

The Dynamic and the Generation in Teaching

【作者】 陈秀玲

【导师】 杨小微;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,社会各个领域的改革带来的思想观念上的发展与进步,为人们评判和反思教育问题不断地提供新的视角,当代复杂和生成的思维方式就给了教学过程以新的启示。建立动态生成的教学过程观就是要突破“特殊认识论”长期以来在教学过程观上的局限性,重视教学中的人、以及人与人的互动,从根本上解释课堂教学的复杂性和动态生成性,解决实践中出现的新问题,也将促进教学论的理论反思与重建。论文分四个部分: 第一部分是问题的提出。论文认为教学改革中有两个问题值得注意:其一是教学设计的预期与教学过程中“非预期事件”的矛盾,其二,目前的教学中出现了“无目的”的学生中心倾向、过于注重“求异”、新的程序化等新的倾向。究起原由,对教学过程认识不足是课堂教学失控的主要原因,特殊认识论过于偏重认知和对教学的静态层面的分析,而忽视了其动态和复杂的一面;线性的和二元对立的思维方式是教学无法真正走向自由的深层限制。改革也没有从以往单一和静态的模式化思维中解放出来。基于以上分析,论文提出要以一种复杂和多元的思维看待教学过程,建立动态生成的教学机制。 第二部分是建立动态生成的教学过程观,主要分析教学过程的机制和特征。教学依赖并仅仅依赖于教师、学生、教学内容等基本成分的存在以及相互间的多种复杂联系,也正是因此,教学从开放的导入开始,不断地激活着资源的、目标的和过程的“生成”,不断地在平衡与不平衡、有序与无序的交替循环中上升、发展。这个过程具有重视自主创造反对机械预设,倡导师生之间、生生之间多向互动,提倡教学方式方法综合性,关注关系状态以及提倡多元和个性等特征。 第三部分主要从教学思维方式改革、教学设计以及课常教学评价三个方面论述了过程观重建带来的对当前课堂教学改革的启示。 最后论文还谈到了它的教学论意义,指出教学论研究应该深入到教学过程之中,关注教育情境中的教育事件和教学问题,关注教学中人的存在。

【Abstract】 In these years, all fields in society have been changing so much that it give us some new scales to comment and rethink educational questions. The complex and dynamic way of thinking is just so. What the thesis wants to set up is the dynamic and generational teaching process which break through the predominate place of the traditional "special epistemology" and tries to emphasize persons in teaching .the author tend to explain us the complex generation in class and give some apocalypses to classes and subject itself. It can be divided into four parts:The first part is mainly about the necessarities to set up the dynamic and generational teaching process. The paper begins with the situation of the class teaching, it points out that the teaching process become more and more formalized and had no evidence of substantial progresses, though the teaching class has been reforming ever since. On the contrary, the new reformation has brought out some new questions. Above all, with no right views on the process of teaching is the first and main reason. Most of us too emphasized on analyzing the cognitive factors and the static layers and then ignored the dynamic and complex layers of the teaching process. Especially on the way of thinking, we haven’t liberated ourselves from the "only-one" way and the static mode. Thus, the author pointed out that we should rethink the process in a more scientific and more complex way, that is, in a multi-scale way to set up a dynamic and generating process.The second part explains us what the dynamic and generational teaching process is. The thesis thinks that teachers, students, teaching materials and the means of teaching are the main compositions of the class, thus just because of these relationships and their changes promote the teaching process with exoteric beginning to reach material generation subject generation and scheme-redesigning . hence ,the teaching process is a constantly change process, it goes up circularlyfrom balance to unbalance ,from no-order to be in order......the process has fourbasal characters - paying attentions to creativities ,emphasis on the ex-actionbetween teachers and students, synthetic study ways and encouraging relationships and everyone’s personality.The third part of the thesis expound us the significance of the dynamic and the generation in teaching to the whole reformation of the teaching classes .the part can also be divided into three questions : the reform of the thinking ways of teaching -, the teaching designing and the evaluation in classes.The last part of the whole project come down to the significance to the Didactic subject itself. The author point out that the subject should emphasis its study more on the internal teaching process and pay more attention to the people in classes.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】43
  • 【下载频次】910

