

A Research into the Problems, Countermeasures of Teaching Practice in Higher Normal Colleges and Universites

【作者】 余明远

【导师】 王鉴;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 高等师范院校实践性教育问题的提出源于以下几点:随着国际竞争的日趋激烈,具有创新精神与实践能力的人才成来未来社会的主流需求,师范教育如不改革,将在源头上决定我国在国际竞争中处于劣势;高等师范院校体系的改革将形成多元化师资培养格局,高等师范院校必须发扬师范教育优势,才能立于不败之地;然而,我国的高等师范院校教育课程结构中教育专业课程比例过低,教育专业课课程又存在结构性缺失,三级学科教学法势单力薄;中小学新课程的实施,对质量型师资的需求,提高了对教师实践技能的要求;实践技能本是教师职业的内在要求,但由于中国教育历史传统中实践性教育严重缺失,使得实践性教育思想的贯彻面临很大困难。 作为最重要的实践形式,教育实习在师范院校教育中的地位不容置疑,然而实际中却陷入了将就应付、有名无实、名实俱无的困境中,真正坚持者很少。理论工作者不屑研究教育实习,少有的研究也存在理论脱离实际、没有整体规划、缺乏探究深度、观点差异大的弊端。 师范院校思想政治教育专业的教育实习之所以非常重要,是因为思想政治教育专业本身有很强的实践性要求,特别是新课程实施后对任课教师的实践技能要求更高,这就使得改革滞后的思想政治教育专业,加强实践性教学显得十分迫切。 师范院校思想政治教育专业教育实习中存在问题是多方面的,因而采取的对策也应是系统的。 教育实习形式方面存在的问题是:基地式教育实习各教学系无法统筹,中小学也无力承受;游击式教育实习易产生短期行为;委托式教育实习质量参差不齐;自由分散式教育实习疏于管理。 澄清思想政治教育专业主业,明确教育实习的主攻方向,这是前提;具体教育实习形式有待研究,但应遵守时间集中为主与分散为辅相结合、基地为主与自由分散为辅相结合、校本培训为主与中小学培训为辅相结合、计划性为主与机动性为辅相结合、针对性为主与系统拓展相结合等原则,并建立评估体系。此外,还要将职前职后教育统一,延伸教育实习,以满足终身学习的需要。 教育实习的组织者——师范院校和思想政治教育专业教学系存在的问题首先是对教育实习的意义认识不清,因此,教学管理部门配合不力,经费投入不足;指导不力;措施不健全、管理模式滞后;管理体制不健全,要么院校统一管理,工作粗放;要么各硕士学位论文:高等师范院校教育实习的问题与对策研究教学系自行其是,质量差异悬殊。 要加强教育,明确教育实习的作用,教育管理部门应该树立教育实习资源观,充分挖掘利用一切有益的东西:建立以教学系管理为主、院校统一协调为辅的体制;成立管理幅度大、活动口径宽、层次少、协凋半径大的实习管理机构。 教育实习的指导者—师范院校学科教学法教师、专业课教师和中学思想政治课教师方面存在的问题是:首先是学科教学法教师地位不高,知识结构缺失,教学技能差,不明下情,单兵作战;其次,专业课教师教学手段单一,自身实践能力差;最后,中学思想政治教师非专业师资比例高,教学方法落后,人格力量欠缺。 要重视学科教学法师资的培养,使其成为复合型教师;学科教学法教师要定期下基层了解交流,积极进行教育实习研究;师范院校要聘用中学优秀教师兼教实践技能课:专业课教师也要参与实习指导工作,特别是在平时授课中注重对大学生实践技能的培养;中小学思想政治课教师要专业对口,注重方法,力求德才兼备。 教育实习的主体—师范院校思想政治教育专业大学生存在的问题主要有:大学生认识上存在偏见,轻视教育实习;专业课程模式陈旧、口径窄、体系杂乱。 正确认识思想政治教育专业的功能,加强实践技能培训固然重要,但更为基础的是,师范院校思想政治教育专业课程设置必须改革,要及时补充新内容、并与中小学新课程接轨、加强课程间的实质性逻辑联系,以达到培养“专业+政治教育理论”模式的复合型人才的目的。

【Abstract】 The following points attribute to the raising of practical educational issues at normal universities: with the growing intensity of international competition, talents with creative spirit and practical ability become the main demand of future society; If teacher-training still remain unchanged, it will put our country in an inferior position in international competition; The reform of normal university system will produce a multi-scheme teacher-training pattern, only by developing the advantage of teacher-training can normal universities be in invincible position. However, within the curriculum structure at normal universities, the ratio of educational courses is too low, the curriculum structure for education specialty is neglected and the teaching method of three- level disciple is weak. The implementation of new curriculum at primary and middle schools requires teachers of good quality and heightens the requests fro practical skills of teachers, In essence, practical skills are the intrinsic demand roe teacher professions, however, due to the absence of practical education in the tradition of Chinese educational history, carrying through practical educational ideas is confronted with big difficulties.As an important form of practice, teaching practice plays a undoubtedly important role on the whole educational cause of normal college and universities, yet the real situation is that it has now being reduced into a confusing matter of an only namely form without any practical effect and seldom being insisted on. The theorists do not bother to study the teaching practice, and those existing ones have their own disadvantages of the theory being separated from practice, lacking whole planning and research depth and great gap of viewpoints.The reason why teaching practice is very important especially for the ideological and political education majors is that it lays a very high practical standard particularly on the teachers after the implementation of the new curriculum, thus making it more urgent for the ideological and political education which clearly falls behind in its reform to strengthen its practical teaching.The problems lie in teaching practice of ideological and political education majors of normal colleges and universities are various and the solutions should be systematic.The problems are the following:The form of taking school as the practice base makes it difficult for different departments to control and operate, and the primary and middle schools to stand, changeable teaching practice is vulnerable to short-term effects, granted teaching practice has quality problems, free and scattered ones lack administration.Making clear the main task of ideological and political education and the direction of teaching practice is the main premise of the whole matter, The concrete form of teaching practice is yet to be studied, but generally it should follow the unifying principles of taking concentrated teaching practice as a main stream while scattered one as subsidiary; teaching practice bases as main places while scattered freely as subsidiary; college-based training as a main method while primary and middle school training as subsidiary; planned teachingpractice as a main form while flexible one as subsidiary, and build up an assessment system; besides, pre-service education and post-service education must be unified to extend the teaching practice and to meet the demand of life education.The organizer of teaching practice normal colleges and universities haven’t realizedthe significance of teaching practice with the administrative departments’ insufficient support and fund, little guide, imperfect measures and inappropriate administrative systems with backward managing mode in the form of either unified management or different mode of every department, which leads to quite different quality of it.So the functions of teaching practice must be made clear through education. The administrative authorities should have correct concept for teaching practice resources, taking full

  • 【分类号】G652.4
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】3678

