

【作者】 陆文芳

【导师】 汪道明;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济建设高速发展,城乡居民收入不断增加,人民生活水平大幅度提高。但由于分配方式和分配机制仍存在着一些不合理的因素,收入差距悬殊的现象还比较突出,甚至出现了一些畸形的收入。正确处理收入分配领域的差距和矛盾、理顺分配关系,是事关广大群众切身利益和积极性发挥的重大问题,是维护社会稳定、顺利实现全面建设小康社会目标的重要保证。本文围绕社会主义初级阶段和市场经济条件下的收入分配问题,通过对收入分配现状的评价及造成现状的成因分析,探讨对收入分配差距现状进行调整的对策建议。 全文共分三部分,主要内容如下: 第一部分对我国社会主义市场经济条件下的分配模式,现阶段我国居民收入差距拉大的具体表现,以及我国当前收入差距存在的合理性及必然性作了全面阐述。 第二部分从多角度、多层面对我国居民收入分配差距拉大的成因作了深入分析。 第三部分论述我国居民收入分配差距调节的必要性,进而从稳定社会秩序、提高经济效益、促进经济发展的角度提出缩小收入差距的对策及建议。 本文旨在强调当前我国收入分配差距的客观存在性,针对造成差距拉大的原因,联系我国国情及改革的实际状况,提出完善收入分配方式及调节机制的对策及建议,希望能推动社会各界研究、解决收入分配矛盾的步伐,从而重建中国的国民收入初次分配和再分配制度。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening-up, the economy in china has developed quickly. Accordingly, the income of residents in cities and countries increased continuously, the quality of their life improved in a large range as well. But as a result of the illogical complications in the mode and mechanism of the allotment, the earning of residents has shown itself wide gap prominently, especially some freakish income has occurred. To treat the disparity and conflict accurately in the area of distribution and make the relationship of income smooth, it is an important thing for the benefits of vast crowd and the exertion of their positivity. At the same time it will be the important insurance of the stabilization of the society and the realization of the target that building primary health life in the community.In this article, according to the evaluation of current status of income assign and the analyzing why the phenomenon comes into being, enclosing the problems of income assign in elementary social democracy and market economy environment, we discussed some countermeasures and suggestions to adjust the gap of allotment currently.The thesis consists of three parts, the main content is as follow:Part I: First of all we find out the mode of income distribution in the environment of socialism and marked economy in China, and analyze the actuality of enlarging of the income gap at the moment. Then understand the rationality and inevitability of the income gap in current China.Part II: From a multiple angles and multiple aspects eye, we analyzed the reason of the enlarging of the income distribution gap in China.Part III: Due to the stability of the community, the advancing of economic benefit and the developing of economy, We analyze the necessary of adjusting the income distribution gap in China,furthermore some countermeasures and suggestions about how to reduce the gap of income distribution are given.The purpose of this article is to emphasize the impersonal existentiality of income distribution difference in china currently. In allusion to the causation of difference increasing, contacting the practicing status of the situation and innovation in our country, We bring forward some countermeasures and suggestions of perfecting the fashion of income distribution and the mechanism of accommodation. According to the work we hope that we can promote the step of researching and resolving the conflict of income distribution, accordingly we can rebuild the system of original distribution and redistribution of national income in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F124.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】370

