

A Survey of the Grade Two Students’ Status Quo in English Reading in Hunyuan Senior Middle School

【作者】 丁文

【导师】 陈佑林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 英语阅读是学习语言知识、提高英语语言能力的有效途径,也是人们获取外部信息、了解世界的主要手段。百余年来中外专家学者就英语阅读的本质、英语阅读的心理过程以及英语阅读教学的模式、方法和技巧等方面做了大量的研究,取得了一定的成果。在我国的基础教育中,提高学生的英语阅读能力是中学英语教学的重要目标之一,英语阅读是学生英语学习的重要内容和手段。山西省浑源中学从1996年秋季开始使用英语新教材以来,英语教学取得了良好的效果。与实验前相比,学生的英语水平有明显的进步。但是许多学生进入大学学习后,发现其阅读能力与大学英语课程对阅读的要求相差甚远。而刚刚颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》强调高中英语教学要着重培养学生的语言解码能力、根据语义进行逻辑推理的能力,要求高中学生要有广泛的阅读兴趣以及良好的阅读习惯,具有语言分析、领悟和判断能力,学会通过运用多媒体等信息资源拓宽学习渠道的能力。所有这些都对高中英语阅读教学提出了新的挑战。出于对基础教育英语阅读教学的关注,本文采用调查问卷、词汇测试以及面谈等形式对浑源中学高二年级两个班共计124名学生的英语阅读状况进行了调查研究,研究的内容涉及词汇量、阅读目的、阅读过程、阅读策略、影响阅读理解的因素和阅读态度等。 调查发现,高二年级学生英语阅读目前存在以下特点:(1)学生英语阅读受外部动力驱使的因素较大,阅读计划性不强;(2)大多数同学阅读时需要借助汉语思维,较多运用词、句义分析、推理判断等策略,但句子结构分析能力较差,推理判断能力有待提高;(3)学生有阅读自己感兴趣材料的愿望,但还没有建立起真正意义上的英语阅读;(4)学生期盼老师传授阅读方法,训练阅读技巧,但阅读过程中,不愿受老师监督,有问题不想问老师,更少求助于同学。高二英语阅读教学中存在以下问题:(1)阅读教学仅停留在对文章内容表层意义的理解,缺乏对文章深刻含义的挖掘;(2)阅读教学缺乏必要的语法分析;(3)偏重对阅读材料内容的教授,忽视阅读方法的指导;(4)肇硕士学位论文MAS『TER’5 Tl正515偏重对知识的教学,忽视学生思想情感的养成。 根据调查结果,本文从三个方面提出了优化英语阅读教学的具体措施: (l)知识传授与方法指导相结合,提高学生包括英语思维能力在内的综合语言能力;加强句法知识传授,提高学生句法分析能力;重视词汇知识传授,提高学生的词汇识别与记忆能力;表层意义理解与深层含义推理相结合,提高学生批判性阅读能力;阅读与听、说、写等活动相结合,提高学生英语思维能力。(2)课内、课外相结合,培养学生的自主阅读能力;课堂教学宜精读泛读并举,特别是急需加强泛读教学,在课堂阅读教学中重视学生阅读认知策略的培养,通过课外阅读培养学生的阅读元认知策略。(3)知识传授与情感培养相结合,发展学生合作学习的能力:教师在选择阅读材料时要注意趣味性,布置阅读任务应具有真实性、层次性和挑战性,教学方法突出创造性和针对性,教学态度要富有亲和力,进而帮助学生建立起积极的阅读情感。

【Abstract】 Reading is an effective approach to study the English language and improve the learners’ (EFL) language competence of English, and it is also an important way to learn about the world. In the past century, many scholars and teachers have been carrying out a lot of studies in probing the essence of English reading and its psychological process, teaching models, skills and techniques and they have made certain progress in some areas. In China’s elementary education, to improve the students’ ability to read in English is one of the most important objectives in English teaching and English reading is among the most important contents and methods in their English language learning. The students in Hunyuan Senior Middle School have made much greater progress than ever before in their English language learning as a result of their teachers’ refoim in English teaching since the new textbooks of SEFC were in use in 1996. However, more and more students have found that there is even greater gap between their English reading ability and what is required in the college English teaching. Meanwhile, the newly published National Criterion of English Curriculum for General Senior Middle Schools stresses the students’ abilities of decoding the English language and of logical inference from context. It requests the students to cultivate a wide interest in English reading and a good habit of it. The new criterion stresses the students’ abilities of analysis, perception, and judgment, and develops the students’ abilities to using a wider resource in their English language learning. All this advances new challenges to the teaching of English reading in senior middle schools. This paper introduces a questionnaire, a vocabulary test and an interview to survey the grade two students’ status quo in English reading in Hunyuan Senior Middle School. The survey involves the students’ vocabulary, aims to read, reading process, reading strategies, their attitude towards reading in English and factors that affect their comprehension in English reading.The survey shows that the senior grade two students’ English reading characters as follows: (1) the students are lacking in scheme and consecution in English reading as they are forced to read now; (2) the students make more use of such strategies as word and sentence analysis, inferring and judgment in the reading process while at the same time they mostly think in Chinese, yet their ability to analyze English sentence structures are poor and theirability to infer and judge needs to be improved; (3) the students have a comparatively strong desire to read the English materials they are interested in, but they are far beyond fluent English readers; (4) the students are expecting their English teachers to teach them efficient ways of reading in English and to train them skills in English reading , however, they are reluctant to ask their English teachers or to turn to their classmates when they have difficulty in their English reading, let alone to be monitored by their teachers in their reading. The survey also shows that there are some problems to be settled soon in the teaching of English reading in mis school: (1) English reading teaching rests only on the superficial understanding of passages and lacks in a deep comprehension of it; (2) English reading teaching is short of necessary grammatical analysis; (3) the English teachers lay particular stress on the contents of the reading materials instead of the necessary guidance of efficient ways to read in English; (4) the teachers have a partiality for the knowledge of the English language rather than the cultivation of the students’ emotion.Based on the survey, the paper puts forward to three particular integrations to optimize the teaching of English reading in this school: (1) Integration the initiation of the English language knowledge with efficient ways to read in English so as to improve the students’ comprehensive English language abilities besides the ability to think in English: that is the teachers of English should provide

【关键词】 英语阅读现状调查思考
【Key words】 English readingsurvey of status quoreflections
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】778

