

The Study of the Control Technology on the Green and High Efficiency Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems

【作者】 赵彦

【导师】 茆美琴;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 电力电子及电力传动, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 光伏水泵系统是直接利用太阳电池光生伏打效应发电,通过一系列电力电子、电机、水机等控制及执行环节从而在江河湖泊或深井中实现提水的系统,该系统涉及到光、机、电、控制技术等多种交叉学科。由无位置传感器永磁直流无刷电动机驱动的光伏水泵系统为近年来发展起来的新型光伏水泵系统,本文就其驱动电机的控制技术进行了深入、细致的研究。本系统采用的控制芯片为MOTOROLA系列单片机中的JK3CE,反电势过零点可以通过比较电机端电压和虚拟中点电压来得到,将过零点信号送往单片机捕捉端口后由系统软件来确定换相时刻,这样就可以由电子换向装置替代机械换相装置,有利于提高系统运行的可靠性,并降低了系统维护的费用。本系统在软件设计时,定时器中断时间由100us缩短到25us,一个定时器中断时间为相位调节中的一步,这样就提高了相位调节精度。在相位调节时采用变系数比例环节,它能根据相位差值大小自动调整步数,使得相位调节过程更为迅速。将起动方式进行了改进,由步进起动方式发展为全过程自同步起动方式,改进后的起动方式能有效的减小起动电流,并缩短起动时间,有利于解决群控运行中存在的起动问题,促进了群控技术的发展。

【Abstract】 The water pumping system uses Photovoltaic (PV) panels which produce electricity directly from sunlight using silicon cells and drive the pump through series of new technologies of electronics, motors, control units and different modern devices to bring water up from river, lake or deep well. Photovoltaic, mechanical and electronic theories etc. multi-across subject are involved in the system. The photovoltaic water pumping system droved by sensorless BLDC is a novel system developed recently. This paper studied the control technology of sensorless BLDC deeply. The chip JK3CE that is one of micro-controllers in Motorola 68HC08 family is used as control unit in this system. The zero crossing point of the back EMF can be obtained by comparing the terminal voltage with the virtual neutral point, then using the software of the system can figure out the commutation period. The electronic commutation replaces the mechanical commutation in this way. It helps to enhance the reliability of the system and reduce the maintenance cost. The timer interface module generates interrupt request every 25us, which is fine enough comparing with 1 OOus and used as one-step in adjusting commutation periods. The digital-adjust module that changes the steps automatically due to the difference between two commutation periods is beneficial to the quick adjustment of the commutation period. The full time self-synchronization technology that developed from step-start technology can reduce the current and starting-time. It solves one of the key problems in controlling many water pumps to work together and develops the control technology greatly.

  • 【分类号】TM921.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】300

