

【作者】 叶宇

【导师】 汤发良;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 90年代提出的核心竞争力概念和对大量成功企业的实证分析,从理论上和管理实践上阐明了核心竞争力对企业生存、发展以及实现、构建、培育持续性竞争优势所起的至关重要的作用。本论文将运用有关理论,研究面粉制造企业通过维护和发展企业核心竞争力,对核心竞争力进行管理,以求适应经营环境的变化,增强企业竞争实力,创建持续性竞争优势,促进企业持续稳定发展的战略管理过程。 文章的主体内容主要分三大部分。第一部分阐述了核心竞争力的基本理论。论述了核心竞争力的基本概念和特征,对主要的企业战略管理理论进行归纳分析,指出核心竞争力在目前已成为企业战略管理理论发展的一个重要方向,而核心竞争力理论的生命力就在于其在企业战略管理实践中的成功运用,并建立了企业核心竞争力管理模型。 第二部分对南方面粉集团核心竞争力管理进行了实证分析,经过对其经营业绩和发展能力以及战略态势的分析,得出南方面粉成功的关键在于其战略管理实践活动中的核心竞争力管理结论。南方面粉将其核心竞争力界定为由产品竞争力、品牌影响力、研究开发能力、内部资源整合力、管理模式融合力等一组能力的有机结合体,在此基础上进一步建立了南方面粉核心竞争力管理模型。 第三部分依据前面的理论阐述和实证分析结果,把面粉制造企业核心竞争力界定为由产品竞争力、市场开拓力、品牌影响力、研究开发力、创新能力等一组核心能力的有机结合。面粉制造企业的核心竞争力管理的过程包括:(1)树立顾客满意的战略思想,明确企业的发展方向和企业使命,并制定由市场目标、创新目标、盈利目标和社会目标组成的战略目标,决定面粉制造企业核心竞争力的发展方向;(2)对面粉制造企业外部环境的机会和威胁、内部环境的优势和劣势进行综合的战略分析,构建和培育面粉制造企业核心竞争力;(3)综合运用成本领先战略、差别化战略、集中目标战略、一体化战略和多样化战略来培育和维护面粉制造企业核心竞争力;(4)制定职能战略、进行以企业核心竞争力为载体和顾客满意为最终奋斗目标的组织结构变革,提高企业领导人的核心竞争力意识,维广东工业大学管理学硕士学位论文护和发展面粉制造企业核心竞争力:(5)发展和再造面粉制造企业核心竞争力等五个步骤。并进一步建立起了面粉制造企业核心竞争力管理模型。

【Abstract】 Both in theory and management practice, the concept of core competence and the case analysis of large amount of successful enterprises in the 1990s’ have elucidated the essential effort of core competence to the existence and development of an enterprise, and also to the realization, construction and cultivation of continual competitive advantages. This paper is to exert related theories to research on the tactical managing process of how the flour manufacturers adapted to the changing operation environment, strengthened the enterprise competence, created continual competitive advantages and promoted the lasting and steady development of an enterprise through maintaining and development enterprise’s core competence.The paper will be divided into three main parts. In the first part, the fundamental theories of core competence will be clarified. It is about the basic concept and characteristics core competence, and the conclusion and analysis of major tactical management theories. It is going to appoint that the core competence has become an important trend of the development of tactical management theory nowadays. Meanwhile, the vitality of this theory lies in the successful exertion in the practices of enterprise management.The second part is to case study on the core competence of the South Flour Group. Through the analysis of its achievement, potential of development and strategic situation, I will come to a conclusion that the key of its success lies in its core competence in the strategic managing practice. The South Flour Group defined the core competence as the organic combination of the production competence, the brand influence, the ability of research and develop, ability to renovate its internal resources, and ability to utilize its managing methods. Upon this basis, the South Flour Group set up the management mode of core competence.According to the clarification of theory and the result of the case analysis, the third part is to define the core competence of the flour manufacturers as the organic combination of the competence of product, the ability to the marketing exploitation,the influence of brand, the ability of research and exploitation and the ability of innovation, etc.. The process of the core competence’ management includes five main steps. The first step is to build up the mind to satisfy the customers, nail down the direction of development and the mission of the enterprise, formulate the object which is composed of market, innovation, profit and society, and determine the direction of development. The following step is to analyze comprehensively the opportunities and threats from the external environment, and also the advantages and disadvantages in the internal environment, as to construct and foster the core competence of the flour manufacturers. The third step is to exert comprehensively the strategy of cost-leading strategy, difference strategy integrate strategy target-focus strategy and diversification strategy to foster and maintain the core competence. The fourth step is to work out function strategy, to carry out organization transformation by the carrier of core competence with the final aim of customers’ satisfaction, to enhance the leaders’ sense of core competence, and to maintain and develop the core competence. The last step is to develop and reform the core competence.

  • 【分类号】F426.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】218

