

Motivation Analysis of Vague Language Production

【作者】 李文

【导师】 张明;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 清楚、明确是人们对语言表达的一贯要求,但在现实生活中,模糊语言大量存在。模糊语言产生(表达)是言者的心理因素与语境、听者等诸因素交互作用的结果。 人的心理因素就其个性心理而言,分为动机、认知、情绪和情感,人格等。动机是由一种目标或现象所引导、激发和维持的个体活动的内部心理过程,是行为的直接动力。人们不能直接观察到动机,但可以通过任务的选择,努力的程度,对活动的坚持性和语言产生等外部行为来推断出(彭聃龄,2001:323)。动机的分类方式很多,从动机的意识水平上可分为有意识动机和无意识动机。本文重点分析了言者模糊语言产生的有意识动机。模糊语言产生的有意识动机即指言者故意表达模糊语言,其言语行为有明确的目的。本文分析结果表明,提供适量信息、故意隐瞒信息、保护自我、出于礼貌、满足尊重的需要、实施言外和言后之力、遵循经济原则和传递情感是模糊语言产生的主要动机。这些有意识动机均可导致模糊语言产生,而同一种动机也可导致不同的模糊语言产生。 本研究从心理语言学角度探讨动机与模糊语言产生的关系,对于把握模糊语言的动态特征,探索语言模糊性的根源具有一定积极的意义。

【Abstract】 In real life, vague language always exists. Vague language production is complicated, concerning not only context and hearers, but also the speaker’s psychological factors.Generally speaking, psychological factors, in terms of individual psychology, involve motivation, cognition, affection, personality, etc.. Motivation is defined as an inferred internal process that activates, guides, and maintains behavior over time (Baron, 1992:362). It’s believed to be internal processes that can’t be directly observed, but can activate, guide, and maintain overt behaviors, and also can be inferred indirectly through the choice of tasks, level of exertion, insistence of activities, language production and more outer behaviors. Motivation can be categorized in many different ways, according to the level of consciousness, it can be divided into two aspects: conscious motivation and unconscious motivation. The author discusses the conscious motivations of vague language production, that is, the speaker’s or writer’s vague language production is intentional to some degree. The result of analysis shows that the speaker’s vague language production mainly involves the following motivations: supplying the right amount of information, hiding information purposely, protecting oneself, showing politeness, meeting the need for esteem, performing varied illocutionary or perlocutionary forces, following principle of economy, declaring one’s position, communicating affections, etc..Hence the thesis comes to the conclusion that motivations are the basic premise of vague language production, the same motivation may lead to various vague language production; on the other hand, vague language production may come from different kinds of motivations, there are close relationship between motivation and vague language production.It’s believed that the study, which explores the relationship between motivation and vague language production from the perspective of psycholinguistics, will be of some help to grasp the static characteristics of vague language, and to explore further the cause of language vagueness.

【关键词】 动机模糊语言模糊语言产生
【Key words】 motivationvague languagevague language production
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】446

