

【作者】 阮华彪

【导师】 熊小奇;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济发展的深入和我国经济规模的日趋扩大,提高存量资产的效率和实现我国经济增长方式的转变开始变得更为重要了。企业并购是实现这两个目的的重要和有效手段。再考虑到通过跨过并购利用外资来进一步加快我国经济的发展和通过引进战略投资者来促进我国企业的国际竞争力这两方面的需求,跨国并购是当仁不让的最佳选择。而我国企业的海外并购则是我国企业国际化经营和实现跨越式发展的一条有效途径。 在我国市场经济发展了二十多年的今天,对于企业并购这一手段的利用还远远谈不上成熟。企业并购,特别是跨国并购对于我们多数人来说还是新鲜事物。如何利用好企业并购这一利器?通过与历史和发达国家的并购实践进行比较将会使我们有所收获。 全文共分为四章。第一章介绍了发达国家的百年并购历史和如今发达国家间企业并购的特点,总结了历史所告诉的并购的真正“面貌”。第二章分析了跨国公司对我国企业的并购历史和特点,并对我国的外资并购环境进行了分析。第三章是对我国企业海外并购投资的详实描述,对其中的一些共性问题进行了总结。第四章则是在前面三章分析的基础上,将这三种并购形式进行了比较分析,总结了企业并购在国内外发展的不同特点以及其因素。 本文旨在通过对历史的回顾、不同国家特点的比较来为我国企业利用并购提供借鉴。所以详实丰富的案例和大量的数据是本文的主要特色,并在具体分析中加入了作者本人的许多观点。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy and the quantity of our economy expanding, to improve the efficiency of stock asset and transfer the way of our economy development will become more important. M&A maybe is a good tool to complete those goals. If we also need foreign capital as an injection to our economy and strategic investor who can help our enterprise improve the ability of international competition, cross-border M&A must be the best choice. To our enterprises, cross-border M&A also is a short cut to achieve international operation and the development with high speed.Now, although since twenty years ago we have begun to develop the market economy, we know little about how to use M&A.To most of us, M&A, especially cross-border M&A, means something new o How dose it work? We could learn something from the history of M&A in develop-ed countries and a contrast between examples happened in our country and developed countries.The whole paper includes four chapters. Chapter one introduces the history development of M&A in the developed countries and analyzes distinguishing features of them o Chapter two includes the analysis to the history and some examples that foreign company merged our enterprise and investment environments of cross-border M&A. Chapter three describe some details about our enterprises invest by cross-border M&A.On the basis of former chapter, chapter makes a comparison among different kinds of cross-border M&A, and concludes some characteristics and some factors thatcan influence them,The main goal of this paper is learn some experiences from different terms and different countries about cross-border M&A. That a plenty of examples included some private views and detail datum full of this paper is the characteristic of the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F276.7
  • 【下载频次】337

