

Research on Effect of Cognitive and Metacognitive Reading Strategy Training for Non-English Majors

【作者】 周雪

【导师】 陈冠英;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读理解是英语教学和学习的重要技能之一。长期以来,在阅读教学中,传统的语法-翻译法不仅不能有效地提高学生的阅读水平,更不能培养学生的自主学习能力。而培养自主性学习正是学校教育的真正目标。将认知、元认知策略培训纳入英语阅读教学可以给学生在传授陈述性知识的同时,教授程序性知识和条件性知识,即教会学生如何学习和解决实际问题,最终成为学习的主人。 信息加工论和认知理论可以帮助我们深刻地理解阅读理解的本质。它既包括认识对信息的一般意义的加工:知觉、记忆、储存、信息提取,输出;又包括深层意义的元认知活动,即对认知活动的规划、监控、管理、调节和评价。所以对学生进行认知、元认知策略培训不仅是提高他们阅读能力的重要途径,也是培养他们自主学习的有力手段。 目前,国外对元认知策略培训在母语和二语环境中的研究较多,但对于外语环境中的实证研究较少。近几年,国内对元认知的研究较普遍,但主要集中在文献综述和描述性研究方面。对于认知、元认知策略培训相结合的效果研究和两者关系的实证研究凤毛麟角。所以,本项研究在以上两点做出了探索性的尝试。 培训的样本来自于西北师范大学非英语专业、同一年级的3个自然班(2001级化学教育甲乙两班,2001级计算机科学甲班),共161名学生。随机选取一班为实验班,另外两个班为对照班。培训时间为18周。实验工具采用三次英语阅读水平测试;两份问卷和一次“反省式”面谈。采用SPSS(版本10.0)收集和处理数据。实验结果证明,实验班在培训后,阅读成绩显著提高;全局和局部认知、元认知策略使用明显增多。同时,高、中、低三等级阅读水平学生的培训效果也各有不同:中等和低等学生的成绩提高显著,而且全局和局部策略使用也明显增多;高水平学生成绩提高不显著,尽管策略使用也有所增多。这一结果对于大多数中、差学生的阅读成绩提高有着十分现实的意义。此外,认知、元认知策略和英语阅读水平之间、认知和元认知策略之间较高的相关性表明,阅读成绩的提高受到认知、元认知两方面的影响;在实际培训中,结合认知策略和元认知策略方可取得理想的培训效果。 本项研究在样本、测量工具的选取、影响策略使用的其它变量的研究方面仍有许多不足,有待深入探究和完善。

【Abstract】 This article reports an effect study of cognitive and metacognitive strategy training for reading in an ongoing university foreign language reading classroom. The basic theoretical rationales come from cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and foreign language learning strategy instruction.Reading is one of the key proficiency in language pedagogy and learning. The traditional grammar-translation oriented teaching reading method overemphasizes language form and overlooks students’ ability in language use. From the perspective of Information Processing Theory and Cognition Theory, the nature of reading embraces both cognitive information processing in the lower level and metacognitive integrated activities in the higher level. Therefore, the cognitive and metacognitive strategy training, which serves as the bridge between explicit instruction and learner’s individualized learning, aims to cultivate self-autonomous learner.At present, in the field of Chinese language strategy research, more focus is paid on learner’s metacognitive descriptive investigations. The combination of cognitive and metacognitive strategy training is less covered in Chinese context.In the current research, the effect of the cognitive and metacognitive strategy training in reading is explored. The subjects in the present study come from three intact non-English major classes in Northwest Normal University with total numbers of 161, in which one class is randomly chosen as the experimental class, the other two classes as the controlled classes. There are three reading tests, two 5 Likert-Scale questionnaires and one retrospective interview embraced in the experiment instrument. Data collection and analysis are implemented by SPSS (Version 10.0). Several main outcomes are obtained as follows. First, the reading performance of the experimental class, compared with those of the controlled classes, is significantly improved. Second, the experimental class exploits more global and local cognitive and metacognitive strategies than the controlled classes. Third, the intermediate and lower level readers’ reading performance are also greatly enhanced with the more frequent use of global and local strategies. Last, the reading improvement is contributed by both cognitive and metacognitive strategy training and there is highly correlated relationship between cognitive and metacognitive strategy.The current research implies that cognitive and metacognitive strategy training not onlypromotes students’ reading performance, but it is crucial to develop students’ self-regulated learning proficiency. The fact that the intermediate and lower level readers benefit more than the higher level reader from the training indicates the training is of great importance for the majority of medium and lower reading level students in the ongoing reading class.There isn’t without restrictions in this research and undoubtedly more improvement should be taken into consideration in it.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】587

