

The Value of Grammar in Communicative Middle School English Teaching and Its Teaching Methods

【作者】 顾慧萍

【导师】 廖美珍;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在外语教学的历史上,语法曾长期处于尊贵的地位,甚至一部外语教学史就是语法教学史,而自二十世纪中叶以来,随着一些新的语言教学理论的产生,语法的地位和作用受到质疑。在中学基础外语教学阶段语法及语法教学更是陷入五里雾之中,位置不定,目标不明,方法不清。出现这一现象究竟是因为历史的误会把语法枉自提高了身价,还是在新的教学改革的呼声中,将语法置于了不应有的迷途中?反思这些疑问归根到底是一个问题,即语法的价值问题。本人带着来自于中学英语教学第一线的实践与思考,以“语法在中学英语交际教学中的价值及教法研究”为题,查阅了大量的语言学专著,梳理了目前中学英语语法教学的现状,运用交际教学理论,通过研究、分析、对比,并采用中外学者的最新调查研究数据论证了语法是中学英语交际教学中不可缺少的组成部分,提出了明确的语法价值观点。 本文从语法概念入手,一方面从横向论述了语法在语言知识体系和英语技能构成当中的位置,另一方面从纵向通过中外语法教学历史展示了对语法重视、怀疑、否定、又重视的脉络,说明语法不仅是静态的同时又是动态的,语法不仅具有结构功能同时又具有交际功能。在此基础上,本文进入了对中学英语教学现状的分析。目前中学英语教学以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为总目标。语法是语言知识的组成部分,语言知识是语言能力的基础,而学生的交际能力又以语言能力为前提。以1993年人民教出版社出版的《中学英语教科书》为标志,交际法成为我国中学英语教学主流思想后,熟悉并一直使用语法翻译法的中学英语教师们在教学过程中对语法“不敢教、不会教、不知教什么”的现象大面积地存在,对语法教学支持与反对、强化与弱化、优化与淡化的声音此起彼伏,至今仍未能较好地贯彻交际法的宗旨,解决语法教学为培养交际能力服务的问题。 本文通过反对与主张语法教学两个方面的分析与对比,用大量的实验、调查和教学实践的具体问题的数据说明,目前语法教学正在探索中复兴。本文将语法⑤硕士学位论文MASrER’ST卜IESIS在中学英语交际教学中的价值归纳为:有利于学生构建知识体系,提高语言技能,促进学生综合语言运用能力的培养,实现中学英语课程的总目标。 中学英语交际教学中,语法教法研究是目前理论界的盲点与难点,也正是本文努力做出突破的重点。根据教育部颁布的《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲 (实验修订版)))和《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)))要求,针对中学英语教材编写特点,本文运用交际教学理论提出了实施语法教学要遵循的四项基本原则:即宏观把握、暗线导学的系统性,逐层递进、因材施教的层次性,形成语法能力、服务语一言交际的目的性,以及阶段循环突出重点的原则。贯彻上述原则,实施交际语法教学,思路是开放而不封闭的,方法是多样而不限定的。所以针对不同的语法项目,可以使用不同的教法:直观比较、表演、演示、图示、对话、叙述等等因人而异,因语法项目而定,尽在教师的调遣中,这是本人提出的实施方法的第一方面;第二方面是利用英英、英汉、正误、新旧、归类对比,提高语法意识,启迪学生的感觉、一记忆、判断、想像等方面的能力;三是创设情景语境,体会语法运用,让学生在实际的语一言活动中学习和掌握语法:四是“让游泳者到水中去”,进行模拟交际,升华感性认识,把语法知识转化为交际能力;最后一点要宽容学生的语法错误,纠错要适时、适量、适度。在对语法教学原则与方法的阐释中,本文始终与教学实际相结合,并穿插了许多教学案例,想必本文对交际语法教学理论研究有所贡献,对1司行们有所启迪。

【Abstract】 In the course of foreign language teaching, grammar has been stressed greatly, even the history of foreign language teaching being called a grammar teaching one. But since mid-twentieth century, with the appearance of new language teaching theories, the position and function of grammar is doubted. In the elementary period of English teaching in middle schools, grammar teaching is more confused. Why? Is it in history a mistake which has overvalued grammar or it is done wrong in the process of teaching reforms? Pondering these questions is to solve one problem, namely, the value of grammar. I, as a middle school English teacher, with the question of " the value of grammar in communicative middle school English teaching" in mind, have read a lot of linguistic books, studied the present state of middle school English grammar teaching. With the help of communicative teaching theories and latest data, through analysis and comparison, I put forward that grammar teaching is an integrated part in communicative middle school English teaching.This thesis, beginning with grammatical concepts, on the one hand discusses the position of grammar in the system of linguistic knowledge and formation of English skills synchronically, and on the other hand illustrates that grammar is not only static and structural, but also dynamic and communicative through the outlining of grammar teaching at home and abroad from stress, suspicion, negation and once again to stress diachronically. Based on above discussion, this thesis analyses the present-day middle school English teaching. Today, the goal of middle school English teaching is to cultivate the students’ comprehensive abilities to use English. Grammar is part of the linguistic knowledge which is the basis of language performance and the student’s communicative ability is based on the former. Marked by Junior English for China, People’s Education Press, 1993, communicative method has become the key one in China’s middle school English teaching. After that, the teachers who are familiar with grammar-translation method dare not to teach grammar, do not know how and what to teach in their teaching career. The cons and pros of grammar teaching are hot. Up to now, communicative method is still not well used to solve the problem of usinggrammar to cultivate the students’ communicative abilities.After the analysis and comparison of the cons and pros for grammar teaching, aided by experiments, investigation and data of teaching practice, this thesis states that grammar teaching is resurrecting out of research. Thus, the values of grammar teaching in communicative middle school English teaching are: helpful for students to construct the system of knowledge, improve their language skills, promote their comprehensive abilities to use English and realize the goal of middle school English teaching.In communicative middle school English teaching, the study of grammar teaching is insufficient so far and also is the field in which this thesis is intended to work on. Based on Outline and Curriculum Standard I, focusing on the special features of middle school English textbook, this thesis proposes four basic principles out of communicative teaching theory to follow in grammar teaching: macro-considerations of grammar combined with systematic guidance, step by step and to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, grammar and communicative language learning oriented, key points striking in a period. In order to carry out the above principles and communicative teaching methods, the ideas are open, not closed, methods various. So, to different grammar items, different teaching methods can be applied: visual comparison, play, illustrations, pictures, dialogue and narration etc, this is the first one I would point out; secondly, using English-English, English-Chinese, right and wrong, old and new, classified comparison to better grammar learning, cultivate the student’s abilities to feel, to memorize, to judge and imagine; third, to create situations in which the students can understand

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1070

