

【作者】 曾智刚

【导师】 汪仁煌;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文基于一套多功能智能电器安全测试仪,在低压启动,功率测量两个方面在原有的基础上重新设计了硬件,不但精简了原来的硬件电路,而且提高了电路的稳定性。重新设计了软件,使其电压,电流,和功率的测量精度都不超过千分之二的量度标准,还对整个系统作了联锁保护的设计,并且做出了样机。整个系统的上位机采用ATMEL公司的MEG128芯片为主处理芯片,下位机采用MEG8芯片为主处理芯片。由于低压启动和功率测量两功能模块是单独设计出来的,要与其它四功能仪器组合在一起,因此,我们整个电器安全测试系统在硬件和软件上都建立了平台,便于组合,这样也便于后续更多功能的扩充。但是如果有不同类型的系统也要增加到本系统中的话,就需要重新设计软硬件,工作量很大,还容易产生不兼容等问题,针对这种情况,本文设计了一套数字识别的电器安全测试嵌入式系统,可以面向多台仪器装置,不采用电气的连接,即是不改变原来的仪器装置,通过电压耦合元件摄像头和视频捕获卡从测量仪器的显示屏幕获取测试信息,再把信息传送到原来系统,从而组成了一个新的系统。这样做也可使那些没有标准接口或者是互不兼容的测试仪能组成一个系统。 在对功率测量和低压启动两个功能模块设计时,针对原有的测量方案,本文采用了以CS5460功率芯片为主芯片的测量方案,提出一种新的数据采样方法,在硬件设计上,以提高精度为目的同时还精简了原硬件电路;,对功率,电压,电流进行准确而快速的测量,通过重新设计提高了其测量的精度和实时性。 本文在对得到的数字图像进行处理和识别的算法是关键的部分,由于工作环境的光线强弱不同,和噪声等等因素,采集到了图像不规范,要在对其进行处理之后才能实现准确的识别,本文对处理和识别的步骤为:滤波,增强,分割,等处理之后再对图像用特征匹配的算法识别而得到准确的信息。最后讨论了对缺笔画的数字校正识别。

【Abstract】 Based on a set of multi-function intelligent security appliance, this text redesigned the hardware and software on the part of Low voltage startup and Power testing ,not only condensed old hardware circuit but enhanced the stabilization of the hardware circuit, and made the testing precision of voltage, current and power no more than 2%o measure, designed interlock protect of the whole system, and finished the experimental appliance. The main processor was MEG128 made by ATMEL and sub-processor was MEG8 of ATMEL. Due to the sole-designed of the Low voltage startup and Power testing, for combined with the other four modules, we built the hardware and software flats, it was also convenient for continued extension. But, if there was different system wanted to combined in this system, we must redesigned all the hardware and software, it was a very hard work and could bring incompatibility. For this instance, the text designed a suit of number discriminating embedding system. The system faced to different appliance. The combination was not electric connection, namely, it got testing signal from display screen by CCD camera and Ezcapture image capturing card, then carrying the signal to old system. So it was a new system and keeping old system untouched. It also was convenient for the appliances that had not standard interface or was incompatibility to buildup a new system fast.The text used CS5460 chip as main chip of measurement scheme, found a new date sampling way. When designed the hardware, we improved measure precision at the same time reduced hardware circuit. When designed software, we used MEG8 as process chip, measure the power, voltage and current fast and exactly. So we advanced the precision and real time characteristic of measurement.The pivotal part of this text was the process and identification of numeral image. The image we got was not standard caused by beam condition and yawn and so on, we must process them before identified. The process of image treatment is as follow: filter, enhance, making binary image by adaptive threshold and so on. We used the arithmetic of character-suit to get exact image signal. At last we had discussed revised identification about lack-strokes numeral image.

  • 【分类号】TP274
  • 【下载频次】113

