

Research on the Development of Small Towns during Urbanization in China

【作者】 陈丽媛

【导师】 蔡靖方;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 18世纪中叶源于英国的工业革命带给人类社会以崭新的面貌,从此世界从农业社会开始迈向工业社会,从乡村时代进入城镇化时代。这一时期,城市的数量、规模、城市人口占总人口的比例都迅速增加,城市化成为社会经济发展的必然趋势,成为国家发达程度和社会进步的重要标志之一。随着工业化在全球范围的不断推进,世界城市化进程明显加速。但是由于各个国家经济发展水平不同、体制不同、国情不同,城市化的道路、进程、特点也不尽相同,各个国家应该根据本国的国情选择适合自己国家的城市化道路。 在中国城镇化进程中,由于长期的计划经济体制和城乡二元结构,城镇化进程缓慢,并且严重滞后于工业化,已制约中国经济的发展,因而提高我国的城镇化水平,成为当前一个很迫切的问题。尽管理论界对中国应走什么样的城镇化道路观点不一,但笔者认为,目前,考虑到中国特殊的国情,发展小城镇是中国城镇化战略中的一个非常重要的组成部分。小城镇位于我国城市之尾、农村之首,是联系着城市和农村的桥梁和纽带,发展小城镇可有效地解决农村剩余劳动力向非农产业转移,可以加快农村非农产业的发展,优化农村产业结构,增加农民收入,启动农村消费市场,从而启动我国农村现代化水平,实现城乡协调发展。 本论文共分6个部分,其结构和主要内容概括如下: 第一部分是绪论,这部分简要地介绍了小城镇研究的背景和意义,并在国内研究现状的基础上提出了本论文研究的视角。 第二部分是对小城镇的有关概述。包括五个方面的内容:一是对小城镇内涵的界定;二是分析小城镇兴起的城乡分割结构背景;三是对建国50多年来我国小城镇发展历史的回顾;四是对小城镇发展的主要模式进行归纳总结;五是对小城镇发展的现状进行分析。 第三部分阐述乡镇企业的第二次创业与小城镇的发展。乡镇企业发展是小城镇发展的内在动力、经济支撑,小城镇发展是乡镇企业发展的依托和必不可少的条件。但是乡镇企业布局过于分散、规模偏小、产业结构不合理等弊病已经使其逐渐失去在市场经济中的竞争优势,应加快乡镇企业的第二次创业,使锄羔黑S乡镇企业与小城镇互动发展。 第四部分阐述农业劳动力转移与小城镇的发展。简要阐述西方经济学中几种主要的人口流动理论,分析中国农业剩余劳动力转移的背景。在分析当前制约农业劳动力转移因素的基础上提出向小城镇转移是现阶段农业劳动力转移的重要模式。 第五部分阐述小城镇的制度改革与创新,包括户籍制度、社会保障制度、土地制度(其中包括小城镇土地制度和农村土地制度)、行政管理制度的改革与创新。我国实行几十年的传统体制已阻碍了小城镇的发展,必须进行各种制度的变革和创新,才能更进一步推动小城镇的发展。 第六部分为结语。

【Abstract】 The industry revolution originated from England in the middle 1900s had brought human society a new visage. Since then, the world had been changed from rural society to industry society, and it had entered the age of urbanization. During this period, the number and the scale of cities grew rapidly, and so did the proportion of population in urban area to the whole population in the world. Urbanization has become the basic principle in the development of society& economy and it has also become the important signal of economic and social progress in a country. With the successive proceeding industrialization on the globe, the process of urbanization in the world is obviously accelerated. However, every country’s economic development level, system and national conditions are different, therefore, every country should choose their own road fitting for itself according to its national conditions.In the process of urbanization in China, the speed of it is slow because our country was being carried on the system of planning economy. And it is being on the dualistic configuration between city and rural area for a long time, what’s more, it greatly lags behind the level of industrialization. The situation has already pulled off our country’s economic development, therefore, it is an acute problem to enhance the level of urbanization. Although different expert has different views that how to enhance the level, forever, thinking of our country’s peculiar national conditions, the author thinks that the construction of small towns is an important component of the strategy of China’s urbanization at present. Small towns are seated on the tail of urban and on the hair of rural, which are the bridges that link cities to rural areas. It can deal effectively with the problem of transferring rural surplus labor force to non-agriculture. It can also speed up the development of the industries beyond the agriculture ones, optimize the rural industrial structure, increase the peasant income and stare the rural consuming market, so that it canenhance the rural modernization of our country and realize urban and rural coordinated growth.The thesis is divided into six parts. Its structure and main content are summarized as follow:The first part is introduction. It briefly presents the research background and significance. Based on the research in home, it puts forward the angle of the thesis.The second part expounds on small towns in five aspects. The first aspect is the definition of small town; The second aspect is the analysis of the background of dualistic configuration between city and rural area on which the small town was prosperity; The third aspect looks back the development of small towns in 50 years after the founding of the new China; The forth aspect is the summarization of main pattern in the developing of small town; The fifth aspect analyzes its developing situation at present.The third part studies the second time of starting an undertaking of township enterprises related to the development of small towns. The development of township enterprises is the inner impetus to small towns, at the same time, the development of small towns is the necessary condition to township enterprises. But at present, the layout of township enterprises is too distracting, the scale of them is too small, and the industrial structure is not fitting, which are diminishing their competitiveness in the market economy. Township enterprises must be taken up the second time of undertaking rapidly, so that it can promote the mutual development between small towns and township enterprises.The forth part discusses the transferring of rural surplus labor force related to the development of small towns. First, this part summarizes simply some main theories about population transfer, then analyzes the background of rural surplus labor force transfer of China. At last, it discusses the restricting factors which hamper the transferring of rural surplus labor force and it puts forward that it is a good pattern that rural surplus labor force is t

  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】1465

