

Towards the Dual System of Mental Lexicon in College English Vocabulary Acquisition

【作者】 丁瑶

【导师】 曹进;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文探讨了在二语心理词汇的形成过程中,词汇表征形成和发展的路径以及对此造成不利影响的因素;针对其中某些因素作者在大学英语词汇教学中进行了相关教学实验以期取得积极的改进。 文章首先回顾了目前对心理词汇所作的研究,认为双语者只有一个统一的心理词汇,心理词汇中含有形式系统和语义系统,双语者通过建立意义表征—形式表征的联系构建有效的双语心理词库。而非英语专业学生常常没有意识到所学的英语词汇的概念系统与自己所固有的母语词汇的概念系统不可能完全重合,因此未经过概念重组就在两种语言的形式系统间直接建立联系,导致了许多词的误用甚至是整体词汇能力的停滞僵化。这就要求在学习词汇的过程中,引导学习者建立英语词汇的形式系统与已有的意义系统之间的联系。在影响二语词汇表征与发展的众多因素(如二语输入数量与质量的欠缺,已有的母语词汇系统的存在)中,词汇教学方法可能会影响到英语词汇的形式系统与已有的意义系统之间的联系的建立与完善。基于此,第三部分的教学实验检试了在两种不同的词汇教学方法下,学习者在词汇联想测试中所产出的词汇反应类型的差异。第一种词汇教学方法向学习者提供了所学生词及例句的汉语翻译,第二种方法不向学习者提供生词及例句的汉语翻译,只提供英语释义、例句以及相关的派生词、近义词和反义词,辅以教师的适当补充。在其后进行的词汇联想测试中,两组学习者产出的反应类型表现出了显著差异,但所期待的语义型反应并未占据主导地位。这表明不同的词汇教学方法会对学习者的二语心理词汇的构建产生一定影响,但未能带来质的变化。二语心理词汇的构建是一个漫长复杂的过程,如何进行有效的二语词汇教学仍是一个等待着更多探索的问题。

【Abstract】 This thesis aims at exploring in the process of constructing the L2 mental lexicon, what problems would exert influence upon the lexical representation and development and if there is probability to approach these problems in college English vocabulary acquisition. The thesis begins by reviewing the findings of past studies that holds a dual system in mental lexicon for L2 learners, that is, form system and meaning system. The college students for non-English majors are likely to make direct link between the form systems of two different languages instead of conceptual link, which would result in misuse of words or even, lexical fossilization. Among other things, vocabulary teaching approach may be one factor that affects the strength of the link between the form system of L2 and the meaning system. To test this hypothesis, experiments with two different vocabulary teaching approaches were carried out on college students for non-English majors. Approach 1 gave students Chinese translation of the new words and example sentences as assistance when presenting new words, whereas approach 2 gave students no Chinese assistance but English information related to the new words. When assessing the results of these two vocabulary teaching approaches, word association test was adopted. Through comparing the frequency and mean proportion of the different patterns of response, the results gotten showed that different vocabulary teaching approaches do bring influence upon the construction of mental lexicon, but the change was not fundamental one. It proved that to constructing an effective mental lexicon is a long and complicated process, and different stages require emphasis upon different aspects, among which some components may be much more demanding to acquire and so claim to be the hard nut in L2 teaching and learning practice. Thus how to enhance the effectiveness of L2 vocabulary instruction is still an intriguing question that invites more researches.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】438

