与实践上都迫在眉睫。 本文运用调查法、比较法、文献法等研究方法,在疏理职业、职业生涯、职业生涯设计,职业指导、职业辅导、职业生涯设计教育等概念内涵及其关系的基础上,重点探讨了中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育体系的基本要素和具体内容,以期从面上把握中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育,以便为我国中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育实践提供参考。 中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育是有目的、有计划、有组织的培养学生进行职业生涯设计的意识与技能,发展学生综合职业能力,促进学生职业生涯发展的活动,是以引导学生进行并落实职业生涯设计为主线的综合性教育活动。调研发现,目前中职学校学生职业生涯设计尚处于自发阶段,表现出:在职业生涯发展定位上存在盲目性、对自我职业生涯发展目标追求偏颇、对自我职业生涯发展潜力认识模糊以及设计自我职业生涯的意识与技能较弱等特点,需要加大引导力度。 中职学校学生职业设计教育体系的基本要素包括实施学生职业生涯设计教育的认识前提、目标、内容、组织机构、教育原则、实施途径、教育方法、效果评估与保障措施等。 中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育目标的建构应立足学生所处职业生涯发展阶段,遵循“分析——确立——论证——调整”的路径,依据行业对人才素质的要求、中职教育培养目标、专业培养目标和学生的具体实际,在重视总目标的基础上,突出各阶段目标的重点:第一阶段,认识与体验:第二阶段,行动与调整:第三阶段,抉择与发展。中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育内容主要应包括职业生涯定向辅导、职业潜能分析能力培养、设计自我职业生涯的意识与技能培养、职业生涯设计过程辅导以及职业生涯设计向现实转化的相关核心素质培养等;实施中应遵循以学生为中心、发展性、引导性、实践性、针对性和统整性等原则:教育组织机构应包括管理、研究、专职实施与兼职实施等机构;实施途径主要有课程介入、专题辅导、教学渗透和自我反思等:教育方法主要有个别指点、团体咨询、范例引导、同伴互助、实践体验和模拟演练等:实施进程主要包括准备过程和实施过程;效果评估应做到评估主体多元化、评估过程全程化、评估内容丰富化与评估手段灵活化。此外,中职校还应建立起相应的学生职业生涯设计教育保障措施:如统一思想、制订政策、开发资源、规范管理等。 中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育在我国尚处于起步阶段,本研究将继续关注中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育的推广与普及、以职业生涯设计教育为主线的中职学校教育教学综合改革、中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育教材开发等问题,以期推动中职学校学生职业生涯设计教育的研究与实践向纵深发展。

【Abstract】 The education of career planning of secondary vocational school students is the urgent demands asked by the social ecomomic reform and the essential task of education in secondary vocational education. Nowadays, most of the secondary vocational school students are those graduates of junior high school, whose foundation of study is lower and the experience of success is less. Their comparatively low level of self-cognition, the lack of confidence, and the lack of sense, ability and practice of designing their own career results in the situation that they feel it is very difficult to gain success in the violent career competition. In that situation, there is a need to take some lessons about career planning in secondary vocational school. At present, the practice of these lessons is still concentrated in some developed cities and provinces such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu. The total research is still at the primary stage. The research of the system of the education of career planning of secondary vocational students is the foundation of practice. But that kind of research is deficient at present time. Although some secondary vocational schools have undertaken some researches and practices of the education of career planning, they lack the systematical thinking and researching about the education system. So the research and practice of education of career planning of secondary vocational school students is extremely urgent. With the method of inquiry, comparative method and documentary method, based on the analysis of the conception and relationship amomg vocation, career, career planning, vocation guidance, vocation assistance, education of career planning, this article focuses on the analysis of the key element of the education system of career planning of secondary vocational school students, in order to grasp the general concept and provide some references to the related research and practice.Education of career planning of secondary vocational school students is a kind of synthetic education activity to train the students purposely in planned and organized ways which can enhance their abilities and make them more active in career designing, lead students to plan their career practically. Based on research. it seems that the career planning of secondary vocational school students is still on the spontaneous stage. For example, the choice of direction of their career development is aimlessly, their career goal is biased, they are not aware of their potential in career and they are weak at willpower and ability, and they are greatly in need of proper guidance.The key elements of the education system of career planning of secondary vocational school students include such followings as the cognitive prerequisites, the targets, the contents, the organizations, the principles of education, the implementation approaches, the teaching methods, the evaluation of result and insurance measures, these aspects are related to the practice of career planning of secondary vocational school students.The construction of the education goal of career planning of secondary vocational students should bebased on the stage of students’ career development. And it should follow the procedures of analysis, conclusion, proof and adjustment. At the same time, it should pay attention to the professional demands on the students, the goal of Secondary Vocational School, the goal of major, and the reality of students. Based on the thinking of the final target, we should focus on those important areas of every stage. First stage is cognition and experience. Second stage is action and adjustment. Third stage is selection and development.The contents of education of career planning of secondary vocational school students include career-oriented coaching, training of professional potential analysis ability, training of career design ability and awareness, assistance of career design and training of core quality of transforming from career design to reality. The implementation should follow the principles of student-center, deve

  • 【分类号】G718.3
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】1400

