

The Study and Implementation of Agile Development for OEM Based Mode of Refrigerator

【作者】 万跃志

【导师】 孙健;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 敏捷虚拟企业是敏捷制造最核心的概念,是敏捷制造的企业组织模式,也是21世纪最有竞争力的企业合作模式。 本课题的研究针对美的冰箱项目的实际需要,根据当前冰箱市场竞争的态势,把敏捷虚拟企业的理论运用美的冰箱项目OEM模式之中,根据市场需求的多样性,提出了新产品开发模式必须适应市场需求,快速反应,开发周期要短,性价比要优,命中率要高,因此必须引入敏捷开发模式。 本课题引入了同步作业管理体系(CE)的思想方法,并将其运用于冰箱新产品开发过程之中,有所创新并建立了冰箱敏捷开发的新产品模式并取得了实效。 主要开展的工作和取得的成果如下: 1.通过对冰箱行业的分析研究,选定了美的切入冰箱行业策略,建立了冰箱项目OEM模式管理流程。 2.把敏捷虚拟企业的理论与美的冰箱项目实际相结合,形成了美的冰箱虚拟企业联盟,利用“美的”品牌的名牌效应和强大的营销网络推出冰箱产品,与OEM厂合作以达到双赢的目的。 3.策划了美的冰箱OEM新产品开发流程,拟定了开发程序及操作方法。基于上述规定和流程,缩短了冰箱开发上市的时间,节省了大量的人力和物力,从而保证了产品制造质量、满足市场需求。 4.把同步作业管理体系(CE)的思想引入冰箱的新产品开发中,建立了美的新产品同步开发流程,大大提高了产品的开发速度,缩短了开发周期,从而实现了美的冰箱以速度赢得了市场的目的。 5.用具体的新产品开发案例验证了运用敏捷开发技术所达到的良好效果,为冰箱的设计、市场定位方法和市场策略提供有力的决策支持。

【Abstract】 As the most essential concept of agile manufacturing (AM), agile virtual enterprise (AVE) is not only an enterprise organising mode but also a cooperating mode for enterprises to achieve the competitive advantage in the 21st century.Targeting to the real requirements of refrigerator production in the strong competition of the current globalised marketplace, this thesis introduced the principle of the agile virtual enterprise into new refrigerator development project to meet the diverse needs of customers. Based on the idea of concurrent engineering (CE), new product development must be taken into consideration in order to adapt the rapid marketing change, to obtain agile responsiveness and reduce the time to market, to achieve lower price and better product quality and high chance to hit target. So new products development must introduce the mode of agile development.The main works conducted in this thesis and academic contribution to knowledge as well as research results achieved are as the follows:(1) Established the improved work flow for new product development and design under OEM Based mode.(2) Through the combination of concurrent engineering idea and agile virtual manufacturing (AVM) principle, the both OEMs and its own company can achieve the success.(3) The workflow and method of OEM products’ design was defined, this directly leads that the time to market was shorten for new products and a lot of manpower and manufacturing resource were saved. This is also helpful to improve the quality of products and meet the needs of customer.(4) The concurrent engineering ideas were introduced into the development of new products and the model of work flow for concurrent development was built This leads that not only is the product development speed improved but also the time to market reduced.(5) The new approach has been validated under the testing experiments and the result under the technology with virtual development mode can be used to support the decision making for refrigerator development and designs, marketing position as well as enterprise strategy.

【关键词】 同步作业敏捷开发OEM模式
【Key words】 Concurrent EngineeringAgile DevelopmentOEM mode
  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【下载频次】229

