

Communicative Approach and Its Implementation in China’s English Teaching

【作者】 张亚兰

【导师】 周爱保;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 语言是交际工具,外语教学的目的是把外语用作交际工具。这是尽人皆知无可争议的。但是对通过什么途径来最有效地教外语、学外语的看法却并不是那么一致。就我国的英语教学而言,所采用的传统教学法有语法翻译法、听说法、情景法等。到了70年代后期,交际法进入我国已有十年左右,而且也有些院校全部地或部分地采用交际法。但是变际法在我国必竟还没有被普遍接受。它的必要性如何?可行性如何?还是个值得探讨的问题。 交际法教学注重教材内容以语言的功能意念为纲,其目的是学会用语言去做某件事情,强调教学材料的“真实性”和“大摄入量”以及教师与学生、学生与学生之间的“互动性”。交际法注重教学材料要源自现实生活,与现实生活息息相关的真实材料,取材范围广泛,内容涉及日常生活、科技、经贸等各个方面。材料的丰富和学生的摄入量大,对增强学生的感性认识以及语感,拓宽学生的知识面和视野,培养学生具有适应各种场合,进行有效的、得体的交际能力都是有利的。 本文追溯了交际法产生的历史背景,阐述了交际教学法与传统教学理论的关系,分析了交际法在我国的研究现状,然后以中英合作教学项目交际法教学在天水师范学院的实施为例,采用问卷调查法和访谈法对项目的实施效果进行调查和分析,总结了交际法作为一种教学理念和方法其本身的优点和不足,同时也客观地指出了在实施过程中存在的诸多制约因素以及实施交际法对英语教学带来的启示,最后得出结论:像其它任何一种教学方法一样,交际法也不可避免地存在着局限性,但是它在教学中的优点是其它教学方法所无法替代的。为适应改革开放的需要以及我国加入WTO,我们培养出来的学生必须具有正确、流利、得体三者兼备地运用英语进行交际的能力。因此,根据我国基础英语教学实际,在当前高校英语教学改革中,应大力提倡运用交际法,将传统法和交际法二者相结合,取长补短,采用“综合教学法”(the integrated approach),把传授语言知识和培养交际能力二者有机地结合起来,充分地发挥交际教学法的长处,使之更好地为我国的英语教学服务。

【Abstract】 Language is a means of communication. No doubt that foreign language teaching is to cultivate students’ communicative competence of using a foreign language. But as far as the effective ways of teaching and learning a foreign language is concerned, people have some controversial ideas. The teaching method which have been used in China’s English teaching were: grammar-translation method, listening and speaking method and situation method, etc. By the end of 70’s of the last century, the communicative approach have been introduced into China for already over 10 years and been used by some colleges and universities, but it has not been generally accepted. It’s necessity and practicality are yet to be discussed and researched.The communicative approach emphasizes the teaching content being functional and notional, the purpose of which is to learn to use language to do things, it also emphasizes the "authenticity" and "large quantities of taking-in" and the interactiveness between teacher-student and student-student.The communicative approach stresses that the teaching material should originate from people’s daily life. These materials are closely related with people’s real life and are involved in a large area, the content is about the daily life, technology, economic and trade. The rich material and large quantities of taking-in are all helpful to increase students sensitive perceptive and to widen their knowledge and vision, cultivate students’ communicative competence on various occasions.This paper reviews the historical background of communicative approach, states the relation between communicative approach and the traditional method, analyzes the research situation of the communicative approach in China. Then, by taking the Application of the Sino-British Communicative English Teaching Project in Tianhshui Normal University as an example, it investigates and analyzes the application effect of the project by Questionnaire and visiting talk, thus summarizes the good points and disadvantages of the communicative approach both as a teaching notion and approach. Meanwhile, the writer also points out the various inhibitors met in application of this approach and some enlightment of the project to the whole English teaching in China . The final conclusion is: like any other approach orteaching methods, communicative approach unavoidably has its own shortcomings and limitations. But it also has advantages which any other methods do not have. In order to meet the In order to meet the needs of reform and China’s joining in WTO, the students must be equipped with the communicative competence which is proper , fluent, and acceptable. So , according to the reality of China’s basic English teaching, we should make good use of Communicative approach in English Teaching Reform, and combine it with traditionalmethod to form a new approach--the integrated approach, combine teaching of the languageknowledge and developing students’ communicative competence , let the communicative approach play its full role and thus provide a better service for China’s English teaching.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】3018

