

A Study of L(?) Bicheng’s Ci

【作者】 王忠禄

【导师】 龚喜平;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 被钱仲联誉为“近代女词人第一”的吕碧城,不仅是一位成就杰出的著名词人,同时也是一位优秀的诗人和个性鲜明的散文作家,柳亚子即称她是“南社诗人第一”。但相对其突出的文学成就而言,学术界对于吕碧城文学创作的研究,则显得异常薄弱。晚近以来的研究文章主要集中在她的社会活动、妇女解放、女子教育等方面,而对其文学成就的关注则较少。本文在全面考察吕碧城文学创作的基础上,集中对其词作进行深入研究,通过具体的文本分析,体悟吕碧城词的深层底蕴,把握其独具特色的艺术风格,揭示作者仁慈悲悯的精神气质和不同寻常的人生体验。 论文引言部分,概述吕碧城研究的学术历程及本文写作之缘起。论文主体部分由四章构成。第一章,结合清末民初的时代背景及吕碧城的家世生平,描述其人生道路、社会活动、文化建树与文学历程。第二章,详细论述吕碧城词的思想意蕴与题材拓展。吕碧城的词内容丰富,本文将其分为五类:其一,不为虚言、面向现实的酬唱词;其二,意味深长、别有寄托的咏物词;其三,情感真挚、独具韵味的抒怀词;其四,景象万千、别开生面的海外词;其五,寓浅于深、充满哲思的佛理词。吕碧城的词从一个侧面反映了近代中国社会的历史变迁和精神历程,表达了作者热切渴望女性解放的内心感受,具有深厚的文化蕴涵和独特的思想价值。第三章,具体分析吕碧城词的取径宗承与艺术特色。吕碧城的词取得了杰出的艺术成就,主要体现在四个方面,即浓郁深婉的感伤色彩,真挚强烈的爱国情思,融诗化典、熔新入旧的语言特点,豪纵不羁的精神气势与纤婉缠绵的情感特征。这两章为全文的内容重点。第四章,概括论析吕碧城的其他文体创作。首先探讨吕碧城词的题材与内容及其艺术成就,其次阐述吕碧城散文的内容与主题及其艺术特色,藉此显现吕碧城文学创作的全貌,从而有助于更好地理解吕碧城的词作。论文结语部分,通过纵横比较,简要评价吕碧城的词史地位与影响:吕碧城是清末民初成就杰出、个性鲜明的著名词家,也是南社重要诗人和散文作家,她在近代词坛和女性词史上均占有重要地位。

【Abstract】 Lu Bicheng, called "the first Modern Dynasty woman writer of Chinese ci" by Qian Zhonglian, was not only a very famous writer of Chinese ci in achievment, but also an excellent poet and an typical essayist. And Liu Yazi ever thought of her as the first poet in Nan She, however, there is little study about her on her outstanding literary achievement. The articles that were written before mainly concentrated on her social activities comprehensibly deals with her literary creation, especially her, Collection of Chinese ci, Poems and proses, understand the profound meaning of her works by specific a analysis of her text, grasps her rich typical artistic style, and the characteristics of her benevolent spirit and unusual life experience.The introduction of the paper outlines Lu Bicheng’s academic course and the reason for writing this paper. The body of this paper consists of four chapters. The first part descibes her way of life and Social activities, literary course and cultural contribution, combining the age back ground of the late Ming and the early Qing and her family and life story. The second analyzes in detail the theme orientation of her ci, and points out the artistic features of it. Because her Chinese ci is very rich and meaningful content, I divide it into five parts, namely, Chinese ci of canting things praising objects, expressing the feelings, depicting overseas and explaining the reasons of Buddhism The third specifically explores the outstanding artistic achievement of her Chinese ci, and these features of her works are embodied in following four points: a) sad spirits, b) strong love to her native country. C) composing her poems by using the old things, d) magnificent momentum, and gentle approach.The fourth is a brief description of LU Bicheng’s other creation of stylistics. Firstly, it explores the materials, contents and artistic feats of LU Bicheng’s Chinese ci secondly narrates the contents, themes and artistic features of her proses by show the outline of her literaty creation in order to understand better LU Bicheng’s ci works. The last part evaluates simply the status and in fluence of her Chinese ci by compare in every aspect and concludes as an excellent and typical writer of Chinese ci, an important poet and essayist, she takes up the very important position in contemporary world of Chinese ci and womon history of Chinese ci.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】445

