

The Diversity Research on Germplasm Resources of Decorative Lily

【作者】 曾小英

【导师】 赵庆芳;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 植物学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 观赏百合因其植株花形大、端庄飘逸,是切花中的优良品种,深受广大消费者的青睐,是目前国际市场上十分畅销的花卉之一,具有广阔的市场开发前景。 全球已发现百合共有96种左右,主要分布在中国、目本、美国和欧洲等温带地区。我国约分布有46种左右,是世界百合的分布中心。但是由于种种原因,我国在百合的育种方面非常薄弱,目前还没有培育出比较知名的杂交品种或品系,当前国内商业栽培种球主要依赖于国外进口。 本文对来自亚洲系、东方系和铁炮杂种系的一些著名品种进行分子标记、花粉形态扫描及组织培养的多样性研究,再结合已有的资料进行综合分析,旨在了解三种品系百合的遗传多样性状况、育种背景及相互间亲缘关系,为我国观赏百合的育种工作提供一些基础性资料。 用15个引物对三个品系来源的15个百合品种进行扩增,15个引物扩增出218个条带,其中品种间多态性条带为216条,占总扩增带数的99.08%。三个杂种系中,亚洲系各品种的多态性条带比率(PPB)为40.83%,Nei’s基因多样度(h)为0.1654,Shannon多样性指数(Ⅰ)为0.2415;东方系各品种的PPB为42.20%,h为0.1600,Ⅰ为0.2381;铁炮系各品种的PPB为25.23%,h为0.1072,Ⅰ为0.1551。三个杂种百合品系中,铁炮系品种的遗传多样性水平最低,亚洲系品种的遗传多样性水平最高。 品种间Nei’s氏遗传距离系数显示:不同品系百合品种之间的遗传距离明显大于同一品系百合品种之间的遗传距离,反映了同一品系来源的百合品种具有较近的亲缘关系,而不同品系来源的百合品种具有较远的亲缘关系。三个杂种系中,东方系各品种和亚洲系各品种之间的遗传距离较小,亲缘关系最近;铁炮系各品种与亚洲系各品种之间的亲缘关系最远。 应用扫描电镜对三个杂种系百合的部分品种和兰州百合、细叶百合的花粉进行形状、大小、外壁纹饰等方面的比较研究,结果显示:百合花粉的形状皆呈椭球体,具单沟萌发孔,沟长达至两端,花粉外壁皆为网状纹饰。不同品种、品系来源的百合花粉粒在大小、P/E值和外壁纹饰上存在不同程度的差异,对区分某些品种、品系和品种、品系之间亲缘关系的鉴定具有一定的参考价值。其中同一品系来源的百合品种,其花粉的主要特征相似性较大;不同来源的百合品种,其花粉主要特征差异显著。东方系品种的P/E值在0.375~0.405之间,亚洲系品种P/E值在0.401~0.402之间,铁炮系品种的P/E值在0.450~0.507之间。三个杂种系中,铁炮系品种的P/E最大,东方系和亚洲系品种的P/E较为接近。花粉表面纹饰显示:三种杂种系之间,东方系和亚洲系百合纹饰较相似,网脊上都有瘤状或疵状颗粒,而铁炮系列百合网脊平滑,无颗粒排布。反映了东方系和亚洲系百合具有较近的亲缘关系或遗传背景。 对三个品系中的部分常见品种进行组织培养及试管苗快速繁殖的研究。结果显示:初代鳞片诱导及芽的增殖过程中,丛生芽和小鳞茎的形成率、生成数目及其生长情况与百合基因型之间有很大的相关性,不同品系来源的百合品种在培养过程中表现出较大的差异,而同一品系来源的百合品种则表现出较多的相似。 RAPD标记结果显示:花色、花型和百合品系遗传多样性、品种间亲缘关系有很大的相关性,可以用来粗略评价百合品系的遗传多样性状况,鉴定品系内各品种间的亲缘关系。RAPD分析涉及的品种中,亚洲系品种和东方系品种的花型、花色具多样化;铁炮系品种的花色、花型非常单一。铁炮系百合的遗传多样性水平最低,东方系和亚洲系百合的遗传多样性水平较高。品种间Nei,S氏遗传距离显示:同一品系中,相同花色的百合品种具有较小的遗传距离;不同花色的百合品种其遗传距离也较大。 主要研究结论如下:1.三个杂种系中,亚洲系和东方系百合遗传多样性水平较高,铁炮系百合遗传多样 性水平最低;2.亚洲系和东方系百合品种的亲缘关系较近;3.同一杂种系来源的百合品种在花粉形态、组织培养与植株再生等方面具有很高的 相似性;4.花色、花型和百合品系遗传多样性、品种间亲缘关系有很大的相关性。

【Abstract】 Lilium is a great genus which includes abundance species and cultivars. Lilium is also one of the important ornamentals crops and ranks seventh among the cut flowers auctioned in the world. Because of the glorious blooms and scent, they were mass-produced as potted plant, cut flower and courtyard plant.China is the distribution centre of lilium .There are almost 46 out of 96 species in China. While for some reasons, the breeding of lily is undeveloped. At present, there are not famous varieties and strains.which are breeded in china. The bulbs which have been cultured for trade chiefly depend on import.The Asiatic Oriental and Longiflorum hybrids of Lilium are the world-wide hybrid strains , which are largely traded in the international market. In the present study, diversity of RAPD markers, pollen character and micropropagation of lily cultivars were studied. By combination of results in the present study with others that have been conducted in other previous research and analysis of diversity, breeding background of the above three strains , relationships among the cultivars, some conclusion expected to be drawed for the breeding of ornamentals lily in China.Based on 15 random primers , RAPD polymorphism of 15 lilium cultivars were detected. Of 218 bands, 216 were polymorphic (99.08%) . The PPB, h and /of the Asiatic cultivars were 40.83%, 0.1654, 0.2415, respectively; the PPB, h and I of the Oriental cultivars were 42.20%, 0.1600, 0.2381, respectively; the PPB, h and /of the Longiflorum cultivars were 25.23%, 0.1072, 0.1551 respectively. The lily cultivars of the Asiatic hybrids had the highest genetic diversity; Longiflorum hybrids had the lowest genetic diversity.Neis genetic distance among the cultivars showed that value of gernetic distance among the cultivars from the same strain were lower than that from different strains. The results revealed that cultivars from the same strain had much closer relationships; the cultivars from different strains had less close relationships. Among these three strains, gernetic distance between Asiatic cultivars and Oriental cultivars was the lowest, which was the highest between the Asiatic cultivars and Longiflorum cultivars. The Oriental strain and Asiatic strain had relatively closer relationship.The pollen grains of some cultivars from the three hybrid strains were examined underscanning electron microscope (SEM). The pollen character and gross morphology in Lilium were discussed: The pollen grains were generally elliptic and monocolpate(distal). Evidence from pollen morphology indicated that the pollen size, P/E value and exine sculpturing among species, cultivars were different in varying degrees, which could be used to distinguish cultivars. The main character of cultivars from the same strain are similar, which revealed that these cultivars had closer relationships. The exine sculpturing also revealed that there was more similarity between Asiatic Hybrids and Oriental Hybrids.In present study, The difference in clonal propagation of the three strains cultivars were discussed through culture of scales. The induction proportion and the growth status of the buds and little bulbs, the proliferation of the buds and their growth status had direct correlation on genotype of lily. Cultivars from the same hybrid strain had more similarity .The study showed the flower colour and shape were related with genetic diversity and relationships of lily cultivars. The Oriental and Asiatic hybrid cultivars were rich in flower colour and shape, they also had high genetic diversity. The Longiflorum hybrid cultivars was poor in flower colour and shape, they also had lower genetic diversity. In the same strain, cultivars that were same in flower colour were more familiar than others. The above results could be used to distinguish the relationship of lily cultivars from the same strains.The main results are as follows:1. The lily cultivars of the Asiatic hybrids strains had the highest genetic diversity; Longiflorum hybrid strains had the lowest gene

  • 【分类号】S682.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】733

