

【作者】 孙礼祥

【导师】 朱万曙; 胡益民;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 王世贞是明代中后期具有重要影响的文学家。他的《弇州四部稿》、《弇州续稿》共有传记316篇,其中商人传记占64篇。这是个很值得重视的文学、文化现象。本文拟对王世贞商人传记从文化背景及其思想性、艺术性角度作一全面的研究。 第一章《家庭、故里、交游》主要探讨王世贞商人传记创作的地域文化背景。王世贞创作商人传记的理论依据是重商思想及道德人格平等思想。这两方面思想的形成与其家庭、阳明心学(特别是王艮学说)、苏州及其他地域的商贾文化等有密切联系。王世贞商人传记产生的社会基础是其时代的商业繁荣,商人阶层势力的壮大。他生长于商业繁荣、商人活跃的苏州;因交游相当广泛,所以许多商人的子孙都来请他为自己的父母或祖父母作传,王世贞也乐意为这些商人作传。这也是王世贞商人传记产生的一个重要原因。 第二章《矛盾的思想》主要分析王世贞商人传记的思想倾向。王世贞的儒贾观、义利观、妇女观都充满了矛盾。就儒贾观来看,他一方面赞扬现实中的商人,谴责现实中的士人,肯定在现实生活中商人的价值高于士人的价值;另一方面又认为理想化士人的价值高于理想化商人的价值,儒业价值高于商业价值。为了调和矛盾,他提出了儒贾互补的理论。就义利观说,他既强调义、利的对立,主张重义轻利,又肯定义、利的统一,承认义、利可以兼得。因为义、利很难统一起来,所以他主张不能无节制地仗义疏财。就妇女观来说,他既颂扬妇女的“品德”,又肯定妇女的才能。才德兼备,这就是他心目中理想化的妇女形象。 第三章《学古与创新》从题材选择、人物塑造、情感表达、语言风格四个方面分析王世贞商人传记的文学价值。 第四章《馀论》主要比较王世贞商人传记与袁宏道、钟惺、谭元春三人商人传记的异同,并在比较的基础上探讨晚明商人传记的发展趋势。

【Abstract】 Wang shi-zhen was an influential writer in the middle period of the Ming Dynasty. His collected works "Yan-Zhou Si Bu Gao " and"Ynn-Zhou Xu Gao " obtains 316 biographies, 64 of which are written for businessmen. Such literary and cultural phenomenon deserves our attention. This paper makes a study of Wang shi-zhen’ biographies of businessmen.Chapter 1 is "Family, Native Place. Friends", examining the background of the regional culture. Influenced by his family. Yang-ming’ theory, Wang-gen’ theory and businessmen of his time, Wang shi-zhen had respect for moral businessmen. This was the theoretic basis of Wang shi-zhen’ biographies of businessmen. Wang shi-zhen lived in Suzhou. Suzhou, a business boom city. Suzhou merchants were full of vigour. This was the society basis of Wang shi-zhen’ biographies of businessmen. Because Wang shi-zhen was a man of mark, many merchant offsprings asked for his works about their parent and their grandparent. Wang shi-zhen was willing to do this.Chapter 2 is "Paradoxical Thought", focusing on ideological tendency. There are some conflicting phenomena in Wang shi-zhen’ merchant biographies. From the viewpoint of the scholars and the merchants, on the one hand, he praised the merchants in the reality, scolded the scholars in the reality, affirmed the merchants’ value in the reality more than the scholar’s; on the other hand, he thought ideal scholars’ value more than ideal merchants’, Confucianism value more than commerce’s.He comed up with the ideas of confucianist matching mearchant. From the viewpoint of righteousness and behalf.he not only emphasecl conflict of righteousness and behalf, but also affirmed their unity. From the viewpoint of women , he admired a woman for her moral trait while praising her talent.Chapter 3 is "Studying Classical Prose and Creation", analyzing the literary value of Wang shi-zhen merchant biographies from four aspects: choosing themes ,creating images expressing emotion and using language.Chapter 4 compares Wang shi-zheif s merchant biographies with the last Ming Dynasty’s, discussing the developing trend of the last Ming Dynasty merchant biographies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】283

