

A Research on Cultivating Educational Professional Competence of English Majors in Higher Normal Universities

【作者】 李旭明

【导师】 刘旭东;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 随着素质教育的不断推进,基础教育英语新课程的逐步实施,二十一世纪的基础教育对教师素质的要求越来越高。高师英语教育肩负着为基础教育培养合格英语教师的重要任务。几十年来的高师英语教育为基础教育培养了大批的人才,但是基本上仍采用非师范院校的英语教育模式,尚未形成具有自身特色的教育体系。在基础教育英语课程改革条件下,高师英语教育的人才培养模式已经暴露出了诸如知识面窄、教育教学理念不清、心理承受能力差、教育专业能力不强等弊端。基础教育改革、教师专业化等宏观背景对高师院校的人才培养提出了更高要求,英语专业学生教育专业能力的培养就历史地提到了广大英语教育者的面前。 由于长期以来高师英语专业教育缺乏与基础教育英语教学的配套协调研究,我国英语教师教育的现状与基础教育发展需要存在较大差距。以天水师范学院英语系为例,在培养学生教育专业能力方面存在以下几方面的问题:①在培养目标定位上与自身条件不相符合,盲目强调培养适合多种行业的复合型英语人才;②采用共时培养模式,在培养过程中极容易因一味强调学术性而牺牲师范性;③在课程设置上,重专业课,轻教育理论课,重理论教学,轻实践教学。因此,高师英语专业如果不注意自身的改革和建设,积极地适应基础教育改革,仍按从前的模式所培养出来的人才将很难适应现代英语教学,难以在教育发展迅猛的今天占有立足之地。 高师英语专业人才同样是一种复合型人才,其模式是“英语+教育专业”,很显然,这种复合性主要体现在教育特色方面。因此,高师英语专业应着重培养学生的教育专业能力,主要包括:①认知能力;②教学反思能力;③设计创意能力;④执行能力;⑤观察能力;⑥话语能力;⑦互动能力;⑧群体控制能力;⑨表现和操作能力;⑩研究能力。

【Abstract】 Along with the continuous development of quality education and reform of English curriculum, 21st century brings forward more and more requirements to English teachers. Normal universities and colleges shoulder cultivating qualified English teachers for basic education. For decades of years, normal universities and colleges have trained numerous English teachers. However, their educational pattern has nothing different with non-normal universities. That is to say, these normal universities and colleges haven’t fashioned their own features. Under the condition of the reform of English curriculum, more and more abuse of English major education in normal universities and colleges emerged, such as narrow knowledge, mixed educational beliefs, devoid of psychological endurance and weak educational professional competence. Nowadays, under the circumstances of the reform of basic education and teacher professionalization, educational professional competence cultivating of English majors in normal universities and colleges has been put forward in front of English educators.Due to the lack of corresponding research between English major of normal universities and English teaching of basic education, a big gap between the present status of English major and the development requirements of basic education has come into being. Take the English department of Tianshui Normal University as an example, its cultivation of English majors has the following deficiencies: a) So far as the educational objective is concerned, less is taken into account about its own educational conditions, so blindly emphasizes training compound talents to meet with multiple vocations, b) Concurrent model of training teachers has been adopted with the result of sacrificing teacher-training characteristics because of stressing technicality, c) So far as its curriculum design is concerned, more regards are put on English major courses and theories, compared with educational courses and practice. Therefore, if normal universities and colleges like Tianshui Normal University do not pay more attention to their reform and construction, actively acclimatize themselves to the reform of basic education, their ’products’ will never follow the modem Englishteaching and the rapid development of basic education.We should regards English majors of normal universities and colleges as compound talents as well. Its model is "English plus education". Obviously, this kind of compounding is characterized by educational competence training. As a conclusion, English major in normal universities and colleges should mainly cultivate the following educational professional competence: 1) cognitive competence; 2) reflective competence; 3) creative and designing competence; 4) implementing competence; 5) observation competence; 6) discourse competence; 7) interactive competence; 8) group monitoring competence; 9) presentation and operation competence; 10) research competence.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】817

